Vol 1 Chapter 3 (1/2)
Chapter 3: Appearance of unexpected error
These 3 fixed properties were all extremely important, giving up even a single one of them can make any people distressed. Therefore the point distribution on these fixed properties is beyond doubt important. Compared to basic attributes, it is very difficult to upgrade. Still Ye Tian Xie actually didn’t pause at all to think and distributed the points at one go. He distributed points as, charms 10 points, luck 0 point and comprehensive 0 point.
“……….Mister, distribution of points in fixed properties are very important, are you sure you want to distribute the points in this way? If luck is 0, at Destiny world your burst rate and critical hit rate will be at minimum and also while attacking, your attack takes minimum value of your attack value. And if comprehension is 0, at Destiny world you……”
“Do you think charm value of 10 points is enough to match up to my charm?” Ye Tian Xie exposed a weird smile towards the front which could bring back dead person back to life———-at least he himself thought this way.
“………..Mister, you indeed have high charm.” System voice have no choice but to politely reply.
“So it is decided this way. Next is choosing vocation right.” Ye Tian Xie said with proud smile.
“Ding……points distribution on fixed properties successful. Please wait a moment. System will be scanning your innate attribute. It will take 10 to 20 seconds of time.”
“Oh? Innate attribute.” Ye Tian Xie felt somewhat surprised. Basic attribute and fixed properties already can be claim as innate attribute, still what is this additional innate attribute?
“Ding…..innate attribute scanning complete. Your innate attribute are, reaction: 72, perception: 53 and focus: 42.”
Once again a single white colored panel appeared in front of Ye Tian Xie. In this panel, the first row was marked with 3 of the previous fixed properties and in the second row, there was another 3 never seen before unusual attribute. After that there was a small explanatory note which made him greatly interested.
‘Reaction’ is ability to cope with external attack at high speed. ‘Perception’ is ability to sense surroundings and danger to a certain range and ‘focus’ is ability to not be greatly affected by external simulation.
Players at Destiny world have innate attribute equal to the innate attribute at real world……….reaction, perception and focus. All this is related to the spirit. And entire VR game use brain wave of human body, like this cerebrum gives priority to these three innate attribute so anything else is unlikely to influence it. In simple words, what is the reaction speed in real world, same is in Destiny world and same for other remaining two innate attribute. So it is harder to upgrade.
“What is the average innate attribute value?”
“This…….more or less in between 7 to 10.”
“Between 7 to 10?” Watching his own innate attribute average value which was several times more, Ye tian Xie started to laugh. All this innate attribute is nothing more but the number representation of his real body.
What does it signify to have 7 times the reaction of normal person? Twice could be called out as extraordinary, triple may be called as superman, but 7 times was beyond the description.