Part 13 (1/2)
An hour later his car turned in at a stone gate, and up a long maple-lined avenue. From the windows of a generously broad, colonial mansion came a cheery blaze of light, throwing shadows outward from the tall white columns at the front. I could not help thinking of Maxwell's lodgings in Was.h.i.+ngton Square, and reflecting that, all prejudice aside, the flower of his wors.h.i.+p had not chosen so badly in transplanting herself here.
Weighborne met me at the entrance of a hall over which hung the charm of ripe old portraits and wainscoted walls. Furnis.h.i.+ngs of unostentatious elegance made the place a delight. We pa.s.sed into a large library where a wide hearth dispensed the cheer of blazing logs and our feet sunk deep in Persian rugs.
Yet even here, although instinctively hospitable, my host was plainly immersed in thoughts of coal and timber, for as soon as he had done the honors he plunged me into a litter of statistics.
I, poor business man that I was, had, time after time, to force my mind back from its undisciplined straying. As he talked of coal veins, I would find myself thinking of coral reefs. When he enlarged upon advances in timber tracts I would be seeing in my memory a circle of mahogany-skinned pigmies squatting silently about a portrait spiked to a sailor's chest with a pair of Damascus daggers.
At last Weighborne began sorting through the papers for some misplaced and necessary memorandum. He crossed the room to a desk at one corner which he found locked, and his e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n was one of deep annoyance.
”My wife has locked the desk and Heaven only knows where she has put the key,” he complained. ”I'll have to call the Country Club and ask her.”
His words must have carried to the next room, for at once a voice answered. It was a richly musical contralto, and at its first syllable my heart stood still, and the room commenced to whirl about me. I had never heard it and yet I _had_ heard it--singing in a wilderness of coral and orchids. Surely after all the big, little doctor was right, I was becoming a lunatic.
”Billy,” called the voice, ”you needn't 'phone. I'm here. I'll unlock it.”
My host turned in surprise and walked over to the door.
”Hullo, Frances!” he exclaimed. ”Didn't you go to the Club?”
”I had a headache,” replied the voice. ”I sent the others off, and stayed at home. I'll come in just a moment.”
I stood waiting, my pulses pounding turbulently. Had my host not been just then dedicated to a single idea he must have noticed my pallor and wondered at the fascination with which I came to my feet and stood gazing at the door.
And as I gazed she appeared on the threshold, the blaze from the logs lighting her and throwing a nimbus about her hair of gold and honey. I placed both my hands on the top of the table and braced myself as a man may do when the executioner whispers the warning ”ready!”
She might have stepped from the picture herself. Again she was in evening dress, which clung to her in soft lines of unspeakable grace. At her throat hung a string of pearls--the same pearls--and as she paused and our eyes met, I could have sworn that her muscles grew momentarily taut, and her lips twitched in a gasp. She put out one hand and steadied herself against the door jamb; then with the gracious recognition of a half-smile for a guest not yet duly presented, she went over and unlocked the desk.
I stood looking after her. I was conscious of a numbness of spirit--a sickening of hopelessness. The question was answered. The Frances of my Island, the Frances of Maxwell's heartbreak, the Frances who had married my business a.s.sociate, were, by a monstrous sequence of hideous circ.u.mstances and coincidence, one and the same. She stood ten feet and twenty sky depths away from me.
As I stood there all immediate things were apparitions seen vague and distorted through a chaos of wild emotion. I had a.s.sumed that for an experimenter in the unexpected I could qualify as tried and seasoned.
Now it seemed that all prior a.s.saults upon my equanimity had been mere kindergarten exercises in control.
Weighborne, still too self-absorbed to see that worlds were crumbling in his library, turned suddenly to us with an apologetic laugh.
”Frances,” he said, ”forgive me, I entirely forgot to present our guest.” Even then he did not present me, but turned to me to add, ”We've talked of you so much here, Mr. Deprayne, that I had overlooked the fact that introductions were in order. I'm the unfortunate type of one idea at a time. After all, I hope you'll feel that, having crossed the threshold you are one of us, and that further formalities may be dispensed with.” Then as I bowed, somewhat incoherently mumbling my acknowledgments, he turned his back upon the room and busied himself again with the rubbish that claimed his interest at the desk.
I wanted to leap for his throat. I, who had presented her as a G.o.ddess to a people under skies that rose from the ocean and dipped again to the ocean, needed no presentation. The casual fas.h.i.+on of his amenities was in itself an affront.
Of course all this was insanely unfair to my host, and even while my thoughts seethed in this unamiable vortex--so strong is the grip of artificial conventions--I was attempting to smile with the agreeable inanity of a drawing-room smirk.
But as she stood there I could read in her face also the record of the strange agitation that had evidenced itself at the door. Her spirit too was in equinox. The lips I knew so well, though only in one expression, were now grave and a little drawn, and her eyes held a wild questioning, as though my coming brought a startling riddle.
In a moment she was again the perfectly poised mistress of herself. She came over and offered her hand and as I took it she met my eyes smiling, though she must have read in them the rising hunger of a man for a woman--a hunger which in me was so poignant that my soul was the soul of a wolf. The touch of her fingers electrified me and the tremor of my own hand, before I withdrew it, must have telegraphed whatever my pupils failed to mirror.