Chapter 6 (1/2)

Undead Action 75360K 2022-07-22

Chapter 06

That short sentence was enough to make Si Nan imagined a myriad of possibilities of what had occurred. However, he was still calm on the surface, and merely expressed his curiosity with a single syllable: “Oh?”

Hearing this, Zhou Rong was very satisfied with his listening att.i.tude.

“There were three groups of people involved in the hostages rescue mission: kidnappers, compet.i.tors, and hostages. The kidnappers were dressed uniformly, the compet.i.tors wore bulletproof vest and a belt equipped with positioning chip, and the hostages have nothing. Over the course of the game, two hostages had been rescued in my hands. I only had to take them through the jungle and the mission would have been a success, but then I b.u.mped into this omega.”

Si Nan nodded.

“It wasn’t what you thought. At that time, that person was muddy and sweaty, his face wasn’t clear at all. Instead of beautiful, he looked really miserable, and his body was particularly sticky as well. That person then followed me everywhere. When it was dark, he was so scared he couldn't even sleep unless he was holding onto my arm…”

Sinan looked at the st.u.r.dy, strong arm hiding under the short-sleeved t-s.h.i.+rt Zhou Rong was wearing and nodded.

“…” Zhou Wei said: “I don’t know why, but I think what you are thinking just now must be a bit dirty.”

“No. Then?”

Zhou Rong could not find evidence of the other man's tainted mind and had to give up.

“And then? I took this hostage and rushed through the jungle. Whatever we were eating, I'd give them to the child to eat first, and in dangerous situations I'd also protect him first. I didn’t let him do any cooking, making a fire, or put up the tents. I was afraid if he was given something to hold, he would either drop and break it, or put it into his mouth. He was also very glued to me…. But everyone understood just how delicate and and weak an omega's body is, especially since he was still so young and small.”

Zhou Yan smoked his cigarette one last time before smoothly putting off the cigarette b.u.t.t on the ground. His expression turned a bit weird:

”Until on the last day, we were nearing the edge of the jungle and would have arrived at the camp by night…”

Si Nan: “He confessed to you?”

Afte a moment silence, Zhou Yan said depressingly: “No.”

“He stunned and tied me up. Then he thanked me, and took my gun equipment along with all my hostages. It wasn't until the next day, when the organizing committee sent someone to save me, that I finally found out that he wasn’t a hostage at all. He was a compet.i.tor who represented A country…”

“I, who was originally so far ahead in the compet.i.tion, actually lost! Until today I can’t figure out how an omega can be so deceitful, this is really a case of destroying the bridge after crossing the river![1]“

Zhou Rong punched into his own palm, then buried his head deep in his arms. Si Nan had to use all his self-control to maintain his casual tone: “Oh, you are indeed really miserable, Rong Ge… How did you not find out that he was a compet.i.tor?”

“Because after he entered the jungle, the first thing he did was to abandon all his equipment, drunk his water supply, and threw away all his dry foods. He also buried his gun and only left the positioning chip, which should always be on our bodies, as a way to identify his compet.i.tor logo. And can you guess where did he hide it?”

Si Nan shook his head.

“He swallowed it into his stomach.” Zhou Wei gritted his teeth and continued: “It was later taken out with a surgery!”

…you are d.a.m.n good at this game to the point of risking your life ah, Si Nan sincerely thought.

“What’s more terrible is, that kid actually already has a partner! After the game, a man from country A came to pick him up. I saw with my own eyes the alpha sneakily bit onto the gland at the back of his neck.” Zhou Yan said angrily: “Tell me, isn't that the same as cheating?”

Biting into one's posterior cervical gland was a typical way to temporary mark someone. The effect would usually last three to four weeks until it was naturally metabolized within the blood circulation. It was usually used for omegas who had not been completely marked. Temporary marks could block the dispersion of omega's pheromones, and more importantly, it was also used to identify owners.h.i.+p and challenge the surrounding alphas.

Another thing that had yet to be proved by theory but was generally accepted by public was that temporary markings were sufficient to form a temporary contractual relations.h.i.+p. In other words, to make them submissive.

– Alphas used this kind of pheromone direct infusion to intensify an omega’s natural feeling of fear and to obtain a transient psychological submissive behavior.

When Si Nan imagined that scene, somehow he did not feel comfortable. Seems like his subconscious did not believe what Zhou Rong had said as the truth. But mouth that has been fed by others is soft-spoken, and the hand that has received from others doesn’t reach[2], so he said sincerely: ”Yes, Rong Ge, you are right.”

”Now you understand why you shouldn't find an omega as your partner, right? Don't think that their occasional show of weakness means they are interested in you. For betas like you, there is 80% possibility that you would be swindled until none of your bones are left.” Zhou Ring touched his cigarette's box, thought about it, and then put it back, taking out the fever medicine box instead. He took out two pills and indicated for Si Nan to eat it.

“Let's stop talking for now, go to sleep. If you still have a fever tomorrow, it means there is no infection, otherwise your Gege will have to shoot you down.”

Si Nan leaned against the corner, using a make-s.h.i.+ft pillow made out of Zhou Yan’s thick clothes under his head. The light s.h.i.+ning through the cracks of the door illuminated the fact that most of the medicine box was soaked in black blood.

“…Thank you.” He paused for a moment then smiled. “I will take your advice… I won’t find an omega.”

Zhou Rong patted his head.

At this moment, the door was knocked twice. Zhou Rong opened it up a bit and saw it was Chun Cao. The girl said in a low voice: “I'm here to discuss the escape route, Rong Ge. The helicopter can't land directly on the roof tomorrow…….”

Zhou Rong made a gesture to interrupt her:

“Call Yingjie to bring his gun here and guard this room. Don't let those who protested the most during the day come near here.” He closed the door softly.

Si Nan closed his eyes and listened to the sound of Zhou Rong's footsteps as it faded away gradually..

The next day, the doctor put down the thermometer and said, “Thirty-seven point three degrees.”

Zhou Rong nodded politely, though everyone looking at his face knew that what he really wanted to say was: “You fool.”

The doctor left in face of Zhou Rong's victory. The latter then kicked on Si Nan's toes, indicating that since he wouldn't be put to death yet, he should hurry to get dressed and work. Then he turned and clapped his hands, yelling: “Very well – get up! Pack up the equipment, move the supplies, clean the shopping mall's corridors! Prepare for the helicopter landing, hurry and move!”

The people lying as listless as corpses all over the place began to move. Si Nan took a piece of seaweed pork loaf and walked out of the small room into the narrow corridor outside.

Yan Hao sat on the floor with his long legs bent uncomfortably, still holding onto the carbine which Si Nan had returned to him before. When he heard him coming out, he looked up and revealed a gentle smile.

Si Nan footsteps paused a bit.

Yan Hao got up, moved his stiff wrist and ankle, and turned away.


Zhou Rong was a monster who didn't need to rest. He was always very energetic at anytime and anywhere. Before lunchtime, he had personally drew a retreat route, divided the survivors into 14 groups, prepared them to go out through the safe corridor and climb to the top floor of the shopping mall. Then, he had smashed the zombies wandering in the safe corridor, and blocked the doors and windows on all floors. The other special force's members were patrolling back and forth, ready to notify each other via the radio about any anomaly at any time.

At half past three in the afternoon, he asked Yan Hao to bring some people to clean up the roof of the shopping mall building once and for all. The sound of four large helicopters coming was soon heard from the air.

”Yeah!” Yan Hao waved at those helicopters vigorously and signaled to the radio: ”The helicopters are preparing to make a landing! Arrange the first group to go upstairs!”

The sobbing survivors climbed onto the rooftop under the escort of the special force members. The pilot opened the hatch and yelled in the midst of the helicopter’s loud sound: “Enter from the front, don’t go to the tail – fast! Don’t crowd, enter one by one!”

“The helicopter is not enough!” The pilot shouted to Zhou Rong: “We will send one group first, then we will return after we have left them at the base!”

Zhou Rong waved his hand and said he understood. He rushed into the back end of the team and pulled Si Nan out. He gave him a warm army's dagger and an apple from who knows where.

“Come on!” Zhou Wei pointed at the helicopter and yelled at his ear: “Go, go!”

Next to them, someone protested: “Hey, you just said that women and children go first, men will go on the next batch!”

Zhou Rong ignored that person, and pushed Si Nan forward. The white-collar man dressed in suit trembled in anger: “You are too much, what’s your name? I’ll go to the Military Region to complain about you!”

“Zhou Rong-!” Zhou Rong said, “Go, go and complain!” Then, he continued pulling Si Nan forward without saying anything more.

“FULL FULL! Don’t get on!” Amidst the chaos, the shout of the pilots came from the front of the crowd. They closed the door and blocked several young people who were desperately pus.h.i.+ng forward. Four helicopters immediately took off and turned around, flying to north.

Loud screams and sighs molded into one. Zhou Rong cursed silently, then sat down on the floor exhaustingly.

Si Nan took out the apple, rubbed it, and pa.s.sed it to him: ”Want half?”