Part 9 (1/2)

Peace World Steven Hawk 77370K 2022-07-22

<that is=”” one=”” reason=”” we=”” stopped=”” visiting=”” your=”” planet.=””> Grant stopped smiling.

Did the Waa speak, or was that voice completely in his head?

<you hear=”” my=”” thoughts=”” in=”” your=”” head,=”” grant=”” justice.=””> ”You... can read my thoughts?”

<yes> ”t.i.tan. Conway. Are either of you picking up on this?”

”Yes,” t.i.tan confirmed. ”It's a little strange at first, but you get used to it. Just remember to talk out loud so the rest of us can hear you.”

”Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.” Then he turned his attention to the Waa. ”So your people used to visit Earth?”

<yes> ”Ever abduct any humans on your visits?”

<yes> ”a.n.a.l probes?” Grant let it be known what he was really asking with his mind.

A pause.

<yes> ”What about Area 51?”

<yes> ”Son of a b.i.t.c.h. So the whackos weren't whacko.”

Grant shook his head. Waking up after six hundred years had not been easy. It had taken him a while to wrap his head around the fact that he-of all the humans that ever lived-had been the one brought back by Tane and his team of scientists. Everyone he had ever known, everything he had ever known, was long gone and forgotten. It was a strange and mind-numbing experience, to say the least.

But he had managed.

On top of that, he'd had to acknowledge that aliens really did exist. The Minith had come to Earth, enslaved its people, and were a fact of his new existence. But the fun had not stopped there. Not only were aliens enslaving Earth, but he had been revived after six centuries for the sole purpose of fighting those aliens. That had been more than a lot to take in and a.s.similate.

But he had managed.

Build an army to defend Earth from future Minith attacks?

Yeah, he managed.

Climb on aboard an alien s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p? Hurtle through s.p.a.ce at faster than the speed of light? Help another sentient species defeat the Minith in another solar system?

Sure. No problem. He managed.

Fly to Waa, come up with the most incompetent plan ever devised, and get all his troops-and probably his own planet-killed in the process?

Oh, yeah. That he managed to do really well.

But this? This?

Finding out that little green men and a.n.a.l probes really did exist was like the biggest cosmic joke ever. And he was the on the a.s.s end.

He wasn't sure he could manage this.

Grant felt his entire being expand as the anger, confusion, and pain of the past seven years swelled. An unbearable wave flooded his body and threatened to burst forth from every pore and orifice. The pressure grew and grew. He crushed his palms into his eyes in a weak attempt to hold back the relentless, expanding pain. A force the size of the universe pushed outward, seeking escape from his body, and there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He was an overblown balloon, destined to pop. The explosion, long overdue, would paint the walls and those around him with bits and pieces of his soul.

He heard a distant, high-pitched wail and the last rational remnant of his mind recognized it as an anguished scream. His scream.

At the instant of his explosion, he felt a cool tingle in his head.

Then nothing.

Part II Peace World


”Three weeks?” Mouse asked. It was the same as last time. Three weeks of preparing. Three weeks of waiting.

”At the current speed, yes,” Tane confirmed.

Mouse nodded. His fingers went to his pocket and withdrew the list Grant had given him seven months before. He wished it was longer, provided more guidance, or offered more detail. But it did none of those things. It merely stated four items.

”Lead by example.”

”Continue training our forces.”

”Quickly incorporate Tane's new recruits.”

”Protect my family.”

He had done everything possible to accomplish the items on the list. The only one he worried about was the last one. He doubted his ability to protect anyone.

The leader of the armed forces on Earth glanced around the table for responses.

Blue's eyes were closed. He rubbed his temples furiously and muttered under his breath probably a Peace mantra.

Randalyn stared vacantly at a spot on the far side of the room. She was lost in thought, probably wondering how she would communicate this development to the Leaders.h.i.+p Council.

Tane was working at his monitor, already focused on the problem at hand.

Just two days ago, they had been ecstatic. Earth's scanners detected a blip-a new object had entered the solar system. Everyone at the table thought it was Grant and his mothers.h.i.+p returning. The timing was perfect. Three months out, three months back, with a month between to complete their mission.

But elation turned to confusion when the blip did not continue toward Earth. Instead, it sat silently at the edge of the solar system, unmoving.

Confusion turned to doubt when the blip was joined by a second blip twelve hours later. The doubt turned to dread when two more blips appeared just this morning.

And now all four blips were headed toward Earth.

Three weeks away.

Mouse ripped up the list. Let the pieces fall.