Part 18 (1/2)
”Of course I knew,” she snapped. ”I'm not an idiot. And I knew how it would look if everyone knew about Matilda and George when they found him. So I told the board to distance themselves from him.”
That would explain all of those weird statements about being aware of George.
”It was a mistake on my part,” Mama said. ”But that is all I've done.”
”Well, I still think . . . ” I said.
”Well, maybe you should stop thinking!” she said, cutting me off. ”You think his death won't hang over this fair for years to come? No matter where it is, everyone is going to remember this. We'll always be the fair where they found a guy in the freezer. You think that won't cut into my bottom line next year? Or the year after?” She shook her head, frowning at me. ”I'd be a fool to put a dead body anywhere on these grounds when I've got all my eggs in this basket.” She squinted at me. ”I'm gonna kill somebody, you better believe you'll never find that body.”
She hopped back into the cart and slammed the accelerator to the floor, covering us in dirt and gravel as she sped away.
”She has a point,” Victor said.
We were at the drinking fountain, rinsing the dirt from our mouths and faces from Mama's hasty exit.
”I guess,” I said, shaking the water from my hands.
”No, she really does,” Victor said, doing the same with his hands. ”A dead body causes way more lasting damage than any of those other things. And now that she's admitted she's the owner, I think it makes less sense. She'd be hurting her own pocketbook. And then there's the whole hiring us thing. She may be a bit cracked, but she doesn't seem dumb.”
No, Mama wasn't dumb. That was certain. And I agreed with Victor-given what we'd just confirmed with her, it seemed far less likely that she'd had anything to do with George Spellman's death. I could make a case that certain things pointed in her direction, but the financial part-which now seemed to be Mama's driving force-pointed the finger clearly away from her.
The problem was that I wasn't sure where it was pointing.
I stepped out from under the awning that housed the water fountain and into the late day sun. I was frustrated. I felt like we'd made no headway. And I wasn't getting to really enjoy the fair. I was too busy worrying about George Spellman, and about Mama's plans.
”So maybe this guy's death isn't related to her newfound business venture,” Victor said, slipping his from the brim of his hat to his face. ”Maybe it was just bad luck and timing.”
”You said he was in some motorcycle group and that tree-hugger group,” he said. ”Maybe the answer is there somewhere.”
”Or maybe you could just keep saying maybe.”
I squinted into the sun. ”Maybe.”
”Hey. Bozo. What's the matter?”
I shaded my eyes from the sun. The heat was intense. At least a hundred degrees. Too hot for April. Maybe that's what was frustrating me.
”I just find it hard to believe that all of this is going on and it's a coincidence,” I said. ”Could it be? Sure. But I'm just having a hard time buying that, particularly given the fact that he was somewhat involved.”
”I wouldn't say he was involved,” Victor said. ”He seemed to have known about what was happening. But that doesn't mean he was involved.”
”So, then, what? Someone killed him for another reason?”
”Sure. Happens all the time. Might not even be a reason. Might've just run into the wrong guy at the wrong time. It might not have been personal at all.”
I sighed. He was right, of course. But I still wasn't buying the coincidence. George had his hands in too many things that were overlapping for me to buy that.
Victor looked at his watch. ”I gotta scoot. Meeting the wife and kid for ice cream.” He paused. ”You should do the same.”
”They'll be here soon,” I said.
”No, I mean it, Deuce,” he said. ”You're wearing yourself out over this. Take a break tonight. It'll all still be here tomorrow. And maybe it'll make sense then.”
I knew he was right. It was just hard to disengage sometimes.
”Spend some time with Julianne and your daughter,” he said. ”As soon as number two shows up, you're gonna be too busy to even think.”
I laughed. ”I know. And you're right. Thanks.”
He tipped his hat as he started walking away. ”You're welcome. And I'm always right, Stilts. Always.”
Julianne and Carly arrived shortly after Victor left, and I was determined to take his words to heart. I felt like I'd been ignoring them and I wanted to rectify that. The fair had always been family time for us. With the closing of everything in town and Julianne always taking vacation days during that week, we usually spent it tethered together. I'd untethered myself and that didn't feel good. So I thought that night would be a good time to bond again.
During Carriveau County Idol.
Now, lots of fairs held their own singing compet.i.tions. Lots of fairs ripped off the singing shows from TV and tried to make them their own. But very few fairs put on a compet.i.tion with the elaborateness that Carriveau County did.
There were town tryouts. Then town compet.i.tions early in the spring before fair week. Then all of the town winners were featured in the newspapers. A website was created. There were multiple age divisions. A local radio station hosted it. And then tickets were sold for the big night at the fair.
Mama was smart. She might have ditched the demolition derby, but she hadn't messed with CCI. There would've been an insurrection. It was the toughest ticket at the fair to get and something people talked about all year long.
Most of the singing was horrifically bad, but some of it was decent. Decent for a county singing compet.i.tion, anyway. While the judges tallied up the final scores at the end of the evening, people were invited up to sing karaoke. And most of those who made it up on stage did so with the backing of a little-or a lot of-liquid courage.
We stopped to pick up a bright red slushy for Carly before working our way toward the stage. A long table was set up near the entrance, with a large plastic box on it.
”Daddy! A contest!” Carly pointed. ”Can we enter?”
I glanced at the table. A trifold poster board advertised a weeklong getaway at some Texas resort.
I shrugged. ”Sure.”
She ran to the table and tore off an entry form. She thrust it and a pencil into my hand.
”Here. You fill it out and I'll drop it in the box.”
I scribbled our name and address on it, folded it in half, and handed it to her. She pushed it through the slot on the top of the box and came back beaming.