Part 10 (1/2)

Yet another strike against the midget. His wife had recently given birth to their own baby, and in a burst of generosity-or insanity-we had given him the crib Carly had outgrown.

I'd studied page one of the instructions on the fancy new crib. ”This thing is ridiculous. I could a.s.semble a s.p.a.ce shuttle quicker.”

”The baby would probably love a s.p.a.ce shuttle. You can do that after the crib. I'll call NASA now.”

”The baby might be sleeping in a s...o...b..x,” I'd mumbled.


”Nothing.” I'd laid the instructions out in front of me. ”This will probably take me a couple days.”

A couple days turned into a couple months and it was still in a state of disarray upstairs. A s...o...b..x was a distinct possibility. But I wasn't worried. I had big feet. The kid would have plenty of room.

Carly bounded down the stairs, already dressed in shorts and a tank top, and immediately made a face. ”What are you eating, Mommy?”

”Eggs,” Julianne said, her eyes watering. ”With hot sauce.”

Carly eyed her suspiciously. ”Does it hurt?” Julianne shook her head no, but couldn't produce any words.

Carly looked at me. ”Is it to get the baby outside of her?”


”I don't think I ever want to have a baby,” Carly said. ”It seems . . . hard.”

”Your mom is kinda insane right now,” I whispered.

”What's insane?”


”I'm right here,” Julianne mumbled, her mouth full of eggs and burning fire. ”I'm pregnant, not deaf.”

”What are we doing at the fair today?” Carly asked.

”You and Mommy are working in the baby animal barn, I think,” I said.

Julianne nodded. ”Yeah. Would be a nice place to have a baby.”

”Is the food stand open yet?” Carly asked.

”I'm not sure, kiddo,” I said, standing up. ”I'm gonna head over there now and find out what the deal is today.”

”Can I come with?”

”No,” I said, running a hand through her hair. ”I need you to stay here and keep your mom company. In case she sets herself on fire.”

”I know where the fire extinguisher is!” Carly exclaimed. ”It's in the closet!”

”Excellent,” I said. ”If you see any flames around her body, you pull the pin on that thing and aim it at the middle of Mommy.”


Julianne ignored us and continued plowing through the eggs, sweat streaming down her forehead, determined to pop that kid out.


I was halfway to the fairgrounds when I realized someone was following me. And they weren't doing a very good job of staying inconspicuous. Amateurs.

I'd showered and dressed and put gas in the minivan and was in the middle of town when I spotted a black Toyota Prius right behind me. I'd noticed it at the gas station because it was at the pump across from me and the college kid driving it hadn't seemed to know where to put the gas in. He'd puttered around it nervously, before finally sticking the nozzle where it belonged. When I'd finished at the pump, he'd hurriedly done the same, spilling gasoline on the ground and hustling to get in his car.

The car had stayed right behind me since I'd left the station and as I pulled into the fairground parking lot, it turned in, too, parking several rows over from me, despite the fact that there were only a few cars in the lot.

I took my time getting out and watched the Prius driver get out, along with a girl on the pa.s.senger side. Both looked to be college aged and both wore He had on plaid Bermuda shorts, a tank top with a peace symbol in the middle of it, and slip-on Vans. The girl wore her long blond hair in a tight braid, denim shorts, and a bright green T-s.h.i.+rt with a design on it that I couldn't make out.

They both seemed unsure of themselves and I just stood at the back of the minivan, waiting them out. They whispered back and forth, shooting furtive glances my way, probably waiting for me to move.

I sat down on the back b.u.mper of the van and smiled at them.

They whispered some more and then finally headed my way.

”Was wondering if we were going to stand here all day and just look at one another,” I said when they got close.

They exchanged glances again and the girl cleared her throat. ”We know who you are.”

At least they hadn't tried to deny that they were following me. ”Okay.”

”The private detective,” she said. ”Right?”

”You said you knew who I was. You tell me.”

”You're Deuce Winters,” the guy said.

”And who are you two?”

Nervous glances again.

”I'm Dorothy,” the girl said. ”He's Scarecrow.”


”As far as you know.”

”The Tin Man couldn't make it? He have to work today, or is he in the back of the Prius with the flying monkeys?”