47 Park Yuri (1/1)

As Blaike entered the entrance exam building, he saw a hall with such dim light and those few children who got pa.s.sed through. He then registered his name on the counter to get his name number tag. ”Here you go sire, you're number 3000. Please proceed to your perspective area, room 3.” The registrar White robot explained to him, so he then walked through and look for where the area 3 is located. 10 minutes pa.s.sed and the real examination has just begun. ”Alright kids ~nya! I will be the one who will conduct your first exam round ~nya. For your first round, we need to examine all your Attributes and find out what rank will you be ~nya! But for those who got the lowest scores will be eliminated from this round ~nya! So now lets start by calling the numbers of five person each ~nya! Lets call out first number 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 ~nya” They then started to examine each examinee's Attributes by using a high-tech machines made by the Government a.s.sociation. *So even here, they also use a high-tech machine? Big sis Yang told me that the Machine will not accurately reveal its true results. Hmm..*

The first Round examiner's appearance is Demi-Human Cat creatures with an age of 25 years old. She wore a very seducing outfit that can see her white fare skin legs, her chest and her s.e.xy body, matching up with a gray half sleeve topped see through s.e.xy s.h.i.+rt blouse, s.e.xy denim short pants and s.e.xy white long legged socks with black sandals. She have grey ears, gray long tail, gray cat eyes, pointy nose with thin whiskers, white hair, pinkish lips and white thick eyebrows and eyelashes.

”Next ~nya! 2661, 2662, 2663,2664, 2665~nya!” Blaike saw the rich girl again, and she will now get to test her all Attributes. *Lets find out how powerful she really is.* The test were now came out, ”number 2664 ~nya. Hhmm? Oh ~nya! Oh ~nya!? Your test result is now here and your Physical Attributes: 280%, Mental Attributes: 210% and Innate Power: 33%, A total of 523 ~nya!? For the first time in 10 years ~nya! There's a newborn Special genius in our White Rose Academy ~nya!” The examiner got so surprised by her results and couldn't believe it. And all the children inside the area were whispering and chitchatting about her results, so the examiner stopped them immediately. ”Kids! Keep quiet ~nya! Lets move onto the next one ~nya! And young lady, please have a seat on that chair.” The rich girl then walked towards the special chair, located on the other door, facing the examinees. *That rich girl is really strong too, did she really have that kind of test results? How did she train herself? I wonder what kind of Insignia form does she have?* Blaike asked himself and it's excited to be friends with her. for about an hour and half pa.s.sed, ”Lets move to our last examinees group ~nya! Number 2996, 2997, 2998, 2999, 3000 ~Nya!” Blaike then walked himself in the front where the tester machine were located, and then they each put their both hands inside the hole, and then the machine started to examine them.

Blaike felt the hit from his both hands, like it was burning him so badly, so he then pull it out without the examiner's order. When the other examinees saw him, they then whispering it out and then the examiner heard then and saw Blaike, so walked towards him. ”Hey kid ~nya! What are you doing ~nya? I never said that you must stop ~nya! It's only just as seconds pa.s.sed and you pull it out ~nya? Are you done now or you wanna do it again ~nya?” ”Yes ma'am I think i'm done now.” *Why does my hand got so hot from it?* He then replied immediately while trying to heal the pain. ”Then lets see your results... nnnyyaa?! Oh nyaaa!? This can't be ~nya!? Aaheemmm.. Number 3000, your results are now here ~nya! Your Physical attributes: 300%! Mental attributes: 300%! And your Innate Power is 33%! A total of 632 ~nya!? Another special genius one ~nya! There's two new baby Genius in our academy ~nya.” *The one is special Genius and the other one is Star Prodigy. Will this be the new record in our academy ~nya? Maybe or maybe not ~nya But I must tell this to the head teachers immediately..* The examiner never thought to have two top students in their first round. All the examinees where shocked by Blaike's results and couldn't even believed it. *He also got high results?! I can't believe this!? Is he using some cheating method?! Or is he paying the Academy big money just to get into the top? I don't like him!? Arrgghh!* The rich girl got so very furious and thinking something went wrong when she saw Blaike's results, and she still couldn't believed it. *Hhmm? Why did I felt that strange heat awhile ago? I'm still not actually finished my test but the results were still okay though.* Blaike still thought what just happened, and when he glanced at the rich girl, she then gave him mean and furious look unto him. ”Hhmmpp! I'm going to beat you next time..” *Huh? What's wrong with her?*

”Okay children ~nya! The first round just ended and those of you who got the a total of 200% and up were all pa.s.sed and for those who got below than that, sorry but you better try next time ~nya! Okay let's go unto your second test ~nya! But the two of you will have another different test, so just follow this guider robot, it will guide you unto your next test ~nya.” The examiner guide the other student while Blaike and the rich girl followed the guider robot, without even having any conversation. When they arrived from another area, they saw a big field, rectangular in s.p.a.ce and in front of it have another elevated stage where only one person is sitting. The person was covered with white cloak and cannot seen it's face . Blaike informed Gie to scanned the Judge's data and information, He then also saw another two examinees from the field. ”Good day children! If you ask us why you were here? Its because the four of you have been chosen as the new born geniuses from the academy, we will provide you your needs and have a special treatment for each one of you. While the others have their second test right now, you four children have been directed to skip those rounds and move on to this special exam round. If you have some questions please do asked right now... I think you don't have, then lest start.” A voice of an old man coming from the hidden person in front of them. ”Without further ado, lets start one by one. Each one must come in front, introduce yourself and then give me a good performance.” The old man continued.

”Number 21!” A young hobbit boy, age of 6 years old, his appearance looks like from the low cla.s.s family, having a yellow spongebob painted t-s.h.i.+rt, camouflage short pants, and dark brown shoes, without any kind of items or weapons on him. Having blonde wavy hair, had light tanned hairy skin, white eyes with thick eyebrows and eyelashes, small nose and thin lips. ”Good morning sir! My name's Leroy Smallfoot, age 8, from the Green Village in Giant Continent.” *He's from the Giant Continent? Why did he wanted to study from so far away academy?* Blaike got surprised. The hobbit boy then activated his Insignia form. It then pop up two circle layers from his left eye, a white smokey Line Insignia Form and from his right eye, a Light yellow Line Insignia form. ”Activate.. [AIR BENDER]! And [ELECTRIC LIGHT]!” Two elements were floating and sparkling from his hand. ”[ELECTRIC WIND UNISON TECHNIQUE]!” It then combined and strike through the air. The judge was quite a bit shocked and he then wrote the results. *This genius kid have quite gifted to have two strong type element hoho..* The other examinee gave a very shocking reaction, and the rich girl just gave a mad reaction, but Blaike just acted normally. *So this is the Dual Type Power? Such amazing to see a rare talent! This is my first time seeing a Dual Type Insignia, he will have a great future.* ”Thank you for that strong and intense power, young hobbit boy, now let's move to the next one! Number 1234!” The old judge spoke. ”Uhmm..Number 1234. Uhhmm.. My name's s.h.i.+ena Jones, age 6. Uhmm. From the Grey Mist City in MYTHIA CONTINENT. Uhmm...” *Hhmm..? Another foreign person?*

She has an appearance of a 6 years old pretty girl, from the middle cla.s.s family with her outfit who looks like a modernize white and light pink sweet lolita dressed matching up with red witch cloak, red cotton bonnet and white long boots with pink legged socks. Her white fare skin matches her straight pink short bun hair. With red suns.h.i.+ne flower earrings, red necklace and plain white tube that made her chest formed a little bit. She has witch ears, dark pink eyes with thick eyebrows and eyelashes, long pointy nose and thick pinkish lips.

”Activate.. [PETALS OF LIFE]!” As she activated her Insignia Power, two pink circle layers pop up from her eyes, and the second layers showed the star Insignia Form. ”Uhhm.. [HEALING PETALS FIELD]!” She then cast her magic power and it then appeared raining of the petals that gave s.h.i.+ning and s.h.i.+mmering light. The judge and the three students felt its power, and all their stress had been free and other status problems. *Hoho.. This one have quite powerful Healing power, as expected to a witch race.* *Her Power is so beautiful! I feel so refresh and calm, Such amazing Healing type power.* Blaike felt the warm air and fresh breeze. ”Thank you for that wonderful Healing Power Young girl. Now Lets move on to the next one, hmm number 2664 please!” The rich girl then walked in front and introduced herself. ”I am PARK YURI, Daughter of a very rich family and my parents is very famous, 7 years of age, from WHITE SAND CITY of HUMAN CONTINENT.” The judge got shocked when he heard her name.

*Is she really her daughter? Why did she enrolled her daughter in our academy? Why did her daughter just got enrolled this year? There must be a reason...* *Hey Head Teacher! Are you even listening?* The judge got interrupted, for he had so many questions inside his head. ”Excuse me ms. Yuri, but if I may ask, are you the daughter of Madam Park Hari, the Vice President of White Sand City?” He then asked. ”Yes of course, anyone knows that.” She then gave a sarcastic looks on the judge, but thet judge just never mind it and was so happy to have a genius and rich student to enter on their academy. The three students from the back got shocked and couldn't believe what they just heard. ”What? Is that really true?” ”The daughter of the Vice President is also attending the examination?” *Auntie Kathie said that people like Yuri will be attending cla.s.s from the best and number school in the whole Planet Rigel, so why does this other one hear? Could their be some reason?*

*So the Vice President wants her daughter to attend in our Academy, hmmm.. Did she have a reason? Let's find out and keep an eye on this matter later on. The head judge felt something's strange but he didn't mind it too seriously. ”Thank you lady Yuri, you may now continue.” So she then started to activated her Insignia Form. ”I am the controller of the past, present and future, the mathematician of day and night and the treasure of all living beings.. I am [ZELDA G.o.dDESS OF TIME]!” While she was casting, her body started to float slowly through the air, and then when she call out the G.o.ddess of time, it then s.h.i.+nes so bright and she then opened her eyes. Golden BLUE layers showed up and the SUN INSIGNIA FORM appeared, from that an image of the G.o.ddess Zelda with holding a big golden clock also appeared on her back like a shadow. The judge saw her Insignia Power and made him stood up got amazed by her.

”She Have BLESSED INSIGNIA FORM?! Unbelievable!” ”Amazing!?” The judge and the two students was so very surprised when they saw her Insignia Power. *So she is really been blessed by the G.o.ds! The daughter of the Vice President really is special after all! I wish I can have a match with her! To see who among us is stronger than the other.* Blaike got so excited to have a battle with her but he still made a formal posture, As she landed on the ground, ”[BEGONE]!” She then deactivated her Insignia. ”I'm done, hmmpp.” ”Thank you too ms. YURI, you can go back now..” The old man Judge treated her humbly. ”Lest go to our last genius examinees, number 3000!” Blaike then walked in front.