29 Secret Waterfall (1/1)

”Father Lucas is really a man with dignity and determined, a man who do whatever it takes just to look for his younger sister. Father Lucas thank you for telling me your story, I have learned something about it.” Blaike learned some things that are new to him, and then the both of them smiled to each other. ”Anyways speaking of my wife, where the h.e.l.l is she? Is she still haven't finish collecting some herbs? Let's just go find her and help her Hwan-kun.” ”Yes Father Lucas I agree!” As mr. Lucas stood up and started to look for his wife and Blaike also look for her, but they didn't know that she was already there, hiding on another tree near them and just listening to their conversation. She then put a Smile on her face while her both hands are touching her heart.

For almost 3 months learning how to live in the forest, how to hunt wild Animals, fish and dinosaurs eggs, how to refine pills and cooking some homemade made by Ms. Dory. Blaike also trained himself inside his consciousness world by meditating and cultivating. Blaike's Physical and Mental Attribute were already surpa.s.sed the limit of 100% and he had already accomplished his first goal and even made higher average than what he expected. His Power Attributes and Innate Power is still stable and just need them to enhance twice a week or so.

{August 28, 2112}


”Hwan-chan hurry up! We are almost at the deserted area so we need to find some water to fill all the water bottle. We will be arrived tomorrow in 'LANDIO DESERTUS', so that means we really need a lot of water to drink on. Since I already am done making all the medicine pills and your father is done preparing those food stocks, then all we need to do now is to find a place to camp and we need to sleep early later tonight.” Ms. Dory was talking while she was waiting for Blaike to be finish, ”Yes mother Dory! The water bottles are now full and ready!” Blaike was done filling those water bottles from the river side. ”Are you both ready?” Mr, Lucas asked them and then the both nodded. ”Then lets go! And we must be very careful of our surroundings!” So they then walked towards the deeper and deeper part of the forest.

For a couple of minutes pa.s.sed, they suddenly heard a sound of a waterfall that was utterly close to their location and so they quickly walked faster and headed where the sound was coming from. As they saw the place with a waterfall, the three got surprised and felt so lucky for what they saw. The water flows were very clear, clean and refres.h.i.+ng smell, and releasing those beautiful small white fogs, some of the water flow got covered with a white flowers that blooms so wonderful and gave the water a perfect fragrance smell and with those big black stones showed up. At the top of the waterfall has only one big tree with some gra.s.ses around it.

On the ground side have surround those very green gra.s.sed and beautiful rainbow flowers everywhere. Those beautiful corals and fishes under the water has seen very clearly even their silhouette. The three rushed towards the waterfall and jumped. The three had a wonderful moment while taking their bathe. ”Aahhhh... Feels so good and very relaxing in here and hmmm.. This lovely smell of the flower petals, aahh .. I cant even explain it.” Ms. Dory really felt her nice and warm moment while ma.s.saging her skin. ”Yeah.. And it feels like all my wounds and bruises were all getting healed and its also relaxing i felt the stress free! What a magnificent place this is!” Mr. Lucas felt so relaxed as he lay his head down on the stone.

*This water is indeed really amazing! It can heal my wounds and bruises made from our training and Hunting and my tiredness were all gone! Such a good for relaxing really this is! I wish I can stay here for a long time-* Blaike thought while resting himself into the water. *What?! Where? urghhh.. i was gonna take my res, but why now... I have been collecting so many crystals and rare items since the day we started our journey, but still I never found those 3 golden treasure of GreatLord Totong Bato. I hope this time, it'll be one of them. Gie! can you locate where that powerful item is?*

A tree that looks like a man, is pointing one of its branch like a hand. Hhmm...Granny also wrote that one of GreatLord Bato's hubby, was always standing up at the hill and pointing his finger towards... could this be..* as Blaike look at the tree at the top of the waterfall, he saw some clues, the flowers that looks like a sampaguita, the water that lands on the ground and releasing a smokey white fogs like the sky and lastly is that tree where it looks like a person who pointed its branch towards. *That's it! I think we found the first treasure! We really did found one!* Blaike stood up with a very exciting and very proud moment. ”Hwan-chan? Whats wrong?” Ms. Dory asked when she noticed that Blaike didn't responded to their conversation.

”No..nothing mother Dory, I was just curious about this place and just wanted to explore this area and look if I could find rare items and treasures here. Wanna come with me Mother Dory?” Blaike replied and wanted to asked for a helping hand while he getting ready and dressing up. ”Uhmm..Can we do that later My son? It's too early to work and I need to relax myself and have a good time at this moment.” Ms. Dory answered him while ma.s.saging her body in the water. Blaike expected her replied so he didn't wanted to asked again, so he then look to another direction and saw mr. Lucas who is still doing his Sleep Bathe. *They said that they would help me find those treasure. Hayss... I guess its just me alone, and I think this will take longer than I expected.*

”Okay! mother Dory, i'll have to look around now and i will be right back. So see you at dinner tonight!” Blaike walked out from their area. For a minutes pa.s.sed, Blaike arrived on the top of the waterfalls, he then walked towards the only one tree that looks like a human figure. ”Gie, can you detect on where that Powerful item is? And also use your Locator skill to track on if there are some dangerous Creatures or Dinosaurs who are approaching, we need to be careful.” Blaike asked Gie to locate that powerful strange item that Gie felt back then and find its entrance.

The beautiful Giant Trees and flying creatures whether its big or small he saw them flew through the sky. Also the beautiful and wonderful Sun that s.h.i.+nes so bright in the clear sky. Blaike then wanted to remember this as one of the beautiful memories from his first adventure. *Look Granny, the beautiful sightseeing that you had mentioned in your Journal! I just see it now Granny! It really is wonderful and fascinating. Do you still remember your journey back then? How was it? Is it the same as what I have felt right now? Maybe it is or more than that. Don't worry Granny, this just just the beginning of my journey. So if you are still alive Granny, I'll definitely tell all these experiences that I have been encountering on.* as Gie tried to connect inside Blaike's Brain, Blaike then felt Gie's Ability and the energy of the surrounding, as if he can track and see everything from his surroundings even far away.

”Gie! What is this? I never know this kind of ability before, is this your power?” Blaike asked while he was looking on mr. Lucas and ms. Dory who were resting on the water.

”Oh yeah!...Wait, so the treasure's location is on the inside of this waterfall where I am standing on? But that also means that there is a pathway or an entrance hole maybe? Hhmm. Let's see...there! I saw a small pathway! Then Lets go!” Blaike walked onto the small pathway where the water were flowing, so Blaike needs to jump down from those Black stones. And he then saw that the pathway was leading towards the waterfall. At first, Blaike got confused but his curiosity still wanted to know what's inside so he continued. As soon as he pa.s.sed through the very fast and very strong waterfall, he then saw in front of him a big hole that looks like a cave. ”So going through this waterfall there have a hole? Hmm, I never thought that this waterfall is hiding a secret cave.

But lets see what is inside of this cave.” Blaike then walked inside the cave. The twin sister came out and walked with him so that it will give him some lightning from walking inside, While Gie also share its ability the 'NIGHT VISION SKILL' for Blaike to not get lost easily. As they walked into the deeper part, they saw some skulls and bones, some cobwebs and they even smell some bad ga.s.ses. ”Big Sis, can we go back now? This place looks scary and I don't want to see some ghost here lurking in the shadow, please please.” Yin wanted to go back while she was holding her sister. ”N..no.. W..we c..cant stupi..stupid Ma..Master n..ne..needs U..Us R...right NOw!” Yang acted like she is not scared but her body is trembling with fear and got really nervous. *This two.. Even though they are spirits and the oldest one here, they still act like a kid and getting scared-* ”kkyyaaa!!” Yang screamed for she felt like someone touched her foot. The two got really scared and goes back inside and didn't care that they left Blaike hanging without light in the middle of the dark cave. ”Huh?!”