22 Cubic Pagoda (1/1)

”Good Evening Mr. HeadMaster, my name is Hwan Blaike, Auntie Kathie said that she wants me to give this to you personally.” Blaike handed the letter that Capt. Kathie wrote. ”Respecting for the presence of Young Master Blaike.” The HeadMaster bow down. ”My name is NORLIN PENDRAGON, the Warlock Scientist of PT's League, At your service.” Blaike felt embarra.s.s everytime he sees someone who bow down to him. ”Please HeadMaster Norlin, don't do that again because i'm not used to it. Just a simple greeting is enough.” Blaike gave a humble suggestion. ”Oh. Okay if thats what young master wants, i will accept it. Just call me Norlin Young Master Blaike” Sir. Norlin suggested. Blaike then smile on him. As sir. Norlin read the letter. ”So young master wants to go on an adventure in the Giant Continent, if i may ask, why would you like to go there?” Norlin ask. *so even sir. Norlin doesn't know about the treasure? I guess it is really a secret mission after all* ”Ano.. I just have something very important to visit over there.” Blaike replied. ”Ohh? Who could it be?...Hmm okay, if young master need some a.s.sistance i will give you some of my private guards here to guide and protect you over there.” Sir. Norlin wants to protect Blaike.

*even though its very dangerous to go over there, why would Captain wants his Nephew to go there alone? Hmmm something was off.* ”no need sir. Norlin, i can handle myself. Please don't think too much sir. Norlin I really can protect myself.” Blaike give a positive look on sir. Norlin. As sir. Norlin saw that look, he suddenly felt a s.h.i.+vers. *what was that? I felt a strange power inside of him..What kind of person is young master Blaike? Giving that glare as if he is not a young kid or any kind of creature but a different and unkown...* sir. Norlin felt an unknown aura from Blaike. ”Yo..young ma.master Blaike.” ”Hhmm?” Blaike replied. ”No..nothing, i already prepared your room for tonight. And please sleep early because you have an early schedule of your departure tomorrow morning.” sir. Norlin said. ”Oh...Okay, by the way sir. Norlin, what kind of building is that? Its so big and so bright, its like if i were so far away from this place and look at in that direction, it will look like a Big Star that s.h.i.+nes so bright in a very dark foggy area.” Blaike was curious about what he saw.

”Oh.. You mean the CUBIC PAG.o.dA? That's a PAG.o.dA in this place, just like in White Sand City's BAISHA PAG.o.dA. Here the Queen Witch is like our President and she is also living inside that CUBIC PAG.o.dA, it also have 30 floors and that PAG.o.dA has a Great large crystal below it that gives you an overflowing power. Thats why it shape like a diamond” Sir. Norlin explain the Cubic PaG.o.da.

The Cubic PaG.o.da means that the City is one of the 12 Great Region in Planet Rigel. It formed a Huge Cubic Diamond that all the walls are made of Gla.s.s that lights up in the night and Glows up in the morning. The Cubic itself is Floating from the ground, It doesn't move but if you look closely it felt like it was moving. All sides have an entrance door, and you can't enter if you walk, you must fly.

”We also have some amazing places here, each island have different purposes. Like for example, can you see that island In front of us?” Sir. Norlin point out the island in front of them ”yes, It looks like that is the second big floating island that i saw awhile ago.” Blaike remembered. ”Yes, that is the second largest island that floats, We call it the 'MAGI PRIVATE ACADEMY'. Its an Academy exclusive only for wizards and witches, mages, and warlock, That's why it was only place in the Top 10 most famous schools because the school is meant only for the citizens in Magi Continent.” Sir. Norlin explain ”oh.. What a super cool academy! So wide! Oh oh! how about that one?” Blaike pointed the other island quite far from the academy. ”Ahh, that one is a colosseum. Where Magicians fight some kind of Beast and win a great prize.” Sir.

Norlin explain, and for almost an hour spending to each other, Blaike and sir. Norlin walked into their perspective rooms. Blaike suddenly remember that he must call his Auntie, as Blaike get his communication mirror, he then call his Auntie. Blaike saw his Auntie Kathie staring at him on the other side of the mirror like a poker face, no reaction or anything. *i think Auntie, is really mad right now!? I hope she could forgive me.* ”he..h.e.l.lo Auntie Ka..Kathie..” Blaike got so nervous. ”Cut the c.r.a.p.. Stupid kid. Why haven't you called me when you arrived? And now you are calling me this late hour?! Huh?! Are you still want to continue your mission or not?” Capt. Kathie is very angry and furious about what happened.

”Sorry Auntie Kathie, its just that when i came here, i was amazed by the place that haven't been through, the food that i never eaten before and those views that i never saw before.” Blaike explained. ”Hhmm..and then?” Capt. Kathie still asked even though she is not interested at all. ”Oh oh.. Yeah! Look here its a book wrote by mr. Totong Bato, the t.i.tle is JOURNEY OF TOTONG BATO AND THE ISLAND TREASURE. I bought this in the auction event awhile ago when i got arriv....” *oh s.h.i.+t! Why did i tell her about the auction!* Blaike remembered the rules of his Auntie about the Auction rules ”What did you just say!?” Capt. Kathie got p.i.s.sed off.

”Huh?! Did you bought that item in the Auction event?! So that means you join the Auction event awhile ago? And who said that you can join the show? Whose money did you pay for? Did Norlin knew this?! Huh!? That Nerdy Warlock!? I am going to kill him when i see that nerd face of him!?” Capt. Kathie is really really fierce and wanting to kill someone right now, ”no no... Sir. Norlin doesn't know about this Auntie, please don't blame him. I was the one at fault, i got curious and wanting to know what really an Auction event is, So please spare his life!” Blaike explain everything and don't want sir. Norlin to get involve by his doing. ”So did you enjoy it? Did you have fun?” Capt. Kathie ask.

”Hhmm honestly Auntie, yes i enjoyed the show, it gives me so many emotions every time an item appeared, and even though you lost the MoneyCard, it is still worth it to get what you want and fight for it till the end. It was like a dream that you only wanted to pay to get it. Such an interesting event.” Blaike explain what he thought while he was partic.i.p.ating the event. ”Thats good, i am glad that you've enjoyed the Auction event. But again don't partic.i.p.ate if i didn't allow you to, is that clear?” Capt. Kathie warned him again ”yes Auntie, i have to go and sleep now because i have an early trip tomorrow.. Goodnight Auntie.” ”Goodnight” as Blaike ended the call he immediately rush to have a nightbathe. For an hour past, Blaike already on his bed looking the moonstone that he is holding. *granny, i really missed you so much...” And then he close his eyes.

{April 13,2112}

Early in the Morning Blaike woke up and wash himself up. As he comes out from his room he saw Jiana, the two Hosts and sir. Norlin sitting on the Living area, he then greets them ”goodmorning!” ”Goodmorning young master Blaike.” The four kneel down and greets Blaike. ”h.e.l.lo young master Blaike, my name is Violeta” the violet host greets, ”young master Blaike, i'm Pinketa” the pink host greets. ”h.e.l.lo big ms .” Blaike response and bows. ”Young master Blaike, we already pack the things you needed for your journey, please be safe and contact us if something happen, we in the PT's Pendragon Family Auction House are here to protect you.” Jiana give Blaike an honor. ”Thank you big sis Jiana, i will keep that in my mind.” Blaike replied, ”young master Blaike, this are some of the things that Captain ask for, its all goods and foods, for your journey, we already bought the ticket for your transportation. So let us now go to your Private AirBoat.”

Sir. Norlin gave the things to Blaike and walk themselves on top of the Auction House. As they arrived Blaike saw a Small High-tech Boat that floats on the sky, the Boat has all white color. *wow! That is so amazing! Can i really ride that Thing? I think its so expensive!* Blaike got amaze about what he saw. ”Can i really ride that Private AirBoat?” ”Yes young master Blaike, now please go inside and the stewardess will guide you to your room.” Sir. Norlin immediately rush Blaike to go inside. ”Goodbye young Master Blaike!” ”See you next time young master!” ”We are so glad to meet you young master Blaike!” The four of them bid farewell. ”Bye guys! See you next time! Thank you for everything!” Blaike make a goodbyes to them.

Blaike walks towards the entrance door and open it, he suddenly saw a stewardess welcoming him and then guide him into his room. ”If you need anything just call us, have a nice trip young sire.” The stewardess said and then walk out. ”Gie! How many hours will it take to get into our next destination?” Blaike ask Gie. ”that is quite far, and then after we arrive there, we then ride a carriage to go to the GIANT FOREST GATE. Hmm, should we stop by the village just like Auntie said or should we continue and enter the forest?” Gie support Blaike's choice. *hey pervert master, i think we should continue and enter the Giant Forest, so that we can start your training as soon as possible and give you more time to scout and look for what are The scenery of the Giant Forest is, how about it?* Yang interrupt them.

”okay! Thats is a good choice, then let us continue.” Blaike agreed. After the conversation, Blaike call his Auntie Kathie and tell her that when Blaike arrive to the Giant Continent, he will no longer call his Auntie everyday, so that he can focus on his training. Capt. Kathie didn't agree at first but in the end she doesn't have no choice but to accept Blaike's proposal. For she knew that she has a spy that will communicate with her in secrets. After 5 hours had past, Blaike arrived in a small community that is part of the GIANT CONTINENT, he saw different kinds of creatures, with different kinds of outfits and styles. Very exotic foods, exotic clothes and even exotic animals. Everything are so big and huge, Except for a few human travellers. Blaike then saw a big Beast that they called ANKYLOSAURUS, its a Beast carriage for Blaike to ride on and go too the Giant Forest. The Rider are also different from other creatures that Blaike expect. The Rider looks like a Beast with horns and tails and its entire body have scales but the shape of its entire body is of like a human being.