Chapter 809 - : Swords drawn, bows bent (1/2)

“F*ck you!”

Duck Emperor endured the pain and pulled out the arrow from his bottom. He looked down and searched for a while before he noticed a female soldier who was panicking. She looked very young, maybe sixteen or seventeen. She had a bow in her hand but had no arrows. She looked upward toward the direction where the arrow had traveled. It seemed likely that she was the one who shot it.


Duck Emperor flew toward her suddenly like a bolt of lightning.

He shouted and asked, “What is wrong with you? Were you aiming it at me, or did you blindly shoot? How in the world did Grandpa Duck Emperor become your victim?”

The female soldier was very timid. She trembled as soon as Duck Emperor shouted at her and stuttered, “I… I just enlisted. I… I do not know how to shoot an arrow.”

“Screw your ducking grandmother! So you shot blindly. You gave Grandpa Duck Emperor here a fright. I am convinced there are no archers who can predict my flight path—they simply do not exist!”

Duck Emperor breathed a sigh of relief now that he knew it was a fluke shot. If she could land all her arrows, then he would undoubtedly be very surprised. He lectured her in a kindly tone like an elder. “Little girl, you are still young and innocent. Why did you even enlist and decide to be a soldier? Go find yourself a lover and discover love—it is what a girl your age should do right now. Be a good girl and listen to your Grandpa Duck Emperor here. Stop shooting the arrows. There are so many soldiers here. Would it not be better for you to sit back and watch? Why are you trying so hard for?”

After saying that, he flew once again in a flash right through the rank of female soldiers and took off their armors at lightning speed.

“Ducky, you are truly a naughty one!” Ghost was in action as well. She could not help but burst out laughing after watching Duck Emperor’s little trick.

“Little girl, what do you know? The ultimate aim of the art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting them!” Duck Emperor retorted.

“What nonsense!”

Xiao Luo sneered. He slowly descended to the ground from the third floor of the inn like a God.

Is this a man?

Almost every female soldier stared at him in awe, for not a single man had appeared in Baiyue Nation for decades. Most of them had never seen a man since they were born, and men were like a rare treasure. The combination of yin and yang was a rule of nature—men and women were naturally attracted to each other. They had learned from young that men were toxic, harbingers and tigers who devoured humans. But it was still not enough to quell their curiosity about men.

Xiao Luo’s appearance distracted everyone, and the guards stopped immediately. He became the center of attention.

“Is this what a man looks like?”

“He does not look any different from us at all. He has two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, and a mouth too.”

“You are not observing closely enough. Can you not see that the man has a flat chest?”

“Oh, so men do not have breasts. How strange. Would he not feel uncomfortable without breasts?”

“But why do I feel he is so good-looking?”

All the female soldiers stared at Xiao Luo with glowing eyes, suddenly forgetting that they were there to capture the man.

The fat, heavy-set officer was the only one unaffected by the sight of a man for she had secretly executed many of them who entered Baiyue Nation from other regions. Besides, she liked girls to begin with, so she was not at all interested in men. Looking at all her troops swooning over Xiao Luo, she yelled, “What are all of you doing? Hurry and capture him!”

She still gave the instruction knowing full well they were incapable of capturing Xiao Luo.

No one moved. All the female soldiers stood rooted, captivated by what they saw, and mesmerized by something they could not seem to resist.

“General, we want to look at him for a bit more.”

“That is right. How can a man look so good? The more I look at him, the more I am into him!”

“I want to give him a kiss.”

The female soldiers were love-struck as most of them were young and at the age where it was natural to have a crush on a man.