Chapter 795 - He Is Not a Crap (1/2)
It was a stirring speech, and it touched the hearts of many who were listening. Every sentence Hu Qingsong delivered was brilliant, and his words influenced many of the disciples. It made them recall the day they took their oaths. They thought about what they had done and realized the difference between what they vowed and how they had conducted themselves.
Elder Zheng lashed at Hu Qingsong again, and the crack of the whip made everyone flinch. Blood flowed down Hu Qingsong’s forehead as Elder Zheng snarled, “So, are you the only person with good morals? Are the rest of us corrupted? Who do you think you are? An envoy of the Light Clan? The embodiment of justice? Who gave you the authority to stand on such high moral ground and criticize the disciples of the academy? Do they need your criticism? You are so full of yourself!”
“Yeah, a crappy supervisor like you has no right to make comments about us!” Zheng Feihan pitched in as if he was defending justice.
“Even I can defeat you. What kind of supervisor are you? You are even worse than trash,” said Chen Junbin scornfully, with his arms folded across his chest.
Following their lead, other disciples also joined the chorus of those who were condemning Hu Qingsong.
“The most pathetic people are those who do not know who they are. You, Hu Qingsong, are one of them.”
“You do not even know who you are. How dare you lecture others so arrogantly here? What a moron!”
“Moron? Please do not humiliate morons. Conman is the best word for a person like him.”
“That is right. As a supervisor, you have not moved further up from the level of Martial Spirit, and you have only one apprentice. If I were you, I would have killed myself. I would not have the cheek to stay in the academy and live on the salary it pays you.”
“A crappy supervisor with an equally crappy disciple!
Although many disciples found Hu Qingsong reasonable, they could not come to terms with his views. Instead, they blamed Hu Qingsong for humiliating them publicly and roundly condemned him. Suddenly, the tables turned, and Hu Qingsong became the target for everyone.
“Hu Qingsong, get out of the Mu City Academy!”
Some disciples shouted at him, and then many others followed suit. Their voices were making so much of a commotion—it sounded like the rising and falling of crashing waves.
Watching their indignant faces and hearing them shouting they wanted him out of the academy, Hu Qingsong felt bitter and disheartened. It made sense that no amount of noise would wake a person pretending to be asleep. No matter how sincere his speech was and how much truth there was in what he said, it proved useless.
“Hu Qingsong, listen to what people think about you. Even if I beat you to death, they will only applaud and cheer,” said Elder Zheng in a spiteful voice.
Hu Qingsong’s spirit collapsed. He lost the resolve that had been propping him up and suddenly burst out laughing like a madman. There were tears in his eyes. Like a wild beast, he stared into Elder Zheng’s eyes. In outrage, he cursed, “Zheng Haishi, you son of a b*tch. You are a dreg of the academy. You will eventually destroy the academy. And I will wait to see the Holy Land of the Light Clan send their people here to eradicate the dark forces led by you. I will wait to see you decapitated.”
“Shut your mouth!”
Elder Zheng flew off the handle. He lashed his whip at Hu Qingsong violently.
The rack of the whip kept going like firecrackers. Every blow left a deep wound across Hu Qingsong’s body that was so deep, his bones were exposed.
“Stop! Stop beating him. Please stop. Stop beating Supervisor Hu!”
Luo Jinshi begged with cries and screams. He knew if Elder Zheng did not stop, Hu Qingsong would die.
However, Hu Qingsong had riled up Elder Zheng, who vented his anger at not finding Xiao Luo and Ghost on Hu Qingsong. He wanted to whip Hu Qingsong to death, one lash after another, without showing him any mercy. It was the only thing he wanted to do.
“Hold on! Stop beating him!”