Chapter 758 - Space Storm (2/2)
Duck Emperor firmly said, “Screw his ducking mum. If I knew this would happen, I would have given the jerk a good beating before we left. Now we are in big trouble! God knows where we will end up. We don’t even know if we can stay alive.”
Xiao Luo was secretly regretting it as well. It was all his fault. He wanted to get to the Holy Land of the Light Clan as soon as he could. He took the risk to get on the teleportation portal, even though he had a feeling that the Grand Elder might be up to no good. He took his chances, and it led to the tragic situation they were in at this moment.
His regrets would change nothing. Within the teleportation portal of the Dimension of Chaos, the strange storm tore everyone else to shreds, and they were the only two left alive inside. He had to remain focused to deal with the situation and stay alive.
Both Xiao Luo and Duck Emperor were inside the protective shield. There was a stark contrast between the inside of the protective shield and the roaring storm outside. It was like two different worlds.
Duck Emperor looked at the situation outside the shield and danced happily. “Wah, you goddamn little brat, you are great! This storm cannot do anything to us! Just looking at this, Grandpa Duck here really wants to sing a song to express his feelings right now!”
Xiao Luo simply ignored the duck, for he had to stay focused to deal with the storm.
“What song should I sing?”
Duck Emperor tilted his head and thought for a bit, then said, “Got it.” He jumped onto Xiao Luo’s chest then shook his duck butt and started singing. “Just this feeling so cheerful, so cheerful. This feeling so cheerful. Floating in the sky are five words. The problem is nothing important. It’s just a matter of time, it’ll be alright soon. Just this feeling so cheerful…”
Listening to it, Xiao Luo felt like vomiting blood. The silly duck was singing none other than Da Zhangwei’s “So Cheerful”. He shook his butt and formed a scissor shape with his wings, moving from left to right expressively.
Even if Xiao Luo had all the patience in the world, he couldn’t help cursing at that point. There he was, trying his best to handle the storm, while the silly duck was treating his chest like a dance floor. The Duck Emperor was singing and shaking his duck butt around, and it was disrupting his concentration.
“Hu, hu, hu…”
The storm outside was roaring even louder, and Xiao Luo was having a much harder time blocking it.
When a slight bit of the storm penetrated the shield, it shocked the Duck Emperor so much that he immediately stopped singing. “What in the ducking world is going on here, you goddamn little brat?”
“What is going on? Your singing is so horrible that not even this storm wants to listen to it!” Even using all his strength to maintain the integrity of their protection shield, Xiao Luo could not pass taking a swipe at the irritating duck.
“Nonsense, Grandpa Duck here is a singing God! There is no way my singing is dreadful.”
Duck Emperor rebuffed Xiao Luo’s words but kept quiet thereafter as he recalled how his singing had annoyed a beast demon python in the forest.
Meanwhile, the storm was getting stronger and swept everything away with insane force. It ripped into the shield of True Inner Force and began to penetrate the barrier like a sharp blade, even cutting up Xiao Luo’s clothing and flesh as well. The Duck Emperor was being subjected to the same lethal force.
“Goddamn little brat. You must hold on! If you do not, we are going to die!”
Duck Emperor was no longer as relaxed as he was earlier on. His duck face turned pale, and he felt a little disoriented. He had thought nothing would happen, but who could have imagined that the storm transformed so suddenly? It was getting more dangerous, and the situation looked critical.
“Shut that stinking mouth of yours!”
Xiao Luo shouted. With every word he screamed, his True Inner Force radiated outward and covered his body. His forehead dripped with sweat, and his face turned red. He was almost reaching his limit.