Chapter 747 - A Large Horse (1/2)

Chapter 747: A Large Horse

Together with the Duck Emperor, Xiao Luo traveled through many colorful walls of light and he quickly realized he was traveling through space. Xiao Luo felt tension during the teleportation, and his ears were ringing as if he was in a train traveling through a tunnel.

After several dozen seconds, the feeling of traveling through space eased off, then stopped, and they appeared to have arrived. The colorful lights around them disappeared, and they saw a massive circular platform with a high wall around it. He was standing right on it.

While he was there, more and more travelers arrived on the round platform, out of nowhere. That platform was the receiving terminal for all the travelers teleported from different locations.

“This is the Stan City. Please do not remain on the receiving platform after your arrival. The exit is that way. This is to avoid hindering arrivals from other locations.” An impersonal voice made that announcement.

Xiao Luo looked in the direction where the voice came from. It was a soldier in armor, and there were more soldiers like him teeming around. They appeared to be guards for the receiving terminal, responsible for supervision g that place. The soldier pointed at a gate as he spoke, telling those who had arrived on that platform to leave through that gate.

Xiao Luo said nothing and just left with the others.

After walking out of the gate, he found Stan City to be a bustling place.

The streets were full of pedestrians, either standing in front of some stall or chitchatting along the street side. Their clothes were modest. Most of them were wearing short shirts with narrow sleeves and flat shoes. There were men wearing clothes with loose sleeves, too. But their sleeves were short, which exposed their arms. It was a design that enabled the person to unsheathe the swords they were carrying at his waist.

Some white-clothed men were walking around carrying their swords. With their long beards blowing in the wind, they looked like haughty, extraordinary swordsmen. But when they saw variety shows performed on the street, they would stop to join the girls who were watching. They would cheer and clap their hands until their palms turned red. However, when the performers came around to collect money after their performances, the haughty look of these swordsmen immediately returned. They looked as if to say, “Charging for a variety show? Why don’t you rob us? We absolutely will not pay for that performance!”

At a distance away, there was a brothel. A prostitute was behaving coquettishly on the terrace, trying to entice customers from the pedestrians passing by.

“Mother ducker, this seems like a scene from the costume dramas of the Original World,” commented Duck Emperor as he popped his head out of Xiao Luo’s pocket. The duck found it incredible because the world they found themselves in looked like an ancient society of the Original World.

Xiao Luo did not respond. Instead, he kept walking along the street. He stopped to speak to an old stallholder and asked, “Mister, do you know the way to the Danhui Sect?”

According to the map that Zuo Xiangming had given him, the next teleportation portal was at the Danhui Sect. That formation would take him five hundred thousand kilometers away. However, the Danhui Sect was not in the Stan City, so he needed to locate it.

The stallholder selling figurines made of candy paper looked very kind. However, when he found out that Xiao Luo was only asking for directions, the look on his face changed. The smile that he greeted customers with immediately faded. He had an unfriendly look afterward and answered impatiently, “I don’t know. I don’t know. Ask others. Don’t disturb me. I’m doing business. Go away!”

Frowning, Xiao Luo turned around to leave. He did not expect the stallholder to be so rude.

He continued to ask several people the same question. All of them gave him the same answer. They did not know where the place was. They also told him to go away and to stop disturbing them. As for the pedestrians, they would not even stop to answer him.

“Goddamn jerk! You do not know the ways of the world. Give them some money if you want to ask for directions. I promise they will answer you warmheartedly,” said the Duck Emperor, feeling sorry for Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo had forgotten about that. The Ziyue Cave Heaven sect gave him abundant sacred currencies, the currency used in the Arcana Land. He took two bills out of the bunch and ordered a portion of dumplings at a stall. Then he casually asked the stallholder the location of the Danhui Sect, and he instantly got the information he wanted.

“See? What did I say? Just give them some money. Money talks!”

The Duck Emperor jumped out of Xiao Luo’s pocket, then stood in front of the bowl and hungrily gobbled up the dumplings. The soup was all over its mouth.