Chapter 683 - The Court Is in Session (1/2)
When Xiao Luo saw Su Xiaobei, the little girl was already sleeping in bed. She had shallow breathing, and there were tears near the corners of her eyes that had not yet dried. Her eyes were shut, and she was quiet, her long lashes casting gentle shadows like little fans.
Xiao Luo sat at the edge of the bed and reached a hand out to gently stroke her face with the back of his hand.
Maybe she saw him in his sleep, or maybe she could feel that he was near her, but the little girl muttered a quiet “daddy” under her breath.
Xiao Luo’s heart almost melted upon hearing her call him “daddy.” When it came to Su Xiaobei, Xiao Luo had an instinct to care for and protect the child. The moment he met her, he was overcome with an indescribable feeling. It was as if he had already known her for a long time as if she was his own family.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Xiao Luo. Xiaobei’s doing just fine here. My grandfather and my father are both doting a lot on her. She’s my daughter, so I love her a lot as her father. I’ll make sure she never suffers in any way,” Bai Yuquan immediately voiced out when he saw the concern and love in Xiao Luo’s eyes. This was a great opportunity to get closer to Xiao Luo.
Xiao Luo did not respond. He circled the room once and found the decorations to be decent. The color scheme leaned toward pink, and it was very cozy—it was obvious that thought had been put into this. He was not like Su Li who desperately wanted Su Xiaobei back. After all, he and Su Li were not Su Xiaobei’s biological parents.
Besides, the Bais were genuinely fond of Su Xiaobei. With the Bais looking after her, Su Xiaobei’s future would be a glimmering one, since they would definitely pave her way for her. If the court decided to grant her custody to the Bais, it might not necessarily be a bad thing either.
“Why did you abandon her back then?” Xiao Luo asked.
Bai Yuquan smiled ruefully. “I won’t lie to you, Xiao Luo. Su Li’s sister, Su Jing, was swayed by her mother and she slipped something into my tea, and I only got into bed with Su Jing under the influence of drugs. After that happened, I thought that I might as well take responsibility for her since what had happened had already happened.
“But after my grandfather found out about this, he was extremely against my taking responsibility for this woman, and I had no choice but to leave. I only learned that Su Jing was pregnant with my child after that when she forced me to return on the threat of death. I thought she was just spewing these things so I would return, but she actually did try to slit her wrists.”
“I can’t believe you had such a dark past. Amazing. You’re really something!” Xiao Luo huffed.
He thought about him and Su Li. Was theirs not also an unplanned marriage of her mother’s machinations? Those were almost identical situations, and yet such different consequences had arisen from both cases.
“I honestly regret it quite a bit. Although Su Jing had resorted to underhanded means, I do have to admit that I have feelings for her,” Bai Yuquan confessed with a frown.
“Hindsight is 20/20, after all, but you can save it. I can’t stand people like you,” Xiao Luo stated tepidly.
Bai Yuquan laughed, embarrassed. He said with a helpless shake of his head, “I can’t stand people like me either. I can’t believe I’m one of these people now. How embarrassing.”
“That’s enough. I don’t want to grow too close to any one of you Bais. I’ll always have my guard up when it comes to your family,” Xiao Luo interrupted, raising his hand.
How could he not have caught up to the fact that Bai Yuquan was trying to become closer to him? Bai Yuquan wanted to get closer to him for no reason other than his powers. The man was able to set aside his grudge with his brother-in-law, Zhuo Yuze, and enjoy a pleasant chat with Xiao Luo. He would have been a prominent figure. Even in a time like today, the man would be able to make a name for himself if he had enough time.
“You really don’t have to be like this, Xiao Luo. Zhuo Yuze’s death is entirely his own fault. He’s insignificant in this family, and if he’s dead, then so be it. My sister can just remarry if it really comes to that,” Bai Yuquan said.
Xiao Luo did not react to this with anything more than a snort.
“I believe the court session tomorrow will be a fair and just environment. Regardless of what the final verdict is, I will accept it wholeheartedly. Of course, if the custody of Xiaobei goes to our family, then I sincerely hope that you’ll be able to drop by frequently. The Bai family’s doors will always be open to you, Xiao Luo,” Bai Yuquan offered sincerely.
Xiao Luo patted the man on his shoulders and said with a mild smile, “We’re not on such good terms, Bai Yuquan, so you don’t have to be so hospitable to me. Warm welcomes and cold shoulders, right? Mine might not be a cold shoulder, but yours is definitely a warm welcome.”
Bai Yuquan frowned but then very quickly became at ease. He spoke with a slight smile on his face, “I’m opening my heart to you, trying to befriend you. Come on, give me a chance.”