Chapter 620 - Do you want (1/2)

It wasn’t long before all the villa guards collapsed, suffering horrible deaths. Their bodies dissolved as if someone had thrown them into an acid pool. Blood flowed away like a small river, while mists of hot white fumes emitted from the bodies. It was a gruesome picture of suffering and death.


The leader who had tried to stop the attack, sat on the floor as he screamed out in horror.

Suzuki Ikuo, Mute, and Deaf were all in shock as they watched the soldiers die a horrible death. Their faces turned pale, and they broke out in a cold sweat.

“My, lord… she… she isn’t Snow White at all! She’s that evil queen…” muttered Suzuki Ikuo.

He trembled in wide-eyed fear as he had initially thought that she was an innocent and beautiful lady. But, in a blink of an eye, she suddenly transformed into a killing machine. Her method of attack was inhumane. The bodies looked like they were skinned alive and it made him throw up violently.

When Suzuki Ikuo started vomiting, both Deaf and Mute couldn’t hold it in and started retching as well.

Xiao Luo was unaffected by it all. He approached the leader and tapped him on his shoulder. “You are street-smart and understand the importance of self-preservation. However, you are involved in this operation, and I cannot allow you to live!” he said.

“I… I…”

The leader could not help but trembled in fear as he stared at Xiao Luo. The fear was so overwhelming that he cried and wet his pants. He wept like a baby and croaked, “So… Sorry…”

“There’s no point in apologizing now. I cannot accept it!”

Xiao Luo responded as he looked down at him. In the next second, he had lifted his hand off the man’s shoulder and flipped it ninety degrees, tapping the back of his head lightly.

The leader’s eyes widened, and he suddenly collapsed with his upper body staying stiffly in the upright position. That little tap effectively scrambled his brain.

“A painless death. Mie, you are too merciful!” Fu Yiren was not too happy with Xiao Luo’s method as she had suffered a great deal of torture in this base. She detested anyone related to the place and would have preferred to skin them all alive—literally.

“The process doesn’t concern me, as long as we get the same result,” Xiao Luo replied as he walked out of the villa.

Fu Yiren pouted as she considered it, then her charming face brightened up. “Well, so be it…” she said.

She then followed Xiao Luo looking satisfied with herself.



Dawn was approaching as traces of the first light glowed from the east, hinting at the rising of the sun.

“Suzuki Ikuo, the two of you, do you guys want to work for me?”

Xiao Luo asked as he smiled at Suzuki Ikuo and his henchmen in the Lexus.

It caught Suzuki Ikuo off-guard. He shook his head and replied, “No… no… no. I better start preparing to sell some barbeque meat. I would never want to live like this again, even for one more day. I will die from shock.”

“Fine. Since we are friends, good luck.”

Xiao Luo was not hostile toward every person in the Ri nation. He was only after those involved in the genetic modification research base.

After they were done talking, he drove a black car from the villa and headed toward the west coast port. There was transport for a passage home specially arranged by the NSA there. He had completed the primary mission of saving Lady Poison, Fu Yiren. But he still needed to get rid of all the other people on that list. He would do that in memory of Xie Wenchang’s family. These people would have to pay the price for the atrocities they had committed to the Hua nation’s citizens—in blood!

As the black car was speeding off in the distance, Suzuki Ikuo and his men heaved sighs of relief and they would never forget what they had witnessed that night.

Trapped in a bio-research facility, fired on by armed guards, and chased by unbelievable genetically modified creatures…

It was worse than any nightmare imaginable and everything they saw would be forever be etched in their minds!