Chapter 532 - I Had to Do This (1/2)

“Xiao Luo, d-did you kill all of them?”

Tang Wantian looked like she was in great pain as she faced Xiao Luo. She could still accept him massacring the Libyan rebel troops as they were trying to kill him, but what she saw now was beyond what she could morally accept. There were hundreds, and perhaps even thousands of corpses before her, and she could not fathom how cold-blooded and cruel a person must have been to be able to kill so many people at once. She was in awe of Xiao Luo’s strength that he could take out so many opponents all by himself.

“This is war. If these rebels were not killed by me, they would be killed by their other enemies. There’s no difference.” Xiao Luo said coldly.

“No difference? You have killed them! Don’t you have any remorse in your heart?” Tang Wantian shrieked. She stared at this man with fear, and in her eyes, he was no different from a demon.

Xiao Luo glanced at her coldly, and then in a mocking tone, he replied, “Tang Wantian, you should be glad that you are still alive, instead of taking the moral high ground after seeing all these corpses. Had they survived and killed me off, can you imagine where would you be right now?”


Tang Wantian stared at him with her eyes wide open, and she was trembling. He was right, for had the Libyan rebels won the fight, torture and death would have been her end.

“Do not try to criticize anyone from a moral high ground. This is war, and survival is the number one priority, am I wrong?” Xiao Luo said with a wry smile. Although he could see where Tang Wantian was coming from, he rejected such a naive thought.

Tang Wantian remained silent and closed her eyes in an attempt to calm herself down.



Suddenly, there was gunfire, and explosions were heard from afar. A cloud of dust and smoke stirred up again, forming a thick haze, and the whole of Stantine City seemed to be shaking.

Tang Wantian looked at Xiao Luo in fear. “What happened? Are Captain Jiang and his Special Operations team being attacked by the enemies?” she asked.

Xiao Luo looked into the distance and shook his head. “I don’t think so. It seems like they are two contingents from opposing armies exchanging fire. If I am correct, the Libyan government troops have launched an offensive,” he said.

“You mean that another war is about to start here?”

Tang Wantian looked as white as a sheet, for she had already had a taste of war and knew how cruel it could get. She did not even dare to imagine how to survive the hail of bullets and artillery bombings in Stantine City, let alone leaving the place.

“This is an opportunity for us. Let’s go!”

Xiao Luo grabbed her arm and hurried toward the church, the rendezvous point he had agreed to meet with Jiang Zhiming and his Special Operations team earlier.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the church–it was almost in ruins with its rooftop destroyed and only had a few walls left standing.

Jiang Zhiming and his team had arrived earlier as most of the rebels were reassigned by Hamis to deal with Xiao Luo, so they hardly encountered any enemy troops on their way here. There met little resistance, coming into contact with only a small group of Libyan rebels. Nevertheless, there had been some casualties, and those who survived, including Xiao Luo and Tang Wantian, now totaled only nineteen.

“Mr. Mie!”

After seeing Xiao Luo, Jiang Zhiming and the Special Operations team were elated.

Xiao Luo nodded in acknowledgment, then he gazed toward the sound of battle some distance away.

“Mr. Mie, it seems like the Libyan rebel troops and the government troops are fighting. What should we do next?” Jiang Zhiming said, seeking Xiao Luo’s advice on the matter.

Everyone else unconsciously glanced at Xiao Luo, for he had command of their respect. They looked up to him as their de facto leader.

“Wait,” Xiao Luo answered.


Everyone was surprised when Xiao Luo said this. They stared at each other, speechless.

“I was planning to break out from the west, but the situation has changed, and they have started fighting, so we shall let them fight. If the government troops win this, we can walk out of this building openly. But, if the rebel troops win, they’d not be in any condition to fight us, so it is still promising to leave this place alive. So, regardless of how the fight turns out, it would be favorable to us one way or the other,” Xiao Luo explained.

Everyone seemed to be very relieved after hearing that.
