Chapter 386 - Translate (1/2)

Shen Qingyan walked from her desk toward Xiao Luo, pushing Shen Xingqing aside. She stared hard at him and said, “Xiao Luo, can you really understand her?”

“What benefit do I get by lying to you?” Xiao Luo responded.

Shen Qingyan thought for a moment, then smiled and said, “Nothing, I guess. I want you to ask her what a princess is doing all alone in a foreign country?”

“Not a problem, but I need to discuss the benefits first,” Xiao Luo said.

Shen Qingyan raised an eyebrow and said, “Alright, if you can facilitate this discussion, then your friend over there will not be charged, fair enough? On top of that, you both will be employed by Huayao Corporation.”

“Just to add one more condition—I get to decide my working hours as well.”

Decide his own working hours?

What? Didn’t he realize that he was going to be a salaryman? And, since when did a salaryman enjoy such perks, wouldn’t that give him more leisure time the animals in a zoo?

Guan Tong and the tall lady were stunned that a jobseeker could be so bold to make such a demand.

“Hey, what do you think the Huayao Corporation is, a night club?”

Shen Xingqing roundly rebuked Xiao Luo for what he thought was an absurd demand. But when he looked around and saw everyone else’s reaction in the room, he suddenly wasn’t so sure of himself and decided not to pursue the matter.

Shen Qingyan did not even bother to respond to his outburst, but instead, she smiled at Xiao Luo and said, “Well, if she really turns out to be the princess of Dubai, and she commits on that 8-million-dirham deal with us, then, yes, I will agree to your terms.”

Xiao Luo snickered and quipped, “Miss Shen, it seems to me, you win either way.”

“That is for certain, I am a business person. I only do things that will benefit myself.” Shen Qingyan smirked, not feeling annoyed in the least; on the contrary, she took Xiao Luo’s comment as a compliment.

Xiao Luo now saw Shen Qingyan in a different light, she was quite an interesting character.

He turned around, walked up to the foreign woman, and said, “السلامعليكميسعدناخدمتكم. ماذاتحتاج؟?”

Xiao Luo spoke in the Arabic dialect that the woman had used earlier, and she was startled at first, then responded immediately, looking relieved and grateful that she could finally speak to someone who understood her needs. She was so pleased that she even gave Xiao Luo a hug as if she had found a long lost relative.

What? Does this freak actually know how to speak that language?!

Shen Xingqing’s eyes almost popped out. He did not understand a word of what was being said, but he could tell it was the same tongue.

The foreign woman was now in deep conversation with Xiao Luo, she was animated and spoke at length about many things, which, to the other listeners, sounded like an unending spell chant. Xiao Luo kept nodding and asking questions in between.

Everyone was astounded as they watched the two communicating and making gestures between themselves. Who’d have imagined that Xiao Luo could even understand an Arabic tribal dialect of the UAE?

“That b*stard, how many more such talents does he still have that’s hidden away?”

Guan Tong was silently gazing at Xiao Luo with respect, and the admiration he had for his hero was beyond measure. He vowed to follow in Xiao Luo’s footsteps, but Xiao Luo would reveal a new talent to set the bar higher whenever they met. It was undoubtedly challenging, but he was a man overflowing with talents, and he was still the perfect role model for him to emulate.

It was some time before Xiao Luo was done conversing with the foreign woman. “Why did she say?” Shen Qingyan asked.

“Princess Salama said that she had traveled to our country to personally make a purchase for a batch of medical supplies. She arrived at Xiahai City yesterday with her guards and translator, but her translator was hit by a car when they went shopping and was hospitalized. As she was feeling bored being in the hotel, she decided to come herself with the list of medicines.”

Xiao Luo explained the circumstances of why she had come alone and added, “She was actually planning to approach Renhe Medicines, but as she wasn’t familiar with the city, she decided to come to Huayao Corporation.”

Shen Qingyan’s face darkened the moment she heard the name “Renhe Medicines.” They were Huayao Corporation’s no.1 competitor. Even before both companies had expanded abroad, they were already fierce competitors. With both companies now vying for the international market, no effort was spared competing for international customers. Presently, Renhe Medicines monopolized the market in the UAE.