339 What Are You Doing Here? (1/2)

After Su Li left his room, Xiao Luo immediately cleared all traces of the previous night. He then stepped into the bathroom to bath, but as he saw himself in the mirror, he was shocked to notice the love marks Su Li had left on his neck. She had been under the influence of the drug and acted wantonly, and in her interest, Xiao Luo would have to make sure that no one found out about this.

”These would take at least two to three days to wear off.”

Xiao Luo would have to think of a way to conceal them for the next few days.

Before leaving for Su Li's apartment, he turned up the collar of his shirt and pulled over a black woolen sweater. Satisfied that the marks were properly concealed, he headed over for breakfast.

It was part of the arrangements that Aunt Lee would be responsible for preparing his daily meals, allowing Xiao Luo to focus on his role as Su Xiaobei's surrogate father. When he got there, only Aunt Lee was present, and she was busy setting the table. He was expecting Su Xiaobei to run down any time to greet him, but there was no sign of her.

”Xiaobei was waiting for you and Miss Su to return last night. She waited a long time and slept really late. She hasn't woken up yet,” Aunt Lee said.

”Oh, I see.”

Xiao Luo acknowledged with a nod, then sat down on the dining table, and as the breakfast had prepared, he helped himself.

As he was having his breakfast, Aunt Lee went to him, looking like she had something on her mind. She took a glance at the second floor and keeping her voice low, she asked, ”Mr. Xiao, do you know what happened? Miss Su doesn't look in good condition. She went back to her room after she came to my room to check on Xiaobei, and I think she has been crying a lot. She hasn't come out since, and she didn't respond when I called her for breakfast. I'm quite worried...”

”Maybe something bad happened to her?”

Xiao Luo didn't know what else to say, and that just blurted out... he couldn't possibly be telling her the truth about last night, could he?

Aunt Lee shook her head and said, ”That can't be it. I was once a young maiden too. Miss Su looks like…” After looking around to make sure that no one else was around, she whispered, ”…it seemed to me like her first time… you know, her maidenhood?”

Xiao Luo swore he felt his spirit leave his body for a brief moment. The older they are, the wiser indeed. Aunt Lee had even figured that out…


Xiao Luo coughed and put on his best expression of a solemn face. He then said, ”Aunt Lee, I think it'd be better if we don't gossip about Miss Su's affairs.”

”Don't worry, it happens… I won't mention it,” Xiao Luo said, he smiled then returned to his breakfast.

”Thank you.”

A look of relief washed over Aunt Lee's face, and she was smiling once again.

Shortly after, Luo Pingxiang walked in, and she was accompanied by Su Li's manager—Chai Zhiying.

She had an oval-shaped face with well-proportioned features, not what you would call beauty, but she was reasonably attractive and appealing. Her short black hair was slicked back, giving her an imposing demeanor, and she was dressed in black business attire.

The moment she saw Xiao Luo, Chai Zhiying glared at him with a loathsome expression. Of course, she had known that Su Li intended to hire Xiao Luo as Su Xiaobei's surrogate father. As it was Su Li's insistence, she couldn't interfere, but that didn't stop her from hating Xiao Luo.

She couldn't refrain from a vicious sneer. ”As neatly dressed as you try to be, you're still a bumpkin as far as I'm concerned. So, don't try too hard!”

In her eyes, Xiao Luo was nothing more than a penniless slug struggling at the very bottom of the social hierarchy, a hanger-on trying to fit into their level in society.

”Who farted so early in the morning? It sure stinks. Miss Luo, do you smell that awful stench?” Xiao Luo retorted, waving his hand in front of his nose.

Luo Pingxiang froze in shock. She was terribly afraid of Chai Zhiying, who was a stern and domineering woman. She was often reprimanded by Chai Zhiying and sometimes felt like she was a mere handmaiden serving an ill-tempered empress. So, when Xiao Luo spouted those words, her eyes nearly popped out, and she was giving him the faintest shake of her head, as she inconspicuously tried to signal for him to not provoke Chai Zhiying.

Chai Zhiying was so infuriated that she shouted back at him, ”You better believe that I will get you, and I'll kick your sorry *as out of Xiahai, you hear me!”

Xiao Luo calmly turned to face her and said, ”My apologies, I don't believe you can… but you can try.”

”Grr, You…”