336 Perfection (1/2)
Guan Yilin was hastily working on the engine blueprint. When she caught a glimpse of Xiao Luo's screen, she couldn't resist a snort and even shot him a look of contempt.
Looking on, Yu Jiangu was worried about Xiao Luo and broke out in cold sweat. He muttered, ”What the hell is he trying to do? Does he really not know where to start?”
”Guan Yilin has already completed one-third of the drawing.”
”She's indeed our scholar-queen. That speed of hers is incredible!”
”Haha, looks like our senior is going to lose to Guan Yilin.”
The classroom was abuzz with murmurs, and many there felt that the writing was on the wall. There would be no head-to-head finish to this race, Guan Yilin would definitely come out ahead.
Finally, Xiao Luo began to start on his design blueprint. He started playing around with AutoCAD's interface, randomly drawing nothing but some dotted lines and curves. They appeared to be done haphazardly with the lines running across one another and without any shape or form.
What's he trying to draw? Is that seriously an engine?
The crowd stared at his screen incredulously, then shook their heads and laughed. No matter how they looked at those lines, they could not even remotely associate them with the appearance of an engine. It was a collection of disorganized curves and circles that made no sense at all.
Shen Shiya crossed her hands in front of her chest disdainfully and asked, ”Senior, are you sure you are drawing an engine blueprint?”
Xiao Luo didn't answer and continued working on it.
Suddenly, Guan Yilin was looking anxious. She was in a dilemma, noticing that there were several errors in her design. She now realized that the engine's curved surfaces had to be drawn first using the tangent method. This forced her to delete her previous seven or eight steps and redraw them. As she went on, the furrows between her eyebrows were getting more pronounced as she began to detect an increasing number of issues as a result of her drawing sequence. As she proceeded, her work was hampered by the frequent actions of deleting and rebuilding, causing her progress to slow down considerably.
”The shortcomings of not planning the work ahead are now exposing themselves.” Yu Jiangu shook his head and let out a faint sigh.
When he turned his attention to Xiao Luo's drawing, he was somewhat concerned. He couldn't visualize how those scattered curves, circles, and dotted lines would ultimately represent the blueprint of an engine. And if he couldn't see it, what more the rest of the students?
What exactly is he doing?
Yu Jiangu was baffled by what he saw on Xiao Luo's screen, which actually looked like the work of like a child who was holding a pen and doodling on a clean sheet of white paper. But despite his concern, he believed that Xiao Luo wasn't just drawing lines and circles randomly.
Xiao Luo let out a long sigh. Then, resting his cheek against the palm of his left hand, he controlled the mouse with his right, and casually moving the cursor over the toolbar to access an interface, before clicking a series of commands in AutoCAD's interface box. With every click, the redundant lines vanished one after another, until only a small section was left behind. With the removal of the excess lines, the flywheel of the engine miraculously appeared. It looked like a block of sculptured artwork after the desired shape was hewn out of a giant slab of stone.
”Huh, this looks like…”
Everyone standing around Xiao Luo's laptop was stupefied. This was the first time they'd seen someone draw all the lines before proceeding to modify the drawing, leaving behind only the drawing of the engine. It was a breathtaking and ingenious technique.
”There's the inlet manifold now.”
”Now, the cylinder head is done.”
”He's working on the engine block now. Holy crap, he's fast.”
As they saw the engine model rapidly take shape on Xiao Luo's AutoCAD drawing area, the engineering management students gasped in awe. They had just seen a four-star engineering blueprint drawn with unbelievable ease without unnecessary and incorrect steps.
Yu Jiangu couldn't contain his excitement anymore. He squeezed through the crowd and found himself an excellent spot to watched Xiao Luo with his keen observant eyes. The more he looked, the more he was impressed. The process of removing each line or curve was precise and seamless, without even the slightest pause. That implied that Xiao Luo had already worked out the drawing in his mind and was now merely tidying up the completed steps using AutoCAD.
Is this ”The Brain[1]?!”
Unbelievably, Xiao Luo actually constructed such a complicated engineering blueprint flawlessly by first visualizing every step in his mind.