317 Time to land (1/2)

”I have two tasks for you now. First—inform Xiahai Air Traffic Control to clear its runway and clearly mark the end for an emergency landing. Second—switch on your phone and go to maps, then and mark out Xiahai airport's location. I need to get our bearing right to ensure that we fly towards Xiahai and not any other city.”

Tan Ningfu sat in the co-pilot's seat, as Xiao Luo calmly gave her instructions for the two tasks. The aircraft's communication system had been disengaged by Cui Jihou, so they could only rely on the smartphone's GPS and location services to serve as the plane's navigation system.

”Okay, sure.”

Tan Ningfu took out her phone immediately, but she quickly found out that there she couldn't get a signal.

Xiao Luo handed her his device and said, ”Use my phone instead.”

Xiao Luo's phone was issued to him by the NSA. Before he handed the phone over to Tan Ningfu, he unlocked it and turned off the flight mode. Regular phones would not be able to receive a signal this high up in the air, but the NSA-issued phone was an enhanced version of smartphones, and could not only receive signals from terrestrial transmission towers but could also communicate via satellite. In effect, it could operate literally in any corner of the world at any time.

Tan Ningfu promptly contacted the Xiahai Airport ATC and conveyed Xiao Luo's message clearly. The moment they received the mayday call, Xiahai Airport Authorities immediately mobilized for an emergency landing.

Tan Ningfu then opened the Map app and marked out the location of Xiahai airport.

”We are flying off-course by forty-five degrees, Mr. Xiao.”

Xiao Luo glanced at the location on the phone map and then started to alter the aircraft course.

”Brother, wow, what's the brand of phone? It's really powerful, it's getting a full bar of signal strength at this high altitude!”

Wang Yanzu was standing outside at the cockpit door and was very impressed by the phone. He had thought that the phone signal was supported by the mobile base stations on the ground. The usual coverage of a single base station was about five thousand meters, and he wondered how it was possible for Xiao Luo's phone to get a signal nine thousand meters up in the air.

Xiao Luo ignored him and concentrated on keeping the plane on a course heading to Xiahai airport.

The purser, her crew, and the passengers in the first-class cabin looked at Xiao Luo in awe. He was an enigma—not only was he a doctor who had just saved a life, now he was at the helm of the aircraft attempting to fly to the nearest airport and land safely. Even his phone was different from everyone else's, being able to receive a signal at such a high altitude. Everything about him suggested that this man was extraordinary!

”Mr. Xiao, may I... may I ask you a question?” Tan Ningfu could not contain her curiosity any longer.

”Yes, sure.”

”Where did you learn to fly a plane?” Tan Ningfu asked.

Xiao Luo thought of a random excuse. ”By reading books.”

”What? So, you have never flown a real plane?” Tan Ningfu was shocked.

”No, I haven't.”

Xiao Luo nodded, and he was being honest as this was indeed his first time being in a plane.

”Mr. Xiao Luo, you're incredible! You have done such a good job on your first try.”

Tan Ningfu was an optimist, and she could only see Xiao Luo's strengths. Had any other person been sitting in that seat, they would have undoubtedly been worried. Even first-time drivers would be nervous about driving a car, what more a complete rookie flying a plane. If this had been made known to the passengers, those who had just calmed down would start to panic once again.

The purser did her part to calm and comfort the passengers. After briefing the passengers on emergency evacuation drills, everyone knew that they were on course to Xiahai airport. And to keep them occupied until then, she and her crew had even organized singing sessions. It certainly helped to keep everyone relaxed and prevented them from becoming too anxious.

Before long, Cui Jihou was again screaming messages of doom. ”Do not be fooled, that man will never be your savior, there's no way that the plane can land safety regardless of what he does. You should all embrace the end of your lives in your seats.”