224 Figh (1/2)

With the long, narrow-bladed jiàn sword in her hand, Gu Qianxue launched a vigorous and penetrating attack. She soared elegantly towards Long Sankui's crack fighters, her lightning-fast sword whirling and thrusting furiously downward in graceful and intricate patterns, as she neatly countered their long slashing knives.


Four black-clad fighters of the Dragon Gang fell on her first pass, howling in pain with deep wounds to their shoulders.

Then, quickly sliding her front foot forward a full step, she extended her arm in a flash and wristily slapped the flat of her sword on the neck of a sturdy looking fighter, with a sickening thud. The man was staggered by the enormous power of the blow, it hit like a heavy hammer that appeared out of nowhere. He moved back several steps before his knees went soft, and he collapsed to the ground.

”Is she this powerful?!”

Wang Lihu and Ye Qiu were both astounded. Both being highly-rated martial artists of the third degree, they could immediately recognize Gu Qianxue's excellent technique and temperament. They felt a pang of shame for belittling her, recalling how they had mocked and ridiculed Gu Qianxue earlier.

Wang Yongjia's jaw dropped, he was at a loss for words. This was a thing he'd only expect to see in wuxia TV shows.

”Don't just look. Go help her quickly!”

Xiao Luo roared and rallied his men forward, leading the charge at the enemy.

Wang Lihu, Ye Qiu, and Liu Tieguo reacted without hesitation. They dashed into the host of black-clads like angry wolves with no regard for their own safety.

Despite his position as the captain of the anti-drug task force, Wang Yongjia's fighting spirit faltered when facing a hundred of Long Sankui's elite men. But seeing Wang Lihu and his companions joining the fray, he put his fear aside, held his pole aloft, and bellowed loudly, rushing forward. To his credit, he had the presence of mind to quietly call the station for immediate backup beforehand. Before he took another step, more than half a dozen fighters, their menacing eyes staring from behind masks, surrounded him in quick time before he could move.

” Huh?”

Wang Yongjia broke out in a cold sweat. He felt the pressure of being encircled. He raised his booming voice and shouted, ”What are you going to do? I am a police officer. You...”

Before he could utter another word, the black-clads were already onto him, hacking away with their long knives.

Wang Yongjia suddenly found his mettle and immediately twirled the pole in both hands, striking back using both ends of his weapon. His technique was exceptional and kept his foes at bay for a while. It was a sturdy pole, and he had been well trained in its use.

Close by, a horde of black-clads were now besieging Xiao Luo and the other officers in large numbers, appearing like a dark sandstorm sweeping across open land.

It was a cold night, and their movements were restrained, giving the advantage to the side with more fighters.

The black-clads were highly-trained and organized in their attack. They advanced in tight formation, the front ranks engaging fiercely to tie down their opponents. Without warning, men would leap from behind to strike down with flashing blades at their quarry. In this way, they advanced like tidal waves, sweeping all before them.

Wang Lihu and Ye Qiu began to realize that these elite fighters were nothing like the common hoodlums of the Dragon Gang. They were extraordinarily well-trained and more skillful than the average streetfighter. As a group, the black-clads were thoroughly drilled and coordinated their maneuvers flawlessly. It was like comparing a heap of loose pebbles, to a bundle of cane tied together.

Despite dispatching a good number of Long Sankui's top fighters, Wang Lihu, Ye Qiu, and Liu Tieguo had also suffered many injuries over that short period. They hardened their resolve and blocked out the pain, facing their opponents fiercely, and roaring ever louder.

Over where Xiao Luo and Gu Qianxue were engaging the black-clads, the situation was starkly different.

Xiao Luo was using the King of Mercenaries Constitution and his mastery of Yi Jinjing. He had quickly snatched a knife from one of the armed men and bore into the attackers, hacking at them as if he was chopping up vegetables. Those that could not get out of his way either lost a limb or were decapitated.

Gu Qianxue was a highly trained exponent of the Tianshan Sword Style and immediately established herself in an impregnable position. Nevertheless, her kind and gentle nature prevented her from taking anyone's lives. Every assassin who was pierced by her double-edged jiàn sword had a deep wound on their left shoulder and fell to the ground, incapacitated and in great pain.

Wang Yongjia's situation was dire. The pole in his hand had been cut in half parrying an attacker's knife strike. As the fight raged on, the pole became shorter and shorter until it became nothing more than a stump. With nothing more to defend himself with, he quickly succumbed to a knife wound and screamed out in agony.
