167 The Dragon Gang Again (1/2)

Midnight, 11:00 P.M.

A white Mazda slowly rolled along into the Lishui Binjiang residential area. Most of the residents were already in bed at this hour, but a few homes had their lights on. Distant sounds of gay chatter and laughter from young men and women could be heard now and then, breaking the lull of the night.

He Ruanliang driving alone, in a pleasant mood, humming along to the tune of the music playing in the vehicle. He glanced over at the bags of powdery substance on the passenger seat. A thin smile flashed across his thick face as he recalled his intimate evening. At this time, he had not realized yet, that his handphone had been nicked.

”This thing sure is great!”

Ever since he got into selling meth, he had not had any problems with finding sweet, young girls to take advantage of. The hospital recruited several batches of young nurses annually; among them, there were many single girls, young and delicate… and those meeting these criteria would be subjected to his philandering ways. One could say that he had single-handedly pruned down the flower of the nursing corp!

If he failed to seduce these fair damsels, either by favors rendered or coercion, he would simply resort to using a more backhanded option. He'd only need to spike their drinks during the hospital's social events, and gradually they'd become dependent on the drug without their knowledge. Usually, within a matter of two months, they will become toys in his hands. It was indeed that simple because no matter how strong-willed the victims were, they couldn't possibly deal with the horrific symptoms of withdrawal when the urge kicked in.

”A beautiful scenery is no match for a dream, as grasses are scented in the dream…”

He Ruanliang swayed his body as he drove along, feeling uninhibited and elated with living the good life. Of late, he'd hardly gone back home; he didn't miss seeing the aged face of his wife, or that ugly old hag, as he'd called her.

Soon, the white Mazda arrived at its destination. It slowed down as it made its way into the underground parking garage…

Being an up-market residential area of Jiangcheng, the residents of Lishui Binjiang were from the wealthy upper crust. The parking garage was filled with expensive luxury cars that cost hundreds of thousands. He Ruanliang's white Mazda seemed out of place in this ”pond of big fishes,” but that would change soon, he thought to himself.

He Ruanliang was looking around for his handphone after he had parked his car, but it was nowhere to be found. He stepped out of the car, stuck half of his body back in with his butt sticking out, and searched thoroughly again inside the vehicle, but still found nothing.

He carefully retraced his activities that evening, and suddenly remembered that someone had bumped into him while he was casually moving about in the bar. He recalled, even yelling at the stranger for walking into him. He only realized now that his phone might have been taken by that pocket picker then.


His pleasant mood immediately vanished in a puff. He Ruanliang yelled loudly in sheer frustration, kicking the tire of his car. He cursed the thief roundly, ”Son of a b*tch, don't let me see you again! If I see you again, I'll kill you!”

He slammed the car door and pressed on his keys to lock his car.

Click. Click. Click.

Just then, the lights inside the underground car park went off, one by one. Before he could even take another breath, the entire car park was in total darkness.

Immediately, the emergency lights at the exits switched on automatically and glowed, allowing him to make his way around in the darkness.

Yet the darkness was all-pervasive, with the few exit lights appearing like insignificant support actors in a two-bit stage production. The unsteady glow they emitted made it feel like they could be snuffed out at any time.

In the darkness, an eerie air seemed to permeate across the vast, expansive parking area.


He Ruanliang gulped again before getting some of his nerves back. He then cursed once more, this time in annoyance, ”The electricity in this garage is having problems again, the service provider is really god*amn garbage, if I don't send a complaint to management tomorrow, I'm giving up my family name!”

He did not carry the composure of a hospital director right now, tossing away the façade, and revealing his true ugly nature.

”He Ruanliang!”

A voice suddenly rang out in the quiet darkness, echoing across the vast emptiness. That cold voice carried no emotions, it was cold and dark, seeming to have come from the underworld!

”W-who are you?”