96 Casino (1/2)
”Let bygones be bygones. You and Tang Ren are fine now,” Xiao Luo said as he sipped his tea. He could see that Tang Ren treated his sister well. Not every guy could put up with his sister's princess attitude.
”To tell you the truth, Tang Ren is definitely much better than big-faced me. After all, he's a doctor. Even if he's not treated well at the moment, once his qualifications improve, he can easily earn tens of thousands every month. Even his chances for promotion are considerably better,” Zhang Dashan said, reluctantly admitting the truth that was right before him. It was undeniable that Tang Ren was a better fit as Xiao Ruyi's partner.
The dim light in Xiao Ruyi's eyes dissipated. Smacking her lips, she said, ”Big-faced Zhang, I'm surprised by what you just said.”
”What's there to be surprised about? Everything I said is the truth. I wasn't exaggerating.” Big-faced Zhang took the tongs, clipped a squid, and grilled it on the iron plate. ”Oh, by the way, are there any single girls left at your hospital? At least introduce one of them to me. After all, I am your brother's brother. You have a part to play in my future lifelong happiness as well.”
”Don't worry, if I see anyone that suits you, then I will definitely introduce you,” Xiao Ruyi said, smiling with a squint.
At that moment, Tang Ren and Sun Yu returned from grabbing the prawns.
Sun Yu had snatched two whole big plates of prawns, while Tang Ren had gone up with an empty plate and returned with an empty plate.
”Wifey, those people are way too fierce. I didn't manage to snatch anything.”
Tang Ren looked like a defeated rooster with his head down. After a while, he held his head up, stood up tall, and with determination, said, ”The next time they bring out the prawns, I will be sure to snatch up at least five to six plates' worth.”
”That should be enough!”
Sun Yu was in a good mood as she looked happily at the two plates of prawns she had harvested.
Xiao Ruyi did not blame Tan Ren. Instead, she signaled for him to sit down, laughed, and said, ”Yu Yu is so amazing. Even those big men couldn't faze you.”
”In the past, I was unable to snatch any either, but I'm experienced now,” Sun Yu said, smiling heartily. You could see that she was thrilled, and her satisfaction was derived from having snatched the prawns.
”Come, everybody, let's all enjoy Yu Yu's victory prawns,” Zhang Dashan said, laughing loudly. He helped himself and placed all the prawns on the grilling iron and began to cook them.
”You guys eat heartily. If there isn't enough, I will go and snatch more later,” Sun Yu said happily, biting her lip. She was smiling through her eyes, and they turned into crescents.
”If we let the girls do everything, then what's the point of having us men around? If there aren't enough prawns again later, then make Xiao Luo go,” Zhang Dashan said.
Sun Yu looked toward Xiao Luo only to realize that he was looking back at her. She looked away quickly and blushed.
It seemed like something was going on!
Xiao Ruyi was very happy. She was confident in her brother, Xiao Luo. As long as Xiao Luo decided to pursue a girl, he would definitely be able to win her heart. She was already wondering if it was time to call home and inform her Mom and Dad that she had introduced a beautiful girl to her brother.
As for Xiao Luo, his impression of Sun Yu was still so-so. At the very least, he was able to understand her better now.
After leaving the BBQ restaurant, Zhang Dashan, Xiao Ruyi, and Tang Ren went straight home after making up excuses. This gave Xiao Luo and Sun Yu a chance to be alone together.
Clutching her handbag, Sun Yu broke the silence and said, ”It was a delightful meal. Thank you for your hospitality.”
”You're welcome!”
Just then, Xiao Luo realized that this was the perfect moment to correct the misunderstanding that had occurred previously.
”Oh, right,” he said. ”That wasn't actually my car. It was my friend Zhang Dashan's car.”
He was not used to lying, and it made him feel guilty.
Sun Yu smiled flirtatiously and said, ”Actually, I knew from the start that it was not your car.”
”You knew from the start?”
”Yeah, I saw a crystal ball in the car carved with the name 'Zhang Dashan.' I doubt you would have done that if it was your car.”
Xiao Luo laughed and replied, ”You're pretty detail-oriented.”
”I guess. Maybe it's an occupational hazard from being a nurse. I was very careless in the past and often forgot my keys. I was always getting locked out of my house. Such embarrassing incidents have occurred more than once,” Sun Yu said, chuckling. Her laughter was as beautiful as a silver bell.
”Is that so?”