27 A Fatal Blow (2/2)

If Wu Sangui did what he had done for Chen Yuanyuan, why does he still want to be promoted to a high official position when he had already become the king of Yunnan and had Chen Yuanyuan in the palm of his hand after letting the Qing soldiers through the pass? Why could his mind still not relax? Why does he even want to be the emperor? It's always because of money.

The people of China compare extreme hatred as 'hating someone like they have killed your father and stolen your wife,' but now, some people who have no money can sell their wives, and when they have money, they can sell out their fathers. Is this still hatred? The greatest hatred is caused by money or the desire for money.

You previously said that 'must not' (wan wan bu ke) clearly states the meaning of 'all,' but you are mistaken. The word 'wan' in 'must not' (wan wan bu ke) is an adverb, and the 'wan' in 'root of all evil' (wan e zhi yuan) that we are speaking about today is an adjective. You use adverbs and adjectives as analogies. Isn't this incompatible and irrelevant?

Honoré de Balzac once said money squeezes through every crack to penetrate our society. It controls politics, the economy, and ethics. When everything is controlled by money, what path do we take?

So my viewpoint is the same as before, I think money is the root of all evil!”

The classroom fell silent again. Huang Ruoran and Xiao Luo were engaged in a battle of words. There was no gun smoke here, yet it was more intense than a battlefield. This showdown was bloodless.

The students held their breath and were shocked by the confrontation between Huang Ruoran and Xiao Luo. Every word was beautiful and forceful as it faced the assertion of the other party head-on. They used cases from foreign countries and quoted words of famous people, such a level of knowledge deeply moved their audience. The figures of Huang Ruoran and Xiao Luo now looked like two timeless mountains standing in front of them.

Xiao Luo smiled and said indifferently, ”'Wan' is not only an adverb but also an adjective. What is a 'surefire strategy' (wan quan zhi ce) and is 'perfectly foolproof' (wan wu yi shi)? What is universal gravitation (wan you yin li) and 'intelligence of the universe' (wan wu zhi ling)? Doesn't this 'wan' mean all? Is it, could it, possibly refer to exceptions?

The Cihai Dictionary is authoritative, but aren't you quoting out of context and straying from the topic by just looking at the morpheme 'wan' and not the phrase, 'root of all evil' (wan e zhi yuan)? Also, everyone, ask yourself honestly, do humans not have an evil nature? Is everything induced by money? From where do man's greed and brutality originate?

If money is the root of all evil, why were this brutality and greed suddenly not termed as evil before money was invented? So, is it the greed and wicked thoughts in the hearts of humans that is the root of all evil, or is money the root of all evil? Do it still necessary for me to continue explaining? ”

Everyone's soul was impacted by this one narrative.

This was undoubtedly a fatal blow. Yeah, would there be no evil if money had not been invented?

There was no way to explain, no way to refute. It was a totally hopeless situation!

Huang Ruoran couldn't speak for a while. Even for her, it was beyond her capability to refute Xiao Luo's statement. She just clenched her teeth and looked at Xiao Luo unhappily, unreconciled with this outcome.

It was now clear who won and who lost!

Everyone was really convinced by Xiao Luo, especially the final statement, which was simply devastating and crushing.

The girls who had ridiculed Xiao Luo before could not say a single word now. Xiao Luo's ability to organize a speech, his ability to rebut, and his command of English were first-rate. He was superb, yet here they were mocking him for speaking without thinking and for not knowing the limits of his abilities. They suddenly realized that they were actually playing the role of the savage, trouble-making villain who would never amount to anything!

They could not help but feel their faces getting hot, none of them dared to raise their heads and meet Xiao Luo's gaze.