Part 35 (1/2)
”Yes. I know.” The main message wouldn't register. Guildsman fighting Guildsman.
It couldn't happen. ”What?... Explain.”
”He threw some wild charges around after he got back. Not at all in character. He always kept his mouth shut before. So people listened. And started digging. I believe he mentioned rumors of a junta trying to take over?”
”He did.”
”There was one. We cleaned it out. The leader, General Dainiel, had disappeared from his apartment just before Oryon's return. Hawkwind and Lauder moved in. Six days ago Dainiel reappeared out of thin air. A transfer. It had that s.h.i.+nsan smell. They cut him down. None of his intimates knew for sure, but thought he'd been to s.h.i.+nsan tomeet with other cabal heads. Dainiel had hinted that they were ready to grab control of the west.”
Ragnarson looked for someone to tell ”I told you so.” Derel was the only one handy.
Telling him wouldn't give any satisfaction.
”Thank you for your courtesies. Thank the General. I feel better about the Guild now. Oryon probably mentioned my suspicions.”
”He did. The General apologizes for the pressures. The Citadel never planned to force its protection on anyone. That's Dainiel's doing. He wanted a strong force kept near the Savernake Gap.
”We can't offer much rest.i.tution right now. It's not much, but Hawkwind offers my talents.”
Ragnarson raised an eyebrow. ”How?”
”Training soldiers is my forte, Marshall. You appear to be mounting an expedition.
Yet your men aren't ready. It'll take imaginative leaders.h.i.+p to teach on the march.”
”It's my biggest headache.”
”I can handle it.”
There was no arrogance in his manner.
”All right.” Ragnarson made the snap decision based on Hawkwind's reputation.
”Derel, take Colonel Liakopulos to Blackfang. Tell Haaken to put him in charge of training, and don't bother him.”
He remembered the name Liakopulos now. The Colonel had a reputation equal to his self-confidence.
”Thank you, Marshall.”
”Uhm.” He returned to his maps.
Too late to turn back. Advance parties were already in the Gap. A force had occupied Karak Strabger, to stop eastbound traffic at Baxendala so word wouldn't cross the mountains. Maisak backed the play. No one not authorized by the Marshall traveled east of that stronghold.
The cessation of eastbound trade would itself be a warning that something was happening in Kavelin. Bragi had sent loyal mercantile factors through to hint that another civil war was brewing. The trade community expected something savage to follow Fiana's death.
He had run himself and everyone else ragged. What more could he do?
Go, of course. And hope.
He went.
A post rider overtook him slightly east of Maisak. He brought news from Valther.
”Haaken, listen to this. That kid of Haroun's has invaded Hammad al Nakir.” He hadn't antic.i.p.ated that. ”Twenty-five thousand men, Valther says, in six columns.
Headed for Al Rhemish.”
And Ragnarson had expected Haroun's movement to collapse without him.
This Megelin bore watching.”What about it?” Haaken asked.
”Will it affect us?”
”How? Unless people think we closed the Gap to cover his rear.”
”Possible.” His friends.h.i.+p for bin Yousif was well known.
”I hope Megelin makes it. This'll give El Murid an excuse for war.”
”Should I turn back?”
”Go on,” Varthlokkur advised. ”Megelin will hurt him even if he loses. El Murid won't be able to do anything. Cooler heads will prevail before he recovers.”
”The numbers worry me,” Ragnarson told Haaken. ”I didn't realize Haroun could scare up that many men.” He turned to VisiG.o.dred. ”Could Marco fly down there occasionally? To keep track?”
”Too d.a.m.ned much trouble,” Marco protested. ”Got me hopping like the one-legged wh.o.r.e the day the fleet came in now. What do you think I am? I need to sleep too. You guys think because I'm half size I can do twice the work?”
”Marco,” said VisiG.o.dred.
The dwarf shut up.
”Skip some of your visits to your girlfriends.”
”Boss! What'll they do? They can't manage.”
Haaken rolled his eyes. Bragi whispered, ”He's for real. I've seen him in action.
”So,” he said aloud, ”we continue. Ragnar, let's catch Jarl.”
Ahring commanded the vanguard, a day ahead. He filtered westbound caravans through, then kept anyone from turning back.
The entire Gap was confusion. This was the height of the caravan season. In places several were crowded up nose to tail, their masters muttering obscenities about being shoved around. Ragnarson saw more than one wound. Jarl had had trouble here and there.
He asked questions. Kaveliners returning home answered. His advent in the east remained unantic.i.p.ated.
After riding with Ahring a day he took Derel, Ragnar, Trebilc.o.c.k, and Dantice and forged ahead, to overtake the scouts. In time he pa.s.sed them, too.
He knew the risk was wild, yet his spirits soared. He was in the field again.
Political woes lay a hundred miles behind. He let his beard go feral. Boldly, he took his friends to Gog-Ahlan, He and Ragnar spent a day prowling the ruins and ramshackle taverns and wh.o.r.ehouses.