Part 4 (1/2)

Mocker laughed his most sarcastic laugh. ”Self, am famous dullard, admitted. Of brightness next to which cheapest tallow candle is like sun to dark of moon. Forget to come in from rain sometimes, maybeso. But am alive. See? Wound here, here, everywhere, from listening to friends in time past. But am favored of G.o.ds. Was born under lucky star. Haven't pa.s.sed yet. Also, am aware of ways men speak. Simple, says old friend?

Then task is b.l.o.o.d.y perilous....”

”Not so!” Ragnarson protested. ”In fact, if I knew where Haroun was, I'd go myself. But you know him. He's here, he's there, and the rumors are always wrong. He might be at the other end of the world. I can't take the time.”

”Crippled. Excuse limps like sixty-year-old arthritic.”

Actually, it was unvarnished truth. And Mocker knew it. He rose. ”Has been enjoyable matching wits with old half-wit friend. Father of self, longtime pa.s.sing, said, 'Never fight unarmed man.' Must go. Peace.” He did an amusing imitation of a priest giving a blessing.

The inner door guard might have been deaf and blind. Or a path-blocking statue.

”So! Now am prisoner. Woe! Heart of heart of fool, self, told same stay away from palaces, same being dens of iniquitous....”

”Mocker, Mocker,” said Bragi. ”Come. Sit. I'm not as young as I used to be. I don't have the patience anymore. You think we could dispense with this bulls.h.i.+t and get down to cases?”

Mocker came and sat, but his expression said he was being pushed, that he was about to get stubborn. No force in Heaven or h.e.l.l could nudge a stubborn Mocker.

Ragnarson understood his reluctance. Nepanthe was absolutely dead set against allowing her husband to get involved in anything resembling an adventure. Hers was an extremely dependent personality. She couldn't endure separations.

”Turran, could you convince Nepanthe?”

”I'll do it,” Valther said. He and Nepanthe had always been close. ”She'll listen to me. But she won't like it.”

Mocker grew agitated. His domestic problems were being aired....

Bragi began ma.s.saging his own face. He wasn't getting enough sleep. The demands of his several posts were getting to him. He considered resigning as publican consul.

The position made limited demands, yet did consume time he could use being Marshall and virtual king-surrogate.”Why don't you list your objections-take them down, Derel-and we'll deal with them in an orderly fas.h.i.+on.”

Mocker was appalled. ”Is end. Is perished. Is dead, absolute, friend of youth, wrapping self in coc.o.o.n of time, coming forth from chrysalis as perfect bureaucrat, all impatient and indifferent. Or is imposter, taking place of true gentleman of former time? Rising from Sea of Perdition, snakes of rules and regulations for hair-not my department, go down hall to hear same-b.a.s.t.a.r.d Beast-Child of order.... Enough. Self, am beloved get of Chaos. Am having business of own. Otherwheres. Open door.”

He was irked. And Ragnarson was tempted to apologize, except he wasn't sure what to apologize for. ”Let him go, Luther. Tell Malven to take him to his room.” One by one, he palmed the double n.o.bles.

Part of his failure came from inside, he reflected. He had changed. But as much blame lay with Mocker. Never had he been so touchy.

Michael Trebilc.o.c.k, one of the faces Mocker didn't know, asked, ”What now?”

Ragnarson gestured for silence.

Mocker didn't make it past Luther. As the guard stepped aside, the fat man turned and asked musingly, ”Double n.o.bles five?” He grinned. ”Hai! Might soothe conscience, same being sufficient to keep wife and son for year or two in eventuation of certain death of cretinic chaser-after-dreams of old friends.” He then railed against the Fates for several minutes, d.a.m.ning them for driving him into a corner from which he had no exit but suicide.

It was all for show. The mission Bragi had shouldn't be dangerous.

They settled it then, with Mocker to leave Vorgreberg the following morning. The group gradually dissolved, till only Bragi and Fiana remained.

They stared at one another across a short s.p.a.ce that, sometimes, seemed miles.

Finally, she asked, ”Am I getting boring?”

He shook his head.

”What is it, then?”

He ma.s.saged his face again. ”The pressure. More and more, I have trouble giving a d.a.m.n. About anything.”

”And Elana, a little? You think she knows?”

”She knows. Probably since the beginning.”

Fiana nodded thoughtfully. ”That would explain a lot.”

Bragi frowned. ”What?”

”Never mind. You have trouble with your conscience?”

”Maybe. Maybe.”

She locked the door, eased into his lap. He didn't resist, but neither did he encourage her. She nuzzled his ear, whispered, ”I've always had this fantasy about doing it here. On the table. Where all the important laws and treaties get signed.”

There were some things Ragnarson just couldn't say, and first among them was ”no”

to a willing lady.Later, he met with Colonel Balfour, who commanded the Guild regiment being maintained in Ravelin till the country produced competent soldiers of its own. High Crag was growing a little arrogant, a little testy, as the inevitable withdrawal of the regiment drew closer. Each year the Guild grew less subtle in its insistence that the regiment's commission be extended.

There were mercenaries and Mercenaries. The latter belonged to the Guild, headquartered at High Crag on the western coast just north of Dunno Scuttari. The Guild was a brotherhood of free soldiers, almost a monastic order, consisting of approximately ten thousand members scattered from Ipopotam to Iwa Skolovda, from the Mountains of M'Hand to Freyland. Ragnarson and many of his intimates had begun their adulthood in its ranks and, nominally, remained attached to the order. But the connection was tenuous, despite High Crag's having awarded regular promotions over the years. Because the Citadel recognized no divorce, it still claimed a right to demand obedience.

The soldiers of the Guild owned no other allegiance, to men, nations, or faith.

And they were the best-schooled soldiers in the west. High Crag's decision to accept or reject a commission often made or broke the would-be employer's cause without blows being struck.

There were suspicions, among princes, that the Citadel- High Crag's heart, whence the retired generals ruled-was shaping destiny to its own dream.

Ragnarson entertained those suspicions himself-especially when he received pressure to extend the regiment posted to Ravelin.

Ragnarson had, on several occasions, tried to convince the Guild factors that his little state just couldn't afford the protection. Ravelin remained heavily indebted from the civil war. He argued that only low-interest loans and outright grants from Itaskia were keeping the kingdom above water. If El Murid died or were overthrown, that aid would end. Itaskia would lose its need for a buffer on the borders of Hammad al Nakir.

Following the inevitable bitter argument with Balfour, Bragi spoke to the Thing, doing his best to shuffle his three hats without favoring any one. Still, as chief of the armed forces, he concentrated on an appropriations measure.

The bill was for the maintenance of the Mercenary regiment. The parliament supported its hire even less enthusiastically than Ragnarson.

Such matters, and personal problems, distracted him so much during subsequent months that he took little notice of the enduring absence of his fat friend, whom he had instructed to disappear, so to speak, anyway.

His immediate goal, Mocker decided, had to be Sedlmayr. Ravelin's second largest city nestled between the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of the Kapenrungs within days of Haroun's primary camps. He would make inquiries there, alerting Haroun's agents to his presence. Their response would dictate his latter activities.

There were a dozen moving camps within fifty miles. He might end up wandering from one to another till he located Haroun.

The rooftops of Vorgreberg had just dipped behind the horizon when he heard the clop-clop of a faster horse coming up behind him. He glanced back. Another lone rider.

He slowed, allowing the rider to catch up. ”Hail, friend met upon trail.”

The man smiled, replied in kind, and thereafter they rode together, chance-met companions sharing a day's conversation to ease the rigors of the journey. The traveler said he was Sir Keren of Sincic, a Nordmen knight southbound on personal business.M ocker missed the signs. He had taken Bragi at his word. No danger in the mission. He didn't catch a whiff of peril.