Part 19 (1/2)
The storekeeper's wife had carried Lottie back to the sitting room.
The child was still asleep and 'Rill was undressing her.
”What is the matter, Janice?” she asked curiously. ”Has Mr. Bowman gone? What did he want?”
”He didn't want to buy anything. He wanted to see me. I--I am going out with him a little while, Miss 'Rill.”
The latter nodded her head knowingly. ”I know,” she said. ”You are going across the street. I am glad Mr. Bowman feels an interest in Mr.
Haley's affairs.”
”Yes!” gasped Janice, feeling that she was perilously near an untruth, for she was allowing 'Rill to deceive herself.
”Will you put the window lamps out before you go, dear?” the storekeeper's wife said.
”Certainly,” Janice answered, and proceeded to do so before putting on her coat and hat.
”Don't be long,” 'Rill observed softly. ”It's after eleven now.”
Janice came and kissed her--oh, so tenderly! They stood above the sleeping child. 'Rill had eyes only for the half naked, plump limbs and body of the little girl, or she might have seen something in Janice's tearful glance to make her suspicious.
Janice thought of a certain famous picture of the ”Madonna and Child”
as she tiptoed softly from the room, looking back as she went 'Rill yearned over the little one as only a childless and loving woman does.
Perhaps 'Rill had married Hopewell Drugg as much for the sake of being able to mother little Lottie as for any other reason.
Yet, what a shock that tender, loving heart was about to receive--what a blow! Janice shrank from the thought of being one of those to bring this hovering trouble home to the trusting wife.
Could she not escape it? There was her handbag on the end of the counter. She was tempted to seize it, run out of the store, and make her way homeward as fast as possible.
She could leave Frank Bowman to settle the matter with his own conscience. He had brought the knowledge of this trouble to the little store on the side street. Let him solve the problem as best he might.
Then Janice gave the civil engineer a swift glance, and her heart failed her. She could not leave that unhappy looking specimen of helplessness to his own devices.
Frank's pompadour was ruffled, his eyes were staring, and his whole countenance was a troubled mask. In that moment Janice Day realized for the first time the main duty of the female in this world. That is, she is here to pull the incompetent male out of his difficulties!
She thought of Nelson, thoughtful and sensible as he was, actually appalled by his situation in the community. And here was Frank Bowman, a very efficient engineer, unable to engineer this small matter of getting Hopewell Drugg home from the dance, without her a.s.sistance.
”Oh, dear me! what would the world be without us women?” thought Janice--and gave up all idea of running away and leaving Frank to bungle the situation.
The two went out of the store together and closed the door softly behind them. Janice could not help glancing across at the lighted front windows of Mrs. Beaseley's cottage.
”There's trouble over yonder,” said young Bowman gently. ”I went in to see him after supper. He said you'd been there to help him buck up, Janice. Really, you're a wonderful girl.”
”I'm sorry,” sighed Janice.
”What?” cried Frank.
”Yes. I am sorry if I am wonderful. If I were not considered so, then not so many unpleasant duties would fall my way.”
Frank laughed at that. ”I guess you're right,” he said. ”Those that seem to be able to bear the burdens of life certainly have them to bear. But poor Nelson needs somebody to hold up his hands, as it were.