Part 32 (1/2)

She had to dash back upstairs and wash her face and find a ponytail holder and maybe her baseball cap. She should go through Eden's kitchen cabinets and refrigerator, too, looking for something for Danny to eat. To properly heal, he needed plenty of both rest and protein, and right now he was getting neither.

She also wanted to search the cabinets to see if Eden had one of those padded cooler bags, so they could bring some of Ben's insulin in the car. From what she understood, strenuous physical activity-like hiking home from the hospital in this heat-would screw up Ben's usual schedule when it came to his insulin levels. And as for the added stress?

Kids with diabetes did best, Jenn had read, when their lives were free from intense stress of any kind.

She lifted the pot and slipped the key beneath and turned to go back to the elevators when-dear G.o.d!-there was someone, a man, standing right there in the shadows, blocking her path.

She jumped back and squeaked and had her cell phone open and about to dial for help with one hand, the other drawn back, about to swing and defend herself when the man said, ”Jenn?” and she realized it wasn't a man, it was Ben.

It was Ben Ben, and instead of dialing 9-1-1, she quickly dialed Eden's cell number, because Izzy was probably still on with Dan. ”Thank G.o.d,” she told him. ”We were just about to launch a citywide hunt for you, starting by kicking down Greg's front door. Do you have any any idea how worried we were about you...?” idea how worried we were about you...?”

On the other end of the phone, Eden picked up. ”Jenn?”

”We found him,” Jenn told her as she reclaimed the key and pulled Ben with her into the better lit part of the courtyard. ”Or rather he found us. Ben's here, he's safe.”

”Oh, thank you, thank thank you,” Eden breathed. you,” Eden breathed.

Ben, meanwhile, had crumbled. And even though he was nearly as tall as Danny, he was still just a kid. Because unlike his older brother and sister, who'd no doubt spent years learning to keep their emotions safely out of sight, he didn't even try to fight it-he just let go and started to cry.

”I'll call you back,” Jenn said to Eden, and hung up her phone.

”I'm so sorry,” Ben told Jenn as he looked at her, his thin face pinched, his blue eyes intense despite being flooded by tears. ”I just couldn't go back to Crossroads. I'd rather die. die.”

”No, honey,” Jenn said, wrapping her arms around him, her heart in her throat. ”Don't say that, Ben. You don't mean it.”

”But I do,” he said, with a quiet certainty that frightened her. ”I should've just let Greg shoot me when he was waving that gun around...”

”You did the right thing,” she told him, holding him even tighter. ”When a crazy man has a gun, you do what he says. Believe me, I've been there, too-I know what it's like, and it's not easy. But you take it one minute at a time, one breath at a time, because it's going to end. Everything bad always, eventually ends. But not if you die. If you die, it's over.”

He pulled back to look at her, to wipe his nose on his sleeve. ”But maybe it's better-for everyone if-”

Oh G.o.d. ”How could it be better?” she asked him sharply, because d.a.m.n it, he was really scaring her.

”Easier,” he said. ”I meant easier.”

”Not for Dan,” she told him, absolutely. ”And not for me, having to stand at his side as we bury bury you? You honestly think that's you? You honestly think that's easier easier?”

He'd flinched at her insistence at making sure he understood what he was saying. Suicide wasn't wasn't a painless oblivion. There a painless oblivion. There was was an afterward-as family and friends tried to pick up the shattered pieces of their lives. an afterward-as family and friends tried to pick up the shattered pieces of their lives.

”I'm just...I'm never going to change,” he told her in a voice that was so quiet she almost didn't hear him. ”I'm never going to be the son that my mother wants.”

”Well then, f.u.c.k her!” Jenn said, and he looked up in shock at the violence of her words. ”She's been a s.h.i.+tty mother anyway. Not just to you, but to Danny and Eden, too. Probably Sandy as well, but I've never met her, so...But you know, I used to think it was weird, the way you all call her Ivette, but I get it now, I do. She's not your mother, Ben. You know who your real mother is? Eden is. And Danny is, too. So if it comes down to some c.r.a.p Ivette tells you versus the truth from Eden and Dan, what are you doing listening to Ivette?”

Ben just shook his head.

”Who are you going to believe?” Jenn asked him again. ”Are you going to believe Ivette-who's just echoing what stupid, ignorant Greg says-or are you going to believe Danny and Eden and Izzy and me? And the billions billions of other people in the world who also know-beyond the shadow of a doubt-that there's absolutely of other people in the world who also know-beyond the shadow of a doubt-that there's absolutely nothing nothing wrong with you, that you are exactly as you were meant to be, and that a world without you in it would be a much sadder, darker place.” wrong with you, that you are exactly as you were meant to be, and that a world without you in it would be a much sadder, darker place.”

He was silent for several long moments. But then he said, ”I just don't get why she doesn't love me.”

”She's broken,” Jenn told him quietly. ”Some people are just...broken. It's definitely not you, kid. Because I just met you, and I already love you.” She held out her hand to him. ”So come on. Let's go inside and let your brother know that you're safe. We've got to figure out what to do next. The staff at the hospital are probably freaking out.”

”Let's just go to San Diego,” Ben said as he took her hand and walked with her toward the elevators. ”Ivette and Greg'll eventually forget I was ever there. Kind of the way they did after Eden left. Ivette actually got in touch with her by e-mail and told her not to come back.”

”Well, that's one way to do it,” Jenn told him. ”I'm not sure it's the right way, but that's one of the things we're going to figure out. But this I promise you: we're not letting you go back to live with that awful man, and we're not letting you go back to Crossroads.”

Ben nodded, but she could tell that he still didn't completely believe her.


FRIDAY, 8 M MAY 2009.

It was close to noon before they made it back to the apartment. Ben had really screwed the pooch by sneaking out of the pediatrics ward.

The nurses who'd discovered he was missing last night had called the police, thinking it was Greg who'd somehow s.n.a.t.c.hed him. They'd sent a squad car over to the house, where they'd found Ben's stepfather in the middle of a honking nasty bender, thanks to Izzy's creative gifting. The man had been halfway through his second bottle of scotch and had answered the door buck naked. The abusive comments he'd made to the female police officer had resulted in his fugly a.s.s being dragged to the station, where he'd spent the rest of the night in the drunk tank.

And normally, Izzy and Eden both would've celebrated Greg's impending court date, but in this case? With Greg the only so-called adult at home, with Ivette still off the map, and Ben gone walkabout from the hospital? It had sent the alarm lights over at Child Protective Services into a real tizzy of a red alert.

And that dreaded three-day preliminary investigation had been opened.

The caseworker-a nice but harried man named Larry-had told Izzy that if Ivette didn't turn up in these next few days, he would be required to launch a full full inquiry, which would take thirty very long days. And probably result in Ben being placed in foster care for the duration. Only after that could Izzy and Eden and Dan pet.i.tion for custody of the kid-and they might not get it, on account of their wanting to live out of state, in San Diego. inquiry, which would take thirty very long days. And probably result in Ben being placed in foster care for the duration. Only after that could Izzy and Eden and Dan pet.i.tion for custody of the kid-and they might not get it, on account of their wanting to live out of state, in San Diego.

Because of that, they'd quickly devised a new plan. It was the same as their old plan, but now they had a limited amount of time to make it happen: find Ivette and get her to convince Greg-who was was Ben's adoptive father, as it turned out-to join her in giving permission for Ben to move to San Diego to live with Danny, Eden, and Izzy. And then go before the state social workers and psychologists and put on the show of a lifetime and convince them that there was no need for that further investigation. Convince them that it would be in Ben's best interest to live in the happy, stress-free, suns.h.i.+ne-and-rainbows home that Dan, Eden, and Izzy would provide for him, in loving three-part harmony, together in California. Ben's adoptive father, as it turned out-to join her in giving permission for Ben to move to San Diego to live with Danny, Eden, and Izzy. And then go before the state social workers and psychologists and put on the show of a lifetime and convince them that there was no need for that further investigation. Convince them that it would be in Ben's best interest to live in the happy, stress-free, suns.h.i.+ne-and-rainbows home that Dan, Eden, and Izzy would provide for him, in loving three-part harmony, together in California.

Izzy was ready to do it. When push came to shove, he could lie his b.a.l.l.s off about how happy he'd be to share an apartment with his dear friend and teammate Danny. It was Dan he was worried about, gagging as he told that ma.s.sive untruth.

”Don't you have to get back to San Diego soon?” Eden asked him as they went up the stairs to her apartment. Dan and Jenn had gone with Ben to his first round of official interviews at CPS. Izzy and Eden weren't needed until the family session, which had been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

”I'm good at least until the end of next week,” he rea.s.sured her. ”I already spoke to the senior chief.”

She nodded. She looked exhausted, and this was probably not the time to bring this up, but they were alone, and he had to grab the opportunity.

”Speaking of work,” Izzy said as he followed her down the outside corridor to her apartment door. ”You should probably call your boss at D'Amato's and tender your resignation. That way, tomorrow? When you're asked about your employment, you won't have to lie.”

Eden nodded again as she unlocked the door and he followed her inside. ”It's just such good money.” She put her handbag down, kicked off her sandals, and flopped onto the mattress on the living-room floor. ”Lord, I'm tired.”

”I'm not trying to tell you what to do,” he started.

”Believe me, you've made that more than clear,” she said, eyes closed, her voice m.u.f.fled by the pillow.

”Well, good then,” he said.

She didn't say anything more. She just turned over onto her back and looked up at him. ”Why are you still standing there? Aren't you tired, too?”

Izzy sighed because that bed, especially with Eden in it, was looking pretty freaking tempting. ”Yeah, but...Duty calls.”

She sat up. ”Seriously?”