Part 15 (1/2)

”My brother, he's... Tiny, you can come out now.”

Blu watched as the Hulk suddenly appeared on the dock, carrying a little blond girl that couldn't be more than two or three. What the h.e.l.l was going on? hewondered. This was the same guy who'd beenchasing after Angel the night she'd run from Cruger's.

”You said he's your brother?” Blu asked.

”Yes. Tiny's my younger brother.”

Blu faced the Hulk. ”Weren't you the one chasing after Angel the other night?”

Tiny looked embarra.s.sed. ”I wasn't chasing her, I was guarding her. But she took off and I lost her. I was watching out for her-at least, I was trying to.”

”That's true,” Sister Marian confirmed, standing and coming forward. ”I sent Tiny out to be Kristen's guardian angel that night. She kept insisting she had to go out at night. I told her how dangerous Algiers is after dark. I was afraid for her safety, so I sent Tiny to protect her.”

Blu digested the nun's explanation and decided she was telling the truth. The man's bald head had to be just a bizarre coincidence. Yeah, he could buy that.

He watched as Sister Marian reached out and took Amanda from her brother. The big man stayed on the dock, with a black backpack slung on his shoulder.

The minute Blu took a good look at the baby, he knew she was Angel's child. The sister was right, Amanda was a miniature version of her mother. A mix of unexpected emotions surfaced, emotions Blu wasn't expecting. He'd never taken an interest in kids, but then, last year he'd found himselfin the middle of protecting six scared kids whohad needed someone to carejust a little.He'dbeen struck by their eyes, though he hadn't admitted that to anyone. The same feeling had caught him unaware a few days ago when he had faced Angel's save-me brown eyes in Poke Alley.

And it was happening again, Blu realized as hestared into a pair of small shy brown eyes that were studying him intently.

The idea that Kristenhad given Maland a childshould havesickened Blu. But he knew what she'dgone throughforthree years, and he understood her pain. What hurtmost was that she hadn't trusted himenough to tell himabout her child.

He turnedawayfrom the nun and lookedout overthe water. The sunwas growing stronger, promising another hot, sultry day. The air was barely moving.

”You can't mean to turn your back on the child.” The nun had come up behind him. ”You called Kristen 'Angel.' You must have some feelings for her to give her such a beautiful name.”

Blu didn't answer. He was too busy considering Salvador Maland's state of mind at the moment. Experience told him that if a man had been betrayed and made to look like a fool, it made him a very dangerous man. But what if the man was already dangerous? Angel hadn't only made a fool out of Maland and cut him by leaving him, but she'd thrown salt in the open wound by stealing his child.

Bon Dieu!Blu thought. How was he going to keep her safe when she kept hiding pieces of her life from him? It made him nervous wondering what the h.e.l.l was coming next.

With surprising strength, the nun grabbed Blu's arm and pulled him around to face her. ”I know this must be a surprise, but you certainly knew the risks. Accepting this child is the most honorable thing you can do right now. So here-” the nun shoved Amanda into Blu's arms ”-meet your daughter.” She turned to her brother. ”Do you have the bag, Tiny?”

”Right here.”

Blu held Amanda out in front of him at arm's length as the nun hustled to retrieve the black bag Tiny dropped onto the deck. Her little eyes, Blu noted, had grown huge and her bottom lip started to quiver. Her little legs dangled from beneath a soft pink dress. ”Oh, h.e.l.l, can't you see I scare her? Take her back.”

The nun spun around, her skirt swinging wide. ”She'll warm up to you, just give her a smile. You can smile, can't you? Here, if you hold her like this, she'll like it better.”

The nun set down the pack, then demonstrated the proper way to hold Amanda. After which she gave her back to Blu. ”Now you do it.”

Blu bent his arm and brought Amanda close. She was still staring at him with wary eyes, her lower lip extended to the max in a full pout. He stared at her mouth. It was Kristen's mouth, dainty and sweet. ”Listen. She's not-” Blu stopped himself from denouncing the child. It didn't really matter who the father was. She was Kristen's, and she belonged with her mother, not with these strangers, and certainly not with Maland.

Sister Marian pointed to the small black backpack.

”That was all she came with. That and the child. If you decide to cast them out, tell Kristen she's welcome back at the shelter. Tell her I'm sorry for not waiting another day. I thought I was helping.”

Blu watched as the nun climbed out of the boat with her brother's help. On the dock, she turned back. ”I hope you realize just how lucky you are, Blu duFray. You have a beautiful family. Do right by them and G.o.d's goodness will s.h.i.+ne down on you.” And that was it. Sister Marian and Tiny disappeared, and Blu was left holding the Miniature. He studied her again as she studied him. Finally he said, ”You hungry?”

She shook her head, then reached for Blu's hair and pulled.


Her lip went out a little farther, and she lowered her head.

Blu tugged her chin up, then found himself smiling. A second later he winked.

”I miss Mommeee,” she whispered.

Blu could smell her sweet breath. She was so small, so vulnerable. ”I have a surprise for you.”

She looked up. ”S'prize?”

”If you promise not to wake Mommy, I'll show you where she is.”

Her little eyes lit up and she thrust forward and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Next to his ear, she whispered, ”I pomiss.”

Blu felt her fingers in his hair again, but this time she didn't pull. She seemed fascinated by the fact that he had something growing on his head. Knowing why that was, he started down the stairs.

Chapter 11.

Kristen was dreaming. Drugged by her sweet daughter's birdlike voice, she rolled onto her side and snuggled with her dream.

”Dis time, I feed Da.”

”Wait. Over here, my mouth is over here. Oh, h.e.l.l, you've got it in your hair. Mine, too. Let me help.”

”Da has hair, too.”

”Yes, I have hair, too.”

Kristen sighed, wondering how Blu had gotten into her dream. Smiling, she decided she knew how-he was the most marvelous man on earth. And she loved him-loved him with all her heart.

”Let's wash you up before Mommy sees you like this.”


Kristen opened her eyes slowly. Stretching, her mind began to surface from the dream cloud she'd been riding. She could hear Blu in the galley. Hear Amanda, too.Amanda?

”Me wash Da's face.”

Kristen frowned. Listened.

”All right. But after I wash yours.”