Chapter 149 (1/2)

Chapter 149

Ch. 149 Bone Fis.h.i.+ng Rod

I restarted my work on making the fis.h.i.+ng rod after having finished eating.

I tried cutting the fur thin enough to act as a string, and the pole is being made using the spine by cutting off the extra parts. I cut tiny holes on the tip of the pole and thread the fur string through there, making sure to tie it firmly. I then pull out a decent sized needle from the cactus and bend it a little so it forms a hook, then tie it to the fur string.

Hmm…even though it’s a fis.h.i.+ng rod it does look a little weird. How far can this thing be casted? Is there even a fish that will get caught with this?

“Umm, What did you make?”

Nina calls out.

Alright, ball rabbit, it’s your turn!

Do your job as a translator!

I let you eat a good amount earlier so I won’t hold back!

I know that it’s sometimes hard to convey what the other is saying exactly but just this time I want you to say everything I’m thinking as clearly as possible.

I want it to come out as if I’m the one speaking.

“pe, pefu…..”

The ball rabbit that was taking a nap after eating was shaken by my tail and woken up, A translation is requested.

Tell her that I made a fis.h.i.+ng rod, even though it looks a little weird.

「….Fis.h.i.+ng rod, made look」

The translation came out rather hard to discern in meaning….

Isn’t there a better way? I know that it can’t be helped, but I want more feeling put into it.

“Fis.h.i.+ng rod?”

Nina sees the fis.h.i.+ng rod that I made and tilts her head. I know that the fis.h.i.+ng rod doesn’t look anything close to what a fis.h.i.+ng rod should look like, but with the hook hanging on a string like that it shouldn’t be too hard to figure it out. Apparently, Nina didn’t know what a fis.h.i.+ng rod was in the first place.

Is there a chance that fis.h.i.+ng rods don’t exist in this world? That’s strange, isn’t it something essential? Even 40,000 years ago in my world a fis.h.i.+ng hook was found in some ruins. Even without all the perfect conditions, someone should have come across the idea to hang the fish on some kind of hook.

There is also a chance that Nina just didn’t know of it. There are cases like that depending on the environment and culture you live in.


The hook at the end of the line is dipped into the sea not to far off sh.o.r.e, you take it out if a fish gets caught. From the world I’m from fis.h.i.+ng has been an enjoyable past time, excluding those whose profession was fis.h.i.+ng of course. If Nina at least tries it I think it might turn out pretty well.


「come on already, make short」

A-Ah, sorry.

I got a little too excited.

「Hang hook. Pull up fish. Fun. Give a try」

The way that was summarized is a little….

Man, I wish I could communicate instead. Somehow I feel that I’m coming off as cold. That was like a doctor telling a patient how to digest, I want it to be a little more heartfelt.

“That tool, you want me to use it?”

After hearing the explanation, Nina asked me while staring at the fis.h.i.+ng rod with sparkling eyes.

Oh, did it catch your interest? Looking at Nina’s status I guess this may be natural for her, so it may be something she is quite fond of.

By all means, go ahead.