Chapter 143 (1/2)
Chapter 143
Ch. 143 Outnumbered
“kucha, kucha!” “kuchaa!” “kucha!”
“kuachi!” “kucha!” “kucha!” “kucha!”
The red ants are coming.
Calm down, calm down.
I won’t survive if I panic.
There is a good chance that only two of them have a high level. Even so, there’s so many of them that it doesn’t really matter. I should check their status first before I start worrying, I may be able to get through this depending.
If everyone is around Lv 10, then I could run through them with [[Roll]] if I try my best.
The strong looking one stopped and the rest of the small fry gathered around it.
He seems capable.
I could tell that the group was working as one unit, and whatever the boss says is absolute. If it’s going to be like that then their ability to coordinate is going to be perfect.
Race: Red Ogre Ant Race: Red Ogre Ant
State: Normal State: Normal
Lv: 25/55 Lv: 24/55
HP: 230/230 HP: 226/226
MP: 71/71 MP: 69/69
Race: Red Ogre Ant Race: Red Ogre Ant
State: Normal State: Normal
Lv: 25/55 Lv: 27/55
HP: 230/230 HP: 239/239
MP: 71/71 MP: 75/75
Race: Red Ogre Ant
State: Normal
Lv: 24/55
HP: 226/226
MP: 69/69
Alright, close enough!
That strong guy stayed behind as well!
Their average level is 2 lower than the ones before! Oh yeah!, with this I might be able to break through, and the two level difference is within the error margin! Although they will act differently this time, with so many of them this is trivial.
I take a look behind. I could see the ball rabbit wrinkling its eyebrows as its using [[Telepathy]] on the hordes of red ants.
The red ants are coming forward. Seems like they are ignoring it, but it doesn’t really matter at this point.
I thrust my fangs against the wall. If the red ants made this wall using their clay skill, then I should be able to destroy it.
Even if my fangs are chipped it’s a small matter.
I bit about five times before the last one was able to go through.
Useless, this wall is too d.a.m.n hard. I could do it if I had a little more time but that’s not something I can afford right now.
It’s also questionable if we could even manage to escape if this pa.s.sage collapsed. After all, it’s not possible to go back the way we came, and if everything falls we’ll be buried alive along with the rest of them.
….If the ball rabbit was alone would it be able to run away? If a small hole could be opened then the ball rabbit may be able to pa.s.s through it, and if it digs there won’t be any danger in it collapsing. As long as it makes the hole big enough for it to move through then Nina will also be able to get through.
Is this the end? For it to end like this.