Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~ Chapter 90 (1/2)

Chapter 90

The Trump Card

“That lizard… It seems it was able to bite me…” said the slime, with m.u.f.fled anger in its voice.

While running to the Black lizard side, I check the Slime’s status.

Name: Forte Slime

Status: Alpha Poison

N曚 :27/35


玄d :24/67

All right, he has been poisoned.

The extraordinarily fast HP recovery rate has become slower.

After I get black lizard away from the fight, I’ll finish him off.

Hearing my call, the Black Lizard starts to escape.

“I won’t let you run!! [Clay] [Slow]” [クレイ] (T.L. No idea)

A beam of Purple and Yellow light sprung towards the Lizard.

Although the purple light was slow, the yellow light was fast.

Perhaps because of the damage sustained earlier, the Black Lizard was limping and struggling to move at full speed.

Because of that, the yellow light could get up to the Black Lizard.

At that moment, the yellow light redirected itself to the Black Lizards’s legs.

The ground which was. .h.i.t by the light started to glow. It started to twist and change, producing spikes.

Though the Black lizard managed to not get impaled, she still needed to bounce backwards in order to avoid it.

Then the purple light hit her back.

That was the magic which that annoying tortoise used against me, the magic which lowers your agility.

The Slime charged at the Black Lizard, which was slowed considerably by the spell.

I quickly slipped in between the Slime and Black Lizard. With my claw, I slashed the

Slimes’s body diagonally from shoulder to stomach

The slime, unaffected by my attack, grabbed the Black Lizard’s body with his tounge.

I immediately tried to cut the extended tounge with my claws. As I attempted that, black mist was released from the Slime’s mouth and enveloped the surrounding area in darkness.

There was no resistance – it seems my claws cut through the air.


Relying on intuition and senses unimpaired by the smoke, I swung my claws around.

I want to use my breath attack, but the fact that I don’t know that the Lizard is safe prevents me from goping all out. I might kill her by accident.


Is he actually not going for the kill?

Does this fog have the ability to obfuscate my [Sence Presence]?

I stopped attacking, and focused on sharpening my senses.

When the black fog started to thin, I could grasp the position of the slime.


I charged to the place where the slime’s presence was, and thrust my claws forward.

When I hit it, my claw was repelled.

[Tortoise carapace] again, huh?

When the black fog dissipated completely, I finally saw the Slime’s form clearly.

The slime body looked more angulated compared to before, and he became more transparent, loosing his green color.

The slime was only subtly shaking without moving.

I don’t know which skill he used, most likely its a skill which increases defense while abandoning movement speed.

The slime’s body look hardened. The Black lizard can be seen inside the middle part of his lower body, which looks like a spider now.

Looking at her status, Black lizard’s HP and MP is steadily decreasing. It is using [Health Drain] and [Mana Drain]!


I roared and hit the Slime’s body with my claw

The wound was too shallow, the damage dealt – too low.

“Calm down! Certainly his defense has increased, however, the hardened part now looks deformed, perhaps he can be damaged because of that.”

He doesn’t seem to have any trick to minimize the damage he receives right now, apart from his absurd defense.

[Nutcracker] is the strongest attack skill I have right now. The drawback is that it might also damage the Black Lizard.

I kicked the ground and flew with my wings to the top of the nearby tree.

Firmly aiming at the Slime’s neck, I leaped.

The sound of falling trees can be heard from behind.