Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~ Chapter 85 (2/2)

With just a glance it found out that it was me?

No, because she just made a sunsun sound with its nose, it might have identified me by my smell.

G.o.d only knows how determined she was. We were reunited, so I did not know what to do.

I was puzzled, and froze in place.

The Black Lizard’s eyes grew wide in a blink, and then it confidently jumped at me.

Because the difference in body size is too great, I can only equate the sensation to a stick embracing my foot.

“Kis.h.i.+’! Kis.h.i.+’! Kis.h.i.+’!”

I was worried a little, so I sat down in the forest.

I lifted the Black Lizard with of my tail to the front of my face, so as not to damage her with my claws. I carefully stroked the head of the black lizard.

(Moth: Wow, he got bigger than I expected. My fan theory is that the poison serpent evolution our MC had is also going to available for our lizard, so they can be around the same size again)

“Kis.h.i.+’! Kis.h.i.+’!”

Black Lizard is looking rather happy.

There is a long list of troubles I have to deal with now. The first one is related to Douz.

He wounded me.

There is a possibility that there was a hidden effect on his blade. If there was, it could lead to some horrible things, and can not be allowed to stand.

Before I do anything else, I should try to disinfect it

The second problem is the〖Dragon Powder Scales: Lv4〗.

There is the question of how much of an influence it will be on the ecosystem, and whether I would have to leave the forest because of it.

The third problem, and the most troublesome, is the village.

If you think about the effect I can have, the village will probably not be able to exist peacefully again.

In order to subdue me, they will hire a swordsman like the last time, and they might come storming into the cave.

Also in that regard, G.o.d knows how it will involve the Red Monkeys and Black Lizard.

Fourthly, I need to decide what I will put in the cave, and how I will fit it in there.

I might be able to use 〖Human Transformation〗to fit inside, but I might annihilate everything inside if I accidentally turn back into my dragon form inside the cave.

Food is also a concern, now that my body has became huge. There is simply not enough preserved food.

Finally, I need to apologise to the Black Lizard. My sense of justice demands it.

I left her alone with an injured foot, in a dangerous forest.

As it is difficult to communicate, I can’t even decently apologise.

As such, it may be that the root of evil and misunderstanding will remain.

But right now, I don’t want to think about it – I just want to let my mind rest.


I felt that Black Lizard said “Welcome back!”


And then, I was crowed with all of those kind thoughts.
