Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~ Chapter 48 (2/2)

Even if is a tight battle how are you going to defeat Black Lizard and me?

Or are you just desperate?

Even if desperate, why, now that Black Lizard has showed up you Incidentally do not pay attention only to me?

Honesty at this time of battle, doing nothing other than to continue  to attack without break against the twin head instead of having the black lizard hide would be best.

I'm also here right now too ......  it is true there is only one head left, But I think you should care a little more about me than just the black lizard.

What are the skills of this guy now.......


〖Rest: Lv4〗 〖gravity: Lv2〗 〖very large earth magic: Lv3〗

〖Bite: Lv3〗 〖Beast Tackle: Lv4〗 〖scorching breath: Lv3〗

〖Marking: Lv3〗 〖companion: Lv--〗


So it is not necessarily true that they disappeared, but the three magic should not be usable anymore.

...... and what is up with 〖companion〗?


Hey, Escape at once!

Are you only going to target the black lizard now, who are you!

I squeal loudly, prompting a warning to the black lizard.

Black Lizard had been trying  to be take advantage of the twin-heads blind spot.

While tilting his neck like he was wondering the meaning of my cry,  and does not seem to escape in time.

The eyes of the right head of the twin head that fell on the ground, were still wide open and cut, but then the black lizard crawls on the earth to the freshly severed head, and by the force of his jaws pierced his fangs into the earth trying to eat it.

The idea of The Black Lizard eating the face seemed to hideous of a sight to imagine.

In response to my disturbing cry he became vigilant enough to notice, and starts distance himself with a quick〖Roll〗, but he didnt make it out unscaved.

If not for its att.i.tude, he would have been stuck missing his waist when suddenly being attacked by the gracious twin head.

But wait the freshly severed head also moved fast, Maybe faster than the body of the twin head!

Perhaps this was because of the skill〖companion〗?

I wonder whether that was the effect of 〖companion〗was to blame or not, it makes  little sense now because all of the meat that was repeatedly peeling off the face, and all the pouring blood.

But ......  this sate should not be so long-lasting, or at least I want to believe that.

While we know that it supposedly freshly severed his head, I began running with it, and it seems  to have do something to the earth.

But the body of the twin head prevents me from going for the head gets in my way.


After being Attacked by the poison he lost his right head, I don’t know how the fighting spirit of the twin head is tied together.

How dare you at this stage of the game still have such strong eye sight.

even with so much poison packed in your body to have〖poison α (small)〗.

He must have a strong Will, and a tough spirit.


I do not hate his stubbornness, but no I will not praise this guy right now, Its bad because its real intention was  ”i just need to wait until the poison is exhausted” .
