Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~ Chapter 41 (1/2)

I won’t lose sight of the Black Lizard. I am running at my maximum speed.

I'm gouging the earth, skipping off of warping trees, trying to shrink the most distance in the quickest time possible.

No mercy anymore.

Since it will struggle if it is caught alive, I will stop playing around and go at it with full force.

I will one shot that Black Lizard.

As I approach I continue to rapidly accelerate towards her.

Since I skipped various sharp turns, if you could see me, I’m in somewhat of an unreasonable state. I don't even know if I will die just by catching up.

[T.N. Calm down you have other options =(  ]

But when I try to accelerate he will do quick cuts to attempt to shake me and occasionally head towards obstacles!


When the Black Lizard starts laughing again, and  then again comes the gravel.

Here it came! 〖clay gun〗!

I wanted to avoid the rocks.

Even with the bad accuracy I am a big target.

It was probably a combination of the skills〖roll〗 and 〖clay gun〗 wonder if the last time was her first time doing it.

The reason I thought this is because the number of rocks being launched are more than a little while ago.

I tried to dodge as much as possible but still the power's a pretty big deal if he can get a clean hit.

Perfect dodging was not possible!

So only a small number of stone gravel hit me.

I had just received a powerful sand bullet, and found that he had also stopped, But I was prepared with the fact that I would be hit from the very minute I started again chasing.

I lost quite a bit of speed, but did not stop like him.

I immediately begin full rotation again to regain lost time.

Just you wait and see f.u.c.king a.s.shole!

You thought you could stop me with something like that!?!

Chasing the Black Lizard I was cras.h.i.+ng off of trees with the momentum rampage ping pong ball, but because of this my HP has been cut pretty searvilly.

Since so much ground was needed to be covered I am afraid to say it but there is no other way to catch up.

While traveling I saw cliffs began to spread out ahead on the other side of the Black Lizard.

Finally I have come this far.

I was running with the intention of keeping pace with him up to the cliffs, but all that doesn’t matter if I lose my chance right now.

There is a large curve that runs along the cliff’s side,  I'll use that to trap him!

That being said I can tell that the Black Lizard is also targeting the curve.

It should also be going there to shoot with her〖Clay gun〗 skill.

I won't be able to relax until I win.

Even the black lizard can’t fully concentrate on 〖clay gun〗 while running.

In fact, it had slowed even more after the second time than the first time.

That Black Lizard will concentrate its 〖clay gun〗attack at sharp curves trying to create distance with the conflict.

The Black Lizard slows her rotational speed and is preparing for the curve to use 〖clay gun〗.


She’s mad! If I avoid this, it’s my win!

A storm of stone and gravel comes flying my way.

I raised the speed at once, and using a small hill as a ramp, I took to the air.

I spread my wings while slowing the rotation, I Release〖baby breath〗with 100% effort over my shoulder behind me.

Jumping of the ground again I rapidly rotate in the air while continuously accelerating my speed.


I burned my belly because I shot 〖baby breath〗 from an unreasonable posture, but I was able to evade the rocks by using the acceleration from my breath.