Part 41 (1/2)

”You see,” said the clown, nodding his head at Teddy.

”No, I hear,” grumbled Teddy. ”What's it all about?”

”Don't ask me. I don't know. I'm not running this show.”

”Lucky for the show that you aren't,” muttered the Circus Boy.

”What's that?”

”I was just thinking out loud, I guess.”

”It's a bad habit. Don't do it when I'm around. All hoodoos talk to themselves and in their sleep.”

The show was started off with a rush, the Grand Entry having been cut out again, as is frequently the case with a show where there is a long run ahead, or a storm is expected. That night those in the dressing tent could only surmise the reason. The hyena's warning was the only thing to guide the performers in their search for a reason for the haste. But they took the situation philosophically, as they always had, and prepared for the performance as usual.

The performance had gotten along well toward the end, and without the slightest interruption. All hands were beginning to feel a certain sense of relief, when the shrill blasts of the boss canvasman's emergency whistle were heard outside the big top.

Phil had just completed his trapeze act and was dropping into the net when the whistle sounded.

He glanced up and made a signal to the others in the air.

They dropped, one by one, to the net and swung themselves to the ground, where they stood awaiting the completion of the piece that the band was playing.

”Wind, isn't it?” questioned Mr. Prentice.

Phil nodded.

He was listening intently. His keen ears caught a distant roar that caused him to gaze apprehensively aloft.

”I am afraid we are going to have trouble,” he said.

”It has been in the air all the evening,” was the low answer.

”Wonder if they have the menagerie tent out of the way?”

It was being taken down at that moment, the elephants having been removed to the train, as had part of the cages.

All at once there was a roar that sent the blood from the faces of the spectators. The boss canvasman's whistle trilled excitedly.

”There go the dressing tents,” said Phil calmly as a ripping and rending was heard off by the paddock. ”I hope it hasn't taken my trunk with it. Glad I locked the trunk before coming into the ring.”

The band stopped playing suddenly. The tent was in absolute silence.

”It's a cyclone!” shouted a voice among the spectators.

A murmur ran over the a.s.semblage. In a moment they would be in a mad rush, trampling each other under foot in their efforts to escape.

Phil bounded toward the band.

”Play! Play!” he shouted. ”They'll stampede if you don't.

Play, I tell you!”