Part 2 (1/2)


Whom does Miss belong to?

Just to Mother, Mother only: That's whom Miss belongs to, --And Mother's never lonely.

Whom's this little song to?

Just to Baby, Baby only: That's whom little song's to, --And Baby's never lonely.

Strange Lands

Where do you come from, Mr. Jay?-- 'From the land of Play, from the land of Play.'

And where can that be, Mr. Jay?-- 'Far away--far away.'

Where do you come from, Mrs. Dove?-- 'From the land of Love, from the land of Love.'

And how do you get there, Mrs. Dove?-- 'Look above--look above.'

Where do you come from, Baby Miss?-- 'From the land of Bliss, from the land of Bliss.'

And what is the way there, Baby Miss?-- 'Mother's kiss--mother's kiss.'

March Meadows


Lark-bird, lark-bird soaring high, Are you never weary?

When you reach the empty sky, Are the clouds not dreary?

Don't you sometimes long to be A silent gold-fish in the sea?

Gold-fish, gold-fish diving deep, Are you never sad, say?

When you feel the cold waves creep Are you really glad, say?

Don't you sometimes long to sing And be a lark-bird on the wing?