Part 11 (1/2)
”Tell them to quit and seal the s.h.i.+p back up,” I told him. ”And get the bridge and drive preflights started. We're out of here as soon as I get back.”
There was just the briefest pause. ”What did Uncle Arthur say?”
”I never got to talk to Uncle Arthur,” I told him. ”And I'll explain as much as I can when I get there. Just get us ready to fly, all right?”
”Got it,” he said. ”We'll be ready when you are.”
The Icarus was b.u.t.toned down, with no fuelers in sight, by the time I retracted the ramp and sealed the hatchway. Tera and Everett tried to collar me in the corridor, demanding to know what the rush was; I ordered them back to their stations in no uncertain terms and headed to the bridge.
Ixil was waiting for me there. ”All set,” he said, standing up andrelinquis.h.i.+ng the control chair to me. ”Nicabar is ready with the drive, the fuelers are paid off, and I've got lift permission from the tower.”
”Good,” I said, sliding into the chair and sounding the lift alert. ”Let's get out of here.”
We were off the ground, nearly out of Dorscind's World's atmosphere, and driving for the blackness of s.p.a.ce when he finally broke the silence. ”Well?”
I leaned back in my seat. ”Someone out there wants to get hold of the Icarus,”
said. ”They want it very badly.”
He frowned. ”Why?”
”I don't know why,” I said, pulling Thompson's doc.u.ments out of my pocket and handing them over. ”But I do know who.”
He leafed through the papers, and stopped at the same place I had. Staring at the plain ID card with its operative number and ornate governmental seal and nothing else, the ferrets on his shoulders twitching with his astonishment. ”I don't believe it,” he said mechanically, looking up at me.
”I don't believe it either,” I agreed grimly. ”But it's true. We, my friend, are being chased by the Patth.”
”BUT IT DOESN'T make sense,” Ixil protested.
”On the contrary, it makes perfect sense,” I countered. ”It has to. We just don't know what that sense is yet, that's all.”
Ixil muttered something in his own language, rubbing a fingertip along the corner of my locker. We had retired to my cabin as the most private place on the s.h.i.+p to talk after I'd gotten us into hypers.p.a.ce and turned the bridge over to Tera. Technically, it was Shawn's s.h.i.+ft, with Chort on watch in the engine room, but given the shape Shawn had been in when I left earlier I wouldn't have trusted him to b.u.t.ter bread for me, let alone watch over a s.h.i.+p I was on.
And between then and now, I'd had time to do some serious thinking. ”Look, it's very simple,” I went on. ”At least, the basics of it are. The archaeological dig on Meima found something big-that much is clear from the fact that Cameron himself came out there to take a look. They brought in the Icarus-”
”Wait a minute,” Ixil put in. ”How did they bring it in without the Port Authority having a record of it?”
”Probably in pieces,” I said. ”You've seen what this thing looks like-odds are Cameron flew it in in sections, along with some of his tech people to put it together, and maybe with the archaeological team helping with some of the gruntwork. They probably built it underground, which would explain why none of the normal incoming traffic noticed it on the surface.”
”Then that ma.s.sive explosion Director Aymi-Mastr told you about was to blow the roof off one of those underground caverns and let the s.h.i.+p out.”
”Right,” I nodded. ”Along with conveniently scrambling the s.p.a.ceport sensors so that its departure wouldn't be noticed. I'd give a lot to know what they added to the explosive or the dirt strata to pull that off-again, it was probably Cameron's techs who handled that one.””So why didn't they just leave then?”
I shook my head. ”I don't know. Either they didn't have a crew put together yet, or else they wanted an official s.p.a.ceport stamp to add legitimacy to things.”
”Or perhaps were planning to bring the entire archaeological group out together,” Ixil suggested. ”There's certainly plenty of extra carrying capacity aboard.”
”Good point,” I agreed, glancing over at the three-bunk tier. ”And they couldn't all get on board and leave right then because they knew the authorities would come to investigate the explosion. Finding the site deserted would raise red flags from here to Thursday, which was exactly what they didn't want.
”Anyway, so the Icarus lifted up under cover of the cloud, maybe circled the planet once, and joined the line of incoming s.h.i.+ps waiting clearance to land.
They put down, showed their forged Gamm Port Authority sealed-cargo license, and were in. The crew left the s.h.i.+p, planning to take off again in the morning with the whole crowd aboard and a genuine lift doc.u.ment that would get them back to Earth with no raised eyebrows from anyone.”
”Except that something went wrong,” Ixil said heavily. ”The question is, what?”
”Somebody tumbled to the scheme, obviously,” I said. ”Not the Patth themselves, I don't think. Or if it was, they didn't realize right away the full significance of what Cameron's people had dug up-if they had, they'd have pushed the Ihmisits into locking down the port completely.”
”The Lumpy Brothers or their friends, perhaps?”
”Possibly,” I agreed, ”though I'm still not sure how they fit into this. But whoever it was, and however they tumbled to it, they were interested enough to raid the dig, grab everyone in sight, and send the Ihmisits hunting for anyone who may have slipped through the net.”
”Like Cameron?”
”Like Cameron,” I nodded. ”And so there he was, alone on Meima, with the authorities on his tail, a hot s.h.i.+p locked away behind a fence where he couldn't get at it, and no one to fly it even if he could.”
Ixil shook his head. ”Not a situation I'd want to find myself in.”
”The way things are going, you may get your chance at it yet,” I warned.
”Still, Arno Cameron didn't build a mult.i.trillion-commark industrial empire by lying down and giving up when things got tough. He started going through the periphery tavernos, probably very systematically, looking for enough s.p.a.cers at loose ends to put together a new crew.”
”And to all appearances he succeeded,” Ixil said. ”Which leads immediately to the question of why he didn't fly out with you.”
”That one's got me stumped, too,” I conceded. ”Clearly, they hadn't caught him yet-Director Aymi-Mastr and her frog-eyed heavies grabbing me on the way into the port proved that much. He may have decided that trying to walk through a relatively narrow port gate under the gaze of a pair of Ihmis door wardens would be pus.h.i.+ng his luck too far.”
”Even if staying behind meant they would eventually run him down?””He might have decided that giving the Icarus a head start was worth that risk.”
I grimaced. ”Which he may now have lost. Unlike the Lumpy Brothers, our generous Patth agent with the stack of hundreds knew the Icarus's name.”
”Possibly,” Ixil said. ”On the other hand, we presume they had the rest of the group already in custody. Perhaps one of them finally talked.” He paused, his eyes narrowing in thought. ”There is, of course, another possible explanation for Cameron's absence, given the accidents that have happened on board.
Perhaps one of the s.p.a.cers he hired was not the innocent out-of-work drifter he seemed.
Particularly now that we know that the Patth do have non-Patth agents on retainer.”
”That thought has spent a lot of time twirling around my brain, too,” I acknowledged. ”The problem is, why hasn't he done anything recently? If he's trying to damage the crew or slow down the s.h.i.+p, why haven't there been more such accidents?”
”Be careful what you wish for,” Ixil warned.
”I'm not wis.h.i.+ng for it,” I a.s.sured him fervently. ”I'm just trying to understand it. Okay, he killed Jones and shook up Chort a little, but that was about it. He certainly wasn't busy throwing wrenches in the gears while we were on Xathru and Dorscind's World.”
”He didn't call in the authorities at either place, either,” Ixil agreed. ”As I.