12 Beams From The Eye (2/2)

War Of The Realms IceKitty3 21400K 2022-07-22

Ok, while my tigers fighting it, I can try and learn it's moves, that way I'll be able to counteract them.

I began watching the shadow's attack patterns. Ok so mostly it just uses its legs as weapons, hitting whatever attacks it. Even though this is the only move I've seen it use, I feel like it has something up its sleeve...

A loud shatter awoke me from my thoughts. d.a.m.n it destroy my tiger faster then I expected! Guess I better start attacking it, even if it is terrifying...

I swallowed my fear and produced a long ice and shadow katana. I took a deep breath. Determination set in my eyes.

”Your going down, you 8 leg beast!” I screamed as I ran and jumped, aiming my sword right into its chest.

It gave an annoyed growl, before swinging it's leg at me. I quickly jumped out of the way, producing an ice ramp as I went.

The beast gave a frustrated roar, before switching its stance.

What? I haven't seen this position before, is this it's other move?

The beat's eyes started glowing bright red, like it was charging up for some big attack.

While I was trying to figure out what it could be, a red beam suddenly shot at me from its eyes. It hit me square on, dealing some damage and pus.h.i.+ng me back quite a distance.

Lazer eyes, of course it has Lazer eyes!

Playing jump rope with the lasers, I managed to reclaim my ground and reach my original spot, where my ramp was located. This could be risky, but it's the only plan I've got!

Avoiding another leg and countless red beams, I ran up my ramp, jumping before plunging my sword into its head.

The creature gave a last painful growl, before exploding into a million black sparks.

I landed back on the ground, slightly out of breath.

I never thought when I took on this mission, that I'd have to fight a giant shadow spider, that's for sure!

I gave a last look around the room, searching for any clues I could of missed, before continuing on through the maze.

I hope everyone else is ok. The only shot we have of completing this mission, relies on everyone being able to defeat their fears. My hope is that my own horrors don't appear for a run with my sword.
