9 The Cavern Of Clues (1/1)
After pa.s.sing through the purple gateway, we were teleported to a colossal cavern. As I looked around, I noticed something- instead of the other portals, stood before me was a huge maze. The portals were hidden.
”Clever” I said, walking over to a small pedestal in front of the entrance to the maze, ”It's a scanning device, most likely for something that all of Shad's Army have. If you can scan whatever it is, you can reach the gates without pa.s.sing through the maze, if not, you must complete the puzzle.”
”Wait,” Chloe replied anxiously, ”If you need something to pa.s.s through the maze without having to figure it out, wouldn't that mean the maze is impossible. Shad obviously doesn't want people using the portals without his permission, so why make it possible?”
”It's a test. This maze and the other puzzles that will come with it, will be extremely hard. If a person can complete them, they will prove to be a worthy challenger to Shad- it's all a game to him.” I concluded.
”I see. Will we be able to solve these said challenges?” Oki asked.
”These challenges will test both strength and wit. With our amount of magic, the probability of us completing them is higher than average, plus we aren't thick. However, we still have a higher than I would like chance of failing. Plus, even though I think they'll be clues to help us, I also think there will be things trying to prevent us from completing our task.” I replied, while trying to conjure up a plan.
”How did you figure all that out?” Oki asked, his eyes gaping with bewilderment.
”I know how sly Shad is,” My eyes darkened, ”I have researched him for so long now, I thought he might of had some sort of security measures to prevent rebels from crossing realms. As soon as I saw this, I knew what it was.”
”So, how do we complete it?” Chloe asked, gazing up at the ma.s.sive pillars of stone, which formed the maze.
I scanned our surroundings, looking for some sort of clue. My eyes stopped on a poster nailed left of the entrance. I walked over to investigate.
The poster displayed a golden key with black crystal encrusted in it. Underneath it read, ”If you wish to proceed to the location you wish to reach, retrieve this key from the depths of the maze. However, your imagination may be the death of you...”
I smiled. If I didn't have Shadow magic, I wouldn't be able to figure out this riddle, until it was too late.
Shadow magic is the most powerful magic a demon can use, so it has a lot of abilities and if you can master it, you can be almost invincible.
An interesting trait about Shadow magic, is that it allows the user to control shadows. If the user has enough control over their magic, they can make the shadows change their form into anything. Shad has set shadows throughout the maze which will change the shape to whatever the person fears or whatever is in their darkest memories. It's a cruel way to defeat an enemy, but very covenant, as the user can send Shadows off to anywhere in the world, without having to be present themselves. With these shadows roaming around, our task will be exceptionally harder.
”Guys, ” I said, calling my friends over to the poster, ”In the maze, you will most likely run into something you either fear or hide in your darkest memories. These are shadows. When you see one, fight and destroy it or you will be killed.”
Both Chloe and Oki gave me hesitant looks, but nodded in agreement.
I approached the entrance of the maze. If the shadows really do change into the darkest aspects of our minds, I could be in trouble. No, I've come to far to fail now, I will make it through this, even if I have to fight... Them...