Part 34 (1/1)

_uri_ 1. v. tr., to tread, tread on; _uri sufu_, to tread through.

_urila_ v. n., tread, step. S. _uri_.

_uri_, _urina_, 2. adv., like, thus; _nia kafi uri_, he spake thus, _rao uri_, to do like, to tend, _ele uri_, to desire. S. _uri_.

_uria_ adj., like, used as adv., _toolada ka uria alafana_, their way shall be like as if.

_urii_ adv., just now.

_uruuru_; _si salo uruuru_, fleecy cloud.

_usi_ (_nau_) prep., over, for, on behalf of.

_usia_ n., a market; _ifuli usia_, in the market place. S. _usie_.

_usu_ v. tr., to wipe, anoint. S. _usu_.

_usungaia_ n., commandment. S. _usunge'i_.

_uta_ 1. n., rain; v. i., to rain; _na uta ka uta_, the rain rains.

Florida _uha_.

_uta_ 2. adv., interrog. how? _si manga uta_, what time? _nia kafi uta_, what will he do? S. _u'e_.

_uwa_ v. tr., to lift; _uwa maa_, to lift the eye. S. _uwe_.