Part 32 (1/2)
_tani_ some; _tani oto ni saiai_, some people.
_tangafulu_, numeral, ten, used only in counting; _e tangafulu_.
_tangafulu ana_ tenth, for the tenth time. S. _tangahulu_.
_tangalau_ numeral, one hundred; _e tangalau_; _tangale doo_, one hundred things. S. _tangalau_.
_taofai_, _tataofai_ v. i., to stumble.
_taraina_ today, now, bye and bye.
_tarakaukau_ a bramble. _kakau_.
_tarau_ v. i., to be continuous, traditional.
_taraungaini_ v. tr., to do continuously. S. _tarau_.
_taru_ a chamber. S. _duru_.
_tasa_ v. i., to be too much, used in comparison; _nia baita tasaa ana_, it is bigger than it.
_tasala_ v. n., _ro fe tasala_, twice as much,
_tasaa_ adj. excessive.
_tasaliu_ v. i., to be in excess, exceedingly.
_tata_ adjectival prefix; _tatagwelu_, headlong. S. _tata_.
_tatabi_; _tatabi i tala_, a bifurcation of the path.
_tatae_ v. i., to rise, arise; _tatae oli_, _tatae olila_, resurrection.
_tataea_ v. n., a getting up, a steep place. S. _ta'e_.
_tataga_ v. i., _bae tataga_, to speak blasphemously.
_tatagala_ adj., _bae tatagala_, to speak blasphemously.
_tatagwelu_ adj., headlong. S. _tataqelu_.
_tatale_ v. tr., to uncover, reveal.
_tatao_ v. i., to be flat, on one's back.
_tau_ 1. v. i., to wash; _tau aba_, to wash hands.
_taufi_ v. tr.
_tau_ 2. v. i., to be far off; be a long time; _too ka tau_, _too ka tau_, for ever and ever. S. _ha'atau_.