Part 22 (1/2)
The first time they ran down, his grandmother struck him many times. In coming up the first time, he did not strike her at all. Every time they ran down she struck him less, and every time they ran up he struck her more.
They ran up and down for three days; and at the end of that time she could not strike him once, and he struck her at every step she took. He had now become a great runner.
When he was fifteen years of age, the old woman went with him to a hurling match between the forces of his grandfather and those of a neighboring king. Both sides were equal in skill; and neither was able to win, till the youth opposed his grandfather's people. Then, he won every game. When the ball was thrown in the air, he struck it coming down, and so again and again,--never letting the ball touch the ground till he had driven it through the barrier.
The old king, who was very angry, and greatly mortified, at the defeat of his people, exclaimed, as he saw the youth, who was very fair and had white hair: ”Who is that _fin c.u.mhal_[11] [white cap]?”
[11] c.u.mhal, the name of Fin's father. Denotes also a cap or head-covering, fin = white. The punning resemblance suggested to the old woman the full name, Fin Macc.u.mhail.
”Ah, that is it; Fin will be his name, and Fin Macc.u.mhail he is,” said the old woman.
The king ordered his people to seize and put the young man to death, on the spot. The old woman hurried to the side of her grandson. They slipped from the crowd and away they went, a hill at a leap, a glen at a step, and thirty-two miles at a running-leap. They ran a long distance, till Fin grew tired; then the old grandmother took him on her back, putting his feet into two pockets which were in her dress, one on each side, and ran on with the same swiftness as before, a hill at a leap, a glen at a step, and thirty-two miles at a running-leap.
After a time, the old woman felt the approach of pursuit, and said to Fin: ”Look behind, and tell me what you see.”
”I see,” said he, ”a white horse with a champion on his back.”
”Oh, no fear,” said she; ”a white horse has no endurance; he can never catch us, we are safe from him.” And on they sped. A second time she felt the approach of pursuit, and again she said: ”Look back, and see who is coming.”
Fin looked back, and said: ”I see a warrior riding on a brown horse.”
”Never fear,” said the old woman; ”there is never a brown horse but is giddy, he cannot overtake us.” She rushed on as before. A third time she said: ”Look around, and see who is coming now.” Fin looked, and said: ”I see a black warrior on a black horse, following fast.”
”There is no horse so tough as a black horse,” said the grandmother.
”There is no escape from this one. My grandson, one or both of us must die. I am old, my time has nearly come. I will die, and you and Bran save yourselves. (Bran had been with them all the time.) Right here ahead is a deep bog; you jump off my back, and escape as best you can.
I'll jump into the bog up to my neck; and when the king's men come, I'll say that you are in the bog before me, sunk out of sight, and I'm trying to find you. As my hair and yours are the same color, they will think my head good enough to carry back. They will cut it off, and take it in place of yours, and show it to the king; that will satisfy his anger.”
Fin slipped down, took farewell of his grandmother, and hurried on with Bran. The old woman came to the bog, jumped in, and sank to her neck.
The king's men were soon at the edge of the bog, and the black rider called out to the old woman: ”Where is Fin?”
”He is here in the bog before me, and I'm trying can I find him.”
As the hors.e.m.e.n could not find Fin, and thought the old woman's head would do to carry back, they cut it off, and took it with them, saying: ”This will satisfy the king.”
Fin and Bran went on till they came to a great cave, in which they found a herd of goats. At the further end of the cave was a smouldering fire.
The two lay down to rest.
A couple of hours later, in came a giant with a salmon in his hand. This giant was of awful height, he had but one eye, and that in the middle of his forehead, as large as the sun in heaven.
When he saw Fin, he called out: ”Here, take this salmon and roast it; but be careful, for if you raise a single blister on it I'll cut the head off you. I've followed this salmon for three days and three nights without stopping, and I never let it out of my sight, for it is the most wonderful salmon in the world.”
The giant lay down to sleep in the middle of the cave. Fin spitted the salmon, and held it over the fire.
The minute the giant closed the one eye in his head, he began to snore.
Every time he drew breath into his body, he dragged Fin, the spit, the salmon, Bran, and all the goats to his mouth; and every time he drove a breath out of himself, he threw them back to the places they were in before. Fin was drawn time after time to the mouth of the giant with such force, that he was in dread of going down his throat.
When partly cooked, a blister rose on the salmon. Fin pressed the place with his thumb, to know could he break the blister, and hide from the giant the harm that was done. But he burned his thumb, and, to ease the pain, put it between his teeth, and gnawed the skin to the flesh, the flesh to the bone, the bone to the marrow; and when he had tasted the marrow, he received the knowledge of all things. Next moment, he was drawn by the breath of the giant right up to his face, and, knowing from his thumb what to do, he plunged the hot spit into the sleeping eye of the giant and destroyed it.