Part 1 (1/2)

Myths and Folk Tales of Ireland.

by Jeremiah Curtin.


[1] Loch Lein, former name of one of the Lakes of Killarney.

On a time there lived a king and a queen in Erin, and they had an only son. They were very careful and fond of this son; whatever he asked for was granted, and what he wanted he had.

When grown to be almost a young man the son went away one day to the hills to hunt. He could find no game,--saw nothing all day. Towards evening he sat down on a hillside to rest, but soon stood up again and started to go home empty-handed. Then he heard a whistle behind him, and turning, saw a giant hurrying down the hill.

The giant came to him, took his hand, and said: ”Can you play cards?”

”I can indeed,” said the king's son.

”Well, if you can,” said the giant, ”we'll have a game here on this hillside.”

So the two sat down, and the giant had out a pack of cards in a twinkling. ”What shall we play for?” asked the giant.

”For two estates,” answered the king's son.

They played: the young man won, and went home the better for two estates. He was very glad, and hurried to tell his father the luck he had.

Next day he went to the same place, and didn't wait long till the giant came again.

”Welcome, king's son,” said the giant. ”What shall we play for to-day?”

”I'll leave that to yourself,” answered the young man.

”Well,” said the giant, ”I have five hundred bullocks with golden horns and silver hoofs, and I'll play them against as many cattle belonging to you.”

”Agreed,” said the king's son.

They played. The giant lost again. He had the cattle brought to the place; and the king's son went home with the five hundred bullocks. The king his father was outside watching, and was more delighted than the day before when he saw the drove of beautiful cattle with horns of gold and hoofs of silver.

When the bullocks were driven in, the king sent for the old blind sage (Sean dall Glic), to know what he would say of the young man's luck.

”My advice,” said the old blind sage, ”is not to let your son go the way of the giant again, for if he plays with him a third time he'll rue it.”

But nothing could keep the king's son from playing the third time. Away he went, in spite of every advice and warning, and sat on the same hillside.

He waited long, but no one came. At last he rose to go home. That moment he heard a whistle behind him, and turning, saw the giant coming.

”Well, will you play with me to-day?” asked the giant.

”I would,” said the king's son, ”but I have nothing to bet.”

”You have indeed.”

”I have not,” said the king's son.