Part 31 (1/2)
Theo extricated himself from Selena, who'd awakened and was blinking the sleep from her eyes, and climbed out to check out the situation.
”I'll change the tire,” Wyatt said grimly. ”We could eat too. I could use one of those sandwiches anyway. I think we've still got at least twenty miles, maybe more.”
”I'll give you a hand, Earp,” Elliott said, and gave Theo a meaningful look that said, Do what you have to do. Do what you have to do.
”Do you need to ... uh ... go into the woods?” Theo asked Selena when he noticed she was looking around as she drank from a jug Vonnie had packed them.
She gave a little smile for the first time since he'd returned. ”Yes, please.”
That smile, weak as it was, went a long way in making him feel optimistic about things.
”I'll go with you.” He grabbed a large stick and lit the end of it. ”I hear a creek or stream that way. I don't know about you, but I could use a wash up too.”
He followed her into the woods and washed up downstream while she did what she had to do. He heard her splash into the creek; and when she came back toward him on sh.o.r.e, he saw that her face was damp and s.h.i.+ny.
And beautiful. So beautiful and serene.
She stumbled over a root or something, brus.h.i.+ng against him, and he caught her arm. He would never know if she'd done it on purpose, but it was enough of an excuse. This was the first bit of privacy they'd had. Thank you, Elliott. Thank you, Elliott.
”Selena,” he said, turning to face her. He still held the torch and drew it closer so that she could see. ”I'm sorry.”
”Sorry for what?” She made no move to pull away and return to the camp, and he was grateful for that.
”For just showing up and expecting you to come and ... do what you did. Especially knowing how you felt about me.” He tried to find her gaze in the flickering torchlight, but it was difficult, for the shadows. He swallowed, feeling a heavy ache in the pit of his stomach.
”Oh, Theo ... I've been so confused. I haven't been able to figure out very much of anything in the last few weeks. What to do, what my calling is-and, why, why why all this had to happen.” Her words roughened, but she pressed on. ”But when I heard your voice ... from the kitchen ... I was all this had to happen.” Her words roughened, but she pressed on. ”But when I heard your voice ... from the kitchen ... I was so glad so glad you were back. It felt like everything inside me started to move again. But at the same time, I was frightened that you'd just come to ... to get your things and leave.” you were back. It felt like everything inside me started to move again. But at the same time, I was frightened that you'd just come to ... to get your things and leave.”
Warmth and relief blossomed. That explained the removed look on her face. ”I've missed you. So much So much.” At last, he reached to touch her cheek, dying to feel the weight of that thick, heavy hair. ”And it's only been a bit more than a week.” He managed to find her gaze then, and held it in the flickering light. ”I don't ever want to leave. Again.”
”I don't want you to.”
Thank G.o.d. ”I was afraid that you'd never let me near you again, after ... what happened with the zombies. That you'd be disgusted by me.” ”I was afraid that you'd never let me near you again, after ... what happened with the zombies. That you'd be disgusted by me.”
He shook his head, then dropped his hand away. ”Selena ... you were right. You are are right,” he said. ”They're alive. And I'm sorry that it had to take me that horrible experience at Ballard's lab to believe you. To accept what you've been trying to tell me.” right,” he said. ”They're alive. And I'm sorry that it had to take me that horrible experience at Ballard's lab to believe you. To accept what you've been trying to tell me.”
A little s.h.i.+ny trail had started down her cheek and she hooked a finger into his belt loop, her thumb rubbing against his belly. ”It took me that experience today to truly understand it, in my heart too.” She closed her eyes briefly. ”I questioned it, even though I'd believed for so long. And after what they did to Sammy ...”
Theo nodded. ”Selena. Any mother would feel the same way.”
”But they didn't know what they were doing, and I knew knew that. But I couldn't let my anger go. I had to keep it and stew on it, and let it churn around inside me. And it nearly drove you away.” that. But I couldn't let my anger go. I had to keep it and stew on it, and let it churn around inside me. And it nearly drove you away.”
”You would have needed to try a lot harder to really drive me away, Selena. I'm in love with you, if you haven't figured that out by now. I'm not ever going to leave you.”
Her face brightened into a glorious smile. ”Theo ...”
He wanted to drag her up against him and fill his senses with her, but there were still other things to be said. He looked around for a place to put the torch, then shoved its end into the ground so he could have two hands free.
But before he could speak, she looked at him, focusing her gaze on his. ”Are you finally going to kiss me?”
Well, maybe those other things could wait. ”If you'll let me.” He felt his lips move in a crooked smile.
”Give it a shot, kiddo.” She gave him a bigger smile and he moved in.
It was like the heat of summer after a long, chilly winter, gathering her into his arms, covering her lips with his. Warm and familiar, tasting of the sweetness of Vonnie's tea and of Selena herself. Theo couldn't hold back a sigh of pleasure. Mine. Mine.
Things were just getting interesting-his hands were finding the swells of smooth, warm skin and his jeans were overly tight in the crotch-when they heard a shout, followed by a scream, terrified and desperate. Definitely human.
They sprang apart and Theo started off, dragging Selena after him, toward the sound which could be as far as a mile away. Heading back toward their camp, he rushed through the night, gripping her hand tightly.
The scream m.u.f.fled and choked, and suddenly, Theo heard the sound of a dog barking. It was a whining sort of horrified bark and then there was the crazy thras.h.i.+ng through the underbrush, through the ruins and the forest as the dog-presumably Dantes-bolted off into the night.
The dog cut in front of Theo and Selena, and then moments behind him were Wyatt and Elliott tearing into the dark, trying to keep up with him.
Theo tore after them, Selena stumbling along behind. He heard the sound of a vehicle engine and the frantic barking from Dantes. Shouts and a scream, and suddenly they came upon the scene.
He didn't waste time saying or thinking What the h.e.l.l? What the h.e.l.l?-he just took it all in at once and, releasing Selena's arm, ran over to help. By the time he got there, Wyatt was whipping a man from the front seat of a Humvee and Dantes was barking and whining and scrambling at something beneath it.
Remy thought she was dreaming when she heard Dantes' barking.
The truck roared to life above her, and she frantically, weakly, tried to grab something to hold on to, to pull herself up from the ground.
Seattle had come back out from wherever he had gone, and when he tried to drag her from beneath, she'd greeted him with the sharp, rusted edge of a slice of metal. Stabbing at him from under the truck, unwilling to suffer at his hands again-or to be left out in full view for the zombies.
He'd managed a few solid kicks at her, and she'd gotten him in the arm or maybe even the face with the metal ... but that was the end of that. He stumbled back and climbed into the truck above her just as something burst from the darkness.
The engine roared to life just as a dog-it was Dantes-barreled up and launched himself toward the truck. She felt the vehicle jolt from the force of the dog's body slamming into the door. Weak and terrified, and beneath the vehicle, Remy didn't see exactly what was happening, but suddenly she heard footsteps running. The engine revved and she braced herself as it lurched forward, dragging her across several feet of ground. Agony sc.r.a.ped down her back and thighs, bare from loose, s.h.i.+fting clothing, from the sharp, hard rocks and rubble beneath. Her battered body screamed and ached as she fought to keep away from the ma.s.sive wheels rolling so close to her.
There was a shout and a loud thump, and she wasn't sure what happened next, but the truck jolted to a stop. The door opened, feet were there next to her and there was a grunt and a strangled shout. The next thing she knew, Seattle was tumbling to the ground far beyond the truck.
Dantes was on him before the man stopped rolling, and Seattle's high-pitched, terrorized scream was cut off as the dog lunged for his throat. And then there was ugly silence filled only by the crunch of bone and gurgling beneath Dantes's fangs.
Remy tried to call out-can anyone see me under here?-but her voice was rough and weak and it came out only as a little wavering thing. She could hardly move.
Suddenly, a dark figure crouched next to her legs, which angled partway out from beneath the truck.
”Mother-f.u.c.k,” he said, and began to pull her ankles gently out from beneath.
Remy was dimly aware of other figures coming into view, but she couldn't see much other than pairs of legs and feet. The man helping her had to bend down half beneath the truck to reach the metal thing to which she was cuffed, and the sucked-in, sharp intake of breath bespoke his disgust and fury for her predicament.
At last, the cuff was freed, though still around her wrist, and he was helping her to her feet. Remy's knees wouldn't hold her, and she sagged, lightheaded and trembling, as he pulled her out and helped her upright. Her vision darkened and spun, and she couldn't focus. She felt cool air on her skin where it shouldn't be, and dampness and pain. ... everywhere.
”Jesus Christ,” he said, his voice tense and urgent. ”Elliott!”
Remy tried to stand, but she found herself clutching her rescuer and the metal edge of the truck door as another figure separated from the wavering shadows and approached quickly. Her back ached from being dragged only that short bit across the ground, sc.r.a.ped and cut and battered from the other a.s.saults. Her jeans sagged from where Seattle had left them loose, and left her hips bare and sc.r.a.ped. Her stomach rebelled and she grabbed at someone's warm arm as she puked nothing but bile, retching painfully from the depths of her belly.
When she opened her eyes and raised her head, she found herself looking at a familiar face-the man she'd thrown a snake at in order to escape him. ”You,” ”You,” she gasped, her knees all weak again. ”d.i.c.k ...” She tried to form coherent thoughts, but everything fled except the man with the stony face who kept her from falling. she gasped, her knees all weak again. ”d.i.c.k ...” She tried to form coherent thoughts, but everything fled except the man with the stony face who kept her from falling.