Part 38 (1/2)
In a flash, Dean is standing in front of me, so that all I can see is the fascinating planes and ridges of his back. I quickly dodge around him. I am not going to hide, d.a.m.n it. Run, maybe.
”You know, I've spent weeks wracking my brain, trying to figure out who the mystery guy you banged was,” Johnny says, his tone biting and caustic. ”Never once did I think it'd be my own brother.”
Dean's eyes narrow in response. Before he can say anything, I jump in. ”It wasn't him. This-” I gesture wildly between us. ”-just happened. I swear.”
Johnny's glare unlocks from Dean and zeroes in on me again. ”Yeah, right. And it was an accident, right? You tripped and fell?”
I wince, but gaze at him steadily. ”It wasn't an accident. But this is the first time anytime like this has happened between us. I've never had s.e.x with Dean, I promise.”
I can feel Dean tense beside me, but I'm too focused on Johnny right now. I have to fix this somehow! It's all my fault. I can feel Johnny's temper shooting into the danger zone, the air around him practically pulsates.
”So if it wasn't Dean, who was it then, Teeny?” he says with an ugly smirk. ”Another one of my friends? Do you have a list, or are you just randomly going down the line?”
I can't help the little gasp that escapes me. Oh, my G.o.d! That's almost exactly what I said about myself! And it's totally true. I hang my head in shame.
”Leave her alone,” Dean interjects angrily. ”It's not like that.”
Johnny suddenly gets in his face, neck muscles corded. ”What's it like then, brother?” He snorts derisively. ”You wanna tell me what the f.u.c.k, huh? I trusted you, man. You promised you wouldn't go after her.”
Dean's eyes flash, his face inches from Johnny's. ”And you promised you'd never hurt her. Guess we're both f.u.c.king liars.”
And just like that, Johnny's temper snaps like a rubber band. I find myself being moved to the side, and then he's swinging on Dean.
I shriek like a little girl when his fist makes contact with Dean's face. Dean takes the first couple of hits without defending himself-but when Johnny keeps coming at him, he switches to evasive mode, blocking the punches being thrown at him.
I stand there uselessly, hands clamped over my mouth. Thankfully, Dean seems to be keeping his cool. That is, until Johnny growls something in his ear. Dean stiffens noticeably, his face darkening with rage. Uh-oh.
Now Dean is fighting back, and all h.e.l.l breaks loose. I've seen lots of fights between guys-mostly they wrestle around, their fists flailing wildly. That's not what's going down now. These two are using fists, elbows, knees-and throwing each other into stuff: the walls, the desk, a lamp-oh, no, not the aquarium! Oh...phew!
”Stop it!” I scream, loud as I can, dancing anxiously around them. It's not so much a fight as it is a tornado of destruction. ”Please stop!”
Oh, G.o.d, Dean just tackled Johnny into the hallway. They are seriously trying to kill each other. What do I do?! s.h.i.+t!
I run back into Dean's room and grab a cup from the bathroom. I fill it with cold water, then run back out, and throw it at them, hoping to shock them out of fighting. There is absolutely no effect. Johnny throws an elbow in Dean's ribs while shaking the water out of his eyes. I drink what's left in the cup.
Jelena comes running up the stairs, probably alerted by the cras.h.i.+ng and thudding noises. Her eyes bug out when they land on Johnny and Dean kicking the s.h.i.+t out of each other. ”What happened?!” she cries, standing at the top of the landing, and wringing her hands anxiously.
”Do you have a fire extinguisher, or something I can spray at them?” I ask her hopefully.
She shakes her head. ”I'm calling the cops!”
”No, don't!”
But she's already scurrying down the stairs. No! I don't want either of them to get in trouble for this-it could screw up their football scholars.h.i.+ps if they get arrested. I have to do something.
Not letting myself think about it, I lunge in front of Johnny, just as Dean's getting ready to land a punch. My eyes are screwed tightly shut, my entire body braced for what is sure to be an incredibly painful blow.
It never comes. I open one eye. Dean's huge fist is about an inch from my nose. He stares at me, horrified at what almost happened.
”Stop,” I whisper, my expression pleading. ”Please.”
Dean's expression changes. His eyes suddenly go blank, and he lowers his arm. I breathe a sigh of relief.
”Oh, f.u.c.k this,” Johnny mutters from behind me.
He gently pushes past me, then deliberately rams his shoulder into Dean as he walks by him. He stalks down the stairs, disappearing from view.
Dean and I look at each other wordlessly. I quickly appraise him for damages. One side of his jaw is red and starting to swell up, and there is a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth. The cut below his left eye looks nasty and painful. Blood is smeared on his chest.
”Are you okay?” I ask quietly, reaching a hand out to him-then letting it fall away.
The walls are back up. Dean's got his blank cop face back on. ”I'm fine,” he replies tonelessly.
I nod once. I can't help but throw an anxious glance at the stairs. G.o.d, I hope Johnny doesn't do anything stupid. Again.
”Go after him.”
I turn to Dean in surprise. ”But...”
He stares at a point above my head. ”I know you want to. It's okay.”
”Dean. What about you, and-?”
”It doesn't matter.”
Dean turns, and walks back into his bedroom, quietly closing the door behind him.
I stand there indecisively. Then I decide to follow my instincts, and I barrel down the stairs, praying I'm not too late.
I catch up to Johnny just as he's about to get in his truck. I skid toward him, and he glances over his shoulder at me. I wince at the sight of his battered face, illuminated by the bright fluorescent garage lights. One whole side of his face is puffy, and his bottom lip is split.
”Just save it, Teeny,” Johnny says tiredly. ”I'm not talking about this right now.”
I bite my lip, forcing myself not to grab his arm and make him look at me. ”It's not Dean's fault. I was the one who came over here to talk to him,” I state emphatically. ”I started this.”
He closes his eyes, and leans his forehead against the driver's side window. ”Do you like him?”
I hesitate for a long moment. ”Yes,” I say finally. ”I honestly didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you...”
”I know.” Johnny lifts his head, and looks at me. The pain in his eyes brings tears to my own. ”The really f.u.c.ked up thing is that I deserve this.”
I shake my head vigorously, reaching out to touch his arm. ”No, you don't. I-”
”Yeah, I do,” he interrupts, pulling back from me. ”More than you know. Look, I gotta get out of here.”