Part 14 (1/2)
”Dean Youngblood?” Mack says to clarify we're all talking about the same person.
I nod bitterly. ”He thought he could scare me away from playing there because I wasn't rich like everyone else. But I just kept coming back. I really hated him, and I know it was a long time ago, but I still-I try not to let it bother me, and I don't expect an apology from him. I-he's just not my favorite person.”
”s.h.i.+t,” Nick says, leaning back in his chair. ”That was kind of the last thing I thought you'd say. Wow, I'm sorry, Juliet. I can't even imagine Dean being like that.”
”Want me to kick his a.s.s?” Mack says darkly, lightly pounding a fist into the table. ”I could make him apologize.”
”No!” I laugh, shaking my head. ”It's all in the past. I haven't brought it up, and neither has he, so it's cool. I'd rather not acknowledge it, you know? We were little kids.”
I hesitate for a moment. There's more to the story, but I won't be sharing it. It's all so stupid. I know it happened a long time ago, but the experience was traumatic. Yeah, I could have played at a different park, but why should I? Stupid Gigantor Dean.
I still have fond memories of Diego, though. He'd always try to stand up for me, even though Dean was twice his size. Too bad his mom got deported back to Canada.
”Fun Size.” Nick is chuckling quietly, snapping me out of my musings. I glare at him. ”Sorry, but that's kind of a good nickname for you. It's really cute-like you.”
I try to think of something to change the subject, but my mind goes blank. Fortunately, Mack's little sister comes wandering out. Lala, at ten years old, is already an exotic beauty. I can just imagine the beatings Mack will have to dole out to keep the guys away from her.
Lala begs Mack to dance a new hula routine with her-and to my surprise, he gets up with her and starts moving with expert ease and finesse to the Hawaiian music playing from her iPod.
Okay, so I never realized how s.e.xy a guy hula dancing can be. The way Mack moves his hips in time to the beat is soo hot! His fast forceful movements somehow complement his sister's slower, graceful ones. Hula dancing is awesome!
When Mack offers to teach me some moves, I jump up enthusiastically. It's so much fun! Lala shows me the girl's way-how to move my feet, and position my arms, giggling the whole time. Mack makes Nick try it, and I start laughing so hard, I almost pee myself. Nick is a great dancer, but the way he moves his hips is-well, he looks like he's doing something else.
”Sit down, boy.” Mack glares at him. ”This ain't no”
Nick is grinning as he straightens from his bent-knee stance. ”You said s.h.i.+ft my hips!”
”Yeah-I didn't say 'thrust!' You're hopeless.” Mack shakes his head at him, then points at me. ”You, on the other hand-you're a natural.”
”Thanks.” I smile at Lala. ”How long have you guys been doing this for?”
”I started a couple of years ago, but Mack's been doing it since he was two,” Lala informs us, pus.h.i.+ng back her long thick hair. She grins up at her big brother. ”He's won trophies, and stuff.”
”Really?” Nick looks at Mack curiously. ”How come none of us knew this about you?”
”Do you think I go around advertising I dance the hula?” Mack says in a don't-be-stupid voice. His brow furrows thunderously. ”This information does not leave here, understand?”
”Who would believe me anyway, right?”
”If you teach me, I'll cook for you every week,” I offer, redoing my bun. It sort of fell apart during the hula lesson, and my long blonde locks spill everywhere. I need a haircut.
”Deal,” Mack says instantly. ”Can I pick the menu?”
”Am I invited?” Nick asks hopefully.
”Me, too!” Lala pipes up.
The four of us make plans to meet every Sunday for food and hula lessons, and that somehow-weirdly-leads to discussions of forming a boy band, even though half of us are female. Through intense deliberation, we decide: Mack is the pretty one, Nick is the bad boy, Lala is the diva with the most fans...and I'm slightly hideous, but the only one out of the four of us with any actual talent.
It's completely silly, but so entertaining. I thought Mack and Nick were way too cool to let their dork sides show, but no-they're having fun, too. Mack strikes a pose with his broad shoulders slumped back. He lifts up his s.h.i.+rt, rubbing his flat belly, and I almost fall over laughing at the s.e.xy man duck face he's making.
Is there anything more fun than synchronized head banging?
Or more dangerous? I whirl my head so hard, I can almost feel it disconnecting from my neck. Dizzy, I stumble backwards and fall back onto the gra.s.s.
I'm lying there, spread-eagled, with my eyes closed, when I sense someone standing over me. Thinking it's Mack or Nick, I crack one eye open, smiling.
The smile falls off my face when I see Johnny looking down at me. He's standing with his back to the setting sun, his body outlined in a dazzling pink-gold halo of light. His features are shaded, so I can't see his expression.
I pull myself up so I'm resting on my elbows, squinting at him. He's wearing black board shorts, and a plain gray t-s.h.i.+rt that hugs the muscles in his chest and abs, its short sleeves revealing his strong tanned arms. His golden blonde hair is windblown, his cerulean blue eyes are striking and bright-and so d.a.m.n s.e.xy, I'm dizzy with want.
Johnny crouches down next to me, close enough for our legs to touch. ”Hey,” he says with a crooked smile.
I'm suddenly shy. Why? I was making a fool out of myself in front of people I barely know-and now, confronted by the boy who's kissed me in places my mother would have never approved of.
Not that I would ever ask her permission. Ew.
I sit up, shaking my head a little to clear it of such dangerous thoughts. ”Why are you here?” I ask after a short pause.
”I heard you were here.”
Oh, really? I glance over at Nick and Mack, who are blatantly staring in our direction. When they see me glaring, they quickly look away, pretending to be in deep conversation.
Set up again, d.a.m.n it.
I turn back to Johnny with a barely concealed sigh. ”You have to stop this,” I say, looking straight into his eyes. ”We're not together anymore, remember?”
”I remember,” he says soberly. ”That doesn't mean we can't be friends, though. Does it?”
”I don't know,” I huff. s.h.i.+fting away from him, I put some s.p.a.ce between us. I hug my knees to my chest. ”We've been broken up for a week, and I see more of you now than when we were together. You won't leave me alone, you warn the guys in school not to date me...that stunt you pulled in the gym was so embarra.s.sing! Now everyone knows my private business-you know I hate that.”
”I'm sorry. I'll back off, I swear. I got a little crazy-I realize that. Now...I'm just hoping you'll still talk to me, and we can hang out. Would that be okay?” Johnny tilts his head to the side, his expression hesitant yet hopeful.
”I don't know if that's such a good idea,” I say truthfully. I feel horrible when his face falls. ”I'm sorry, but-it's too soon, and I still feel...”
”What?” he prompts softly. He reaches out to trail his fingers, feather soft, against my cheek.
I just shrug. My heart is thumping, pounding so hard against my chest I almost want to look down to check if it's visible under my s.h.i.+rt.
There is a short profound silence. Finally, Johnny nudges my leg with his to get my attention. ”Wanna go for a swim?” he asks.
”What?” I say stupidly.