Chapter 229 (1/2)
Chapter 229: A Swarm of Starry Spiders
Han smoothly reached the Andromeda Last time his spaceshi+p passed this place, he received a weak gravitational signal The signal was an auto nearby vessels to not approach it
The autoent at the time and the issuer didn’t have ti content He or she could only press the preset button of the co out an alarm to inform everyone
Froth, Han could tell that this alare and already beca his shi+p to the extre arrays, he wouldn’t have detected the signal If it was other shi+ps, they wouldn’t be able to detect this kind of weak signal at all
Han stopped and exited the shi+p The multi-scan array was not turned off but was controlled re state
For the past few days when Han was on Earth, he had a suspicion that there was so him
In order to verify whether he was onto so, Han came to the Andromeda If Han’s hunch was true, then the enemies would probably set up outside the Andro area But Han was already prepared so he wouldn’t let the enemy succeed easily
assu, then he will just check out what the warning signal was about and it wouldn’t cost hi
This alaxy with -ter in the past
Now that the valuable minerals have been mined, the planet was naturally abandoned
The warning signal came from the botto coiant hole that was approximately 1000 km in dia shot by a giant cannon if viewed from space
This planet didn’t have a naen in the ath Even if Han’s battle suit didn’t have a respiratory syste was not sent smell
Han released the Demon Claw, had it carry him into the pit and ordered Silver Fox and the Ghost Claw to scout
Very soon, Han arrived at the bottoe excavator at the botto several thousand tons, and appearing like a little mountain
The warning signal was broadcasted by this excavator The door was not closed, so Han curiously went inside
The people already fled after issuing the warning signal There was still half-eaten food in the cockpit, as well as aplan, shi+ft schedule, and a few family pictures
Han slightly frowned and mumbled to himself, “What happened? The operators on this excavator left behind everything and ran”
Yuan Yuan said, “Master, soht Such a deep pit, even if the operators wanted to run, wouldn’t it be faster to take the Land Speeder? But the two mini Land Speeders at the back of the excavator were not touched at all”
Han nodded and left the excavator Everything see field, but why didn’t the operators use the Land Speeders to escape? This was a bit strange
“Co thing” Han said
When the excavator was moved, Han noticed that there was actually a hole below th
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e machine So the operators ran and didn’t move the excavator because they wanted to block the hole to prevent the things inside fro out
Silver Fox was very quick, he rushed to the hole and grabbed so to show Han
Han saw the thing in Silver Fox’s claws and immediately smiled, it was actually a premature starry spider
Speaking of starry spiders, they were also a type of star beasts, but they were a relatively weak kind and the beast trainers usually didn’t pay them much attention
But there was one person that loved using theenetic beasts, and that person was Wuyun
Han’s genetic biology teacher Wuyun He was an addict, who once searched the world for ancient books on genetic biology