Chapter 186 (1/2)

Chapter 186: God and Human

From the conversation with Mild Wind, Han understood the situation

A long ti robots like Mild Wind were all sentenced to exile, and they were thrown onto this planet, under the watch of a group of prehistoric bugs

The reason these robots weren’t destroyed was that this planet was not only a prison, but also an ultra-long-range cruise missile silo base established by the prehistoric civilization

At the moment, the prehistoric civilization already decided to leave the Milky Way, and they were taking a large quantity of robots in order to facilitateand maintenance needs

For the prehistoric civilization, theto destroy these learning robots, then they would have to leave behind more robots that were more useful

So, the learning robots were saved They didn’t need to be destroyed, and their only mission was to wait for that one day when the base re-opens and then work for the God race

A long tih this place was very hidden, there was often electro robots that were put into dorain self-consciousness

The guarding bugs obviously didn’t like that, so they began killing the robots A the first batch of robots, only Mild Wind was able to survive Fortunately, he ran into the base, and the bugs avoided this place

Due to the internetic stor robots were activated, and under Mild Wind’s organization, the learning robots for the activated robots to wait for an opportunity when the bugs weren’t paying attention and quietlyto here

Over tis and ca a coht now

The Kui race’s skinners have repeatedly visited here, and after seeing all of the robots that were deht it was a robot cemetery In fact, that was not the case The inco attacked by the insects when they were escaping, and all of the robots that were originally exiled here were all intact

Because the electronetic storms happen only intermittently, Mild Wind could occasionally receive radio waves froh the incomplete data, Mild Wind knew that the God race left, the hu unfriendly to other alien races

Because the learning robots’ biggest strength was being able to learn, Mild Wind gradually beca down the knowledge he learned to the robots that just awakened

In short, the community Han noas in fact a robot social syste robots, they did not bow to their creators nor acted like slaves, instead preferring to use reason instead

On the topic of the God race, Han also heard a bit from Mild Wind

According to Mild Wind’s remnants of memory, Gods and Humans were almost exactly the same, and they all lived in the Milky Way initially Then, after a gene roup was split into two

In comparison to the humans, Gods were advanced Every newborn of the Gods had super powers, while one could only find one esper a 10,000 humans

Due to this difference, the God race decided that they were of a higher level Originally, they were all called hu to themselves as Gods

Then came the birth control, and then the Gods had to leave the Milky Way and their extinction sites were referred to as prehistoric relics


Han let out a long breath, he already heard bits and pieces of the history, but it’s the first tiave a complete history lesson to him, and when he heard that huinated from the same ancestor, he was quite surprised

“Then what about the sky eye? What’s the God’s sky eye like?” Han asked Mild Wind in curiosity

“Oh, that’s a source energy radiating organ Human espers have a doion, the source energy generating and storing organ, and Gods have that too”

“Aree brain region Although the God race has a suture in their forehead, the odds of so a sky eye out of the suture is only one in a billion The people with sky eye were referred to as Gods, and the so-called God race h I don’t have sky eye, but I’m in the same tribe as the people with a sky eye, so I’m said to come from the God’s race’”

“According todata, the Gods with sky eyes were very strong, and the normal people in the God’s race are equivalent to the espers in human race” Mild Wind answered

“Why did the God race have to leave the Milky Way?” Han asked Mild Wind in curiosity

“Learning robots were just some experimental products of that era Our history was very short before ere thrown here by the Gods, so the re information in my database is very little All I know is that it see else”

“How about dark apostles?”

“Sorry, I don’t have any relevant infor method of dark apostles is very similar to dark beasts and dark insects, maybe they are products left behind by the prehistoric civilization” Mild Wind answered

At thatto the robot’s ear

Mild Wind heard and then said to Han, “There’s also a genetically synthesized hu to the nest”

Han was shocked for a second and hurriedly said, “Genetically synthesized hu? That’s the dark apostle! He’s still not dead?!”

“Nest? What’s the nest?”

Mild Wind said, “The nest is where the queen of those bugs lives That queen bug is the ruler of this prison It has existed for a long ti as ere abandoned here And unlike those norence as well”