Part 68 (1/2)
”That's a nice name. Is that an Earth name?”
”An old Earth name, yes. Very old.”
”And are you from Earth?” she asked.
”No. Except in the sense that we're all from Earth.”
”Where, then?”
”I'd just as soon not talk about it,” I said.
She thought about that. ”You hated the place where you grew up that much?”
”Please, Vox -- ”
”Of course you hated it. Just like I hated Kansas Four. We're two of a kind, you and me. We're one and the same. You got all the caution and I got all the impulsiveness. But otherwise we're the same person. That's why we share so well. I'm glad I'm sharing with you, Adam. You won't make me leave, will you? We belong with each other. You'll let me stay until we reach Culde-Sac. I know you will.”
”Maybe. Maybe not.” I wasn't at all sure, either way.
”Oh, you will. You will, Adam. I know you better than you know yourself.”
So it began. I was in some new realm outside my established sense of myself, so far beyond my notions of appropriate behavior that I could not even feel astonishment at what I had done. I had taken her in, that was all. A stranger in my skull. She had turned to me in appeal and I had taken her in. It was as if her recklessness was contagious. And though I didn't mean to shelter her any longer than was absolutely necessary, I could already see that I wasn't going to make any move to eject her until her safety was a.s.sured.
But how was I going to hide her?
Invisible she might be, but not undetectable. And everyone on the s.h.i.+p would be searching for her.
There were sixteen crewmen on board who dreaded a loose matrix as they would a vampire. They would seek her as long as she remained at large. And not only the crew. The intelligences would be monitoring for her too, not out of any kind of fear but simply out of efficiency: they had nothing to fear from Vox but they would want the cargo manifests to come out in balance when we reached our destination.
The crew didn't trust me in the first place. I was too young, too new, too green, too sweet. I was just the sort who might be guilty of giving shelter to a secret fugitive. And it was altogether likely that her presence within me would be obvious to others in some way not apparent to me. As for the intelligences, they had access to all sorts of data as part of their routine maintenance operations. Perhaps they could measure tiny physiological changes, differences in my reaction times or circulatory efficiency or whatever, that would be a tipoff to the truth. How would I know? I would have to be on constant guard against discovery of the secret sharer of my consciousness.
The first test came less than an hour after Vox had entered me. The communicator light went on and I heard the far-off music of the intelligence on duty.
This one was 6l2 Jason, working the late s.h.i.+ft. Its aura was golden, its music deep and throbbing. Jasons tend to be more brusque and less condescending than the Henry series, and in general I prefer them. But it was terrifying now to see that light, to hear that music, to know that the s.h.i.+p's intelligence wanted to speak with me. I shrank back at a tense awkward angle, the way one does when trying to avoid a face-to-face confrontation with someone.
But of course the intelligence had no face to confront. The intelligence was only a voice speaking to me out of a speaker grid, and a stew of magnetic impulses somewhere on the control levels of the s.h.i.+p. All the same, I perceived 6l2 Jason now as a great glowing eye, staring through me to the hidden Vox.
”What is it?” I asked.
”Report summary, captain. The dead pa.s.senger and the missing matrix.”
Deep within me I felt a quick plunging sensation, and then the skin of my arms and shoulders began to glow as the chemicals of fear went coursing through my veins in a fierce tide. It was Vox, I knew, reacting in sudden alarm, opening the petc.o.c.ks of my hormonal system. It was the thing I had dreaded. How could 6l2 Jason fail to notice that flood of endocrine response?
”Go on,” I said, as coolly as I could.
But noticing was one thing, interpreting the data something else. Fluctuations in a human being's endocrine output might have any number of causes. To my troubled conscience everything was a glaring signal of my guilt. 6l2 Jason gave no indication that it suspected a thing.
The intelligence said, ”The dead pa.s.senger was Hans Eger Olafssen, 54 years of age, a native of -- ”
”Never mind his details. You can let me have a printout on that part.”
”The missing matrix,” 6l2 Jason went on imperturbably. ”Leeleaine Eliani, l7 years of age, a native of Kansas Four, bound for Cul-de-Sac, Vainglory Archipelago, under Transmission Contract No. D-l487l532, dated the 27th day of the third month of -- ”
”Printout on that too,” I cut in. ”What I want to know is where she is now.”
”That information is not available.”
”That isn't a responsive answer, 6l2 Jason.”
”No better answer can be provided at this time, captain. Tracer circuits have been activated and remain in constant search mode.”
”We have no data on the present location of the missing matrix.”
Within me Vox reacted instantly to the intelligence's calm flat statement. The hormonal response changed from one of fear to one of relief. My blazing skin began at once to cool. Would 6l2 Jason notice that too, and from that small clue be able to a.s.semble the subtext of my body's responses into a sequence that exposed my criminal violation of regulations?
”Don't relax too soon,” I told her silently. ”This may be some sort of trap.”
To 6l2 Jason I said, ”What data do you have, then?”
”Two things are known: the time at which the Eliani matrix achieved negation of its storage circuitry and the time of its presumed attempt at making neural entry into the suspended pa.s.senger Olafssen. Beyond that no data has been recovered.”
”Its presumed attempt?” I said.
”There is no proof, captain.”
”Olafssen's convulsions? The smas.h.i.+ng of the storage housing?”
”We know that Olafssen responded to an electrical stimulus, captain. The source of the stimulus is impossible to trace, although the presumption is that it came from the missing matrix Eliani. These are matters for the subsequent inquiry. It is not within my responsibilities to a.s.sign definite causal relations.h.i.+ps.”
Spoken like a true Jason-series intelligence, I thought.
I said, ”You don't have any effective way of tracing the movements of the Eliani matrix, is that what you're telling me?”
”We're dealing with extremely minute impedances, sir. In the ordinary functioning of the s.h.i.+p it is very difficult to distinguish a matrix manifestation from normal surges and pulses in the general electrical system.”
”You mean, it might take something as big as the matrix trying to climb back into its own storage circuit to register on the monitoring system?”
”Very possibly, sir.”
”Is there any reason to think the Eliani matrix is still on the s.h.i.+p at all?”
”There is no reason to think that it is not, captain.”
”In other words, you don't know anything about anything concerning the Eliani matrix.”
”I have provided you with all known data at this point. Trace efforts are continuing, sir.”
”You still think this is a trap?” Vox asked me.